View Full Version : An astral projection dream.

19th June 2010, 09:08 PM
I’d be interested to know your thoughts on an experience I had recently. Whilst snoozing in the afternoon I dreamed that I was astral projecting during which I was enjoying flying around etc. A short time later as I was becoming increasingly self-aware or lucid or conscious if you will, I remembered the many instructions in AP/OBE books in not thinking about one’s body to help prolong the experience. Unfortunately, in me thinking about not thinking about my body I inadvertently was drawn back to it and remember slowly re-joining. However.. I then ‘awoke’ and saw the room around me quite vividly only to then become aware that I was in fact still dreaming! At this point I became quite alarmed and fought my consciousness back to actual awakeness.

Has anyone else experienced this? What does it mean with regard to my learning controlled AP? Is it a common phenomenon?

Your thoughts and insights would be greatly appreciated.
With kind regards,

19th June 2010, 09:23 PM
Hello, Oversoul.

The phenomenon is common enough to have its own term - "false awakening," I think. IIRC you can look it up on "AD-Pedia" on this site.

The important thing is that you indeed achieved lucidity. I can't say how this will affect your ability to have a conscious OBE, but achieving lucidity is a very good sign in general and you might get to explore this further.

Be well,

20th June 2010, 09:04 AM
Dreams of astral projection commonly happen to people who are thinking about it a lot. It is just another aspect of life we can rehearse and process while sleeping. It's probable that you're fast approaching a projection you'll remember consciously.