View Full Version : Another weird one!

20th June 2010, 08:31 PM
I don't know what's up with these weird dreams but here it goes!I dreamed that I was in this unknown to me house in the kitchen and there were my three youngest kids and this man.The oldest of the 3 does not live with me.He is not welcome to my house now because of taking his brother's phone and using up all the minutes and for lying to my face that he never did it.In the dream I was cooking beef in some tomato sauce.The tomato sauce was already prepared and I took 3 bags of it from the pantry.I cut up the beef and put it on the stove and after it cooked I added the sauce and left it simmering and left the kitchen.When I came back ,my oldest was urinating in the kitchen sink and I started screaming at him and telling him to get out but then I woke up.Ooops ! I also remembered reading this letter and I was angry because it said that my eldest son was 19 and he couldn't go back to school.He is 16 now. Can these dreams get any weirder ? :shock: Please someone help me understand this dream !

20th June 2010, 08:54 PM
Hello, niki123.

You have a repeating dream symbol here - the beef (you're about to have). Look at the symbols - you're angry. You're cooking (inside)! You're simmering! ;) So, the symbols are rather straight-forward. Also the tomato sauce is red - red is a color often associated with anger. Like the red cloth that drives the bull insane in cartoons.

This is about processing your emotions about your son - as you can see later in the dream.

His action is also symbolic. Urinating can be relief, but indecent urinating means provocation and disrespect. So this might say that you feel disrespected by his behaviour. You certainly now make that symbolic anger literal and direct it at him.

The letter might mean that you're afraid and projecting that he might be ruining his future.

Where's the man you've mentioned at the beginning? He seems to be missing in the dream action you describe.

Be well,

21st June 2010, 04:28 PM
Thank you Oliver.I agree that's exactly how he makes me feel.Well,the man is there in my dream but not in the kitchen and he doesn't really do anything. :)

Hello, niki123.

You have a repeating dream symbol here - the beef (you're about to have). Look at the symbols - you're angry. You're cooking (inside)! You're simmering! ;) So, the symbols are rather straight-forward. Also the tomato sauce is red - red is a color often associated with anger. Like the red cloth that drives the bull insane in cartoons.

This is about processing your emotions about your son - as you can see later in the dream.

His action is also symbolic. Urinating can be relief, but indecent urinating means provocation and disrespect. So this might say that you feel disrespected by his behaviour. You certainly now make that symbolic anger literal and direct it at him.

The letter might mean that you're afraid and projecting that he might be ruining his future.

Where's the man you've mentioned at the beginning? He seems to be missing in the dream action you describe.

Be well,