View Full Version : hearing tones in meditation/obe

16th June 2010, 06:22 AM
i have recently got back into my meditation/projection routine after a few years of being "closed off". its been a couple weeks since i started again. i hear the constant tone that most of you are talking about, and i can manipulate it to an extent, but i had an experience last night that was extremely different. I was laying down on my back, and started my routine, with in seconds i could feel the usual vibrations(much quicker then usual) i noticed the constant high pitch tone was getting louder, so i focused in on it. as i did so i noticed it had almost a white noise background to it, which starting to increase aswell, until it was almost painful. the sound stopped suddenly at which point i was not longer aware of feeling my physical body, but could still feel the vibrations. i noticed a strange sound comming from nowhere and everywhere that was a rhythmic "bing, bing, bing" that got louder and faded with each wave of vibrations. the tone to me sounded like either a bell from a light house, or the ping sound of sonar, or perhaps both. i did not notice the feeling of any presence(which i can normally feel regardless of meditating or not). i had some sense that perhaps it was much like a lighthouse as in it was acting to guide me somewhere. any thoughts on this would be greatly appriciated, as i'd like to see and compare others experiences and ideas about it.

17th June 2010, 08:18 PM
Hallo Baalixan
Various noises and musical sounds are a common phenomena for many people both during meditation and when out of body. I hear high pitch ringing during mediation and occasionally have heard some very unusual sounds during an OBE. Some people believe that these sounds are the result of either --
1) a person becoming more astrally aware and/or
2) a person's chakras beginning to align properly and function efficiently and/or
3) a normal pre-projection (OBE) phenomenon that is experienced by some people and not by others.
Probably all three theories are interconnected. I will also note that extended 'deep' meditation tends to generate these sounds on a regular basis.

Hope this helps. 8)

19th June 2010, 10:02 AM
the sound i'm hearing is very isolated, it sounds like a muffle watch tower bell or sonar. musically it would be whole note pause whole pause whole pause, and by my ear the tone is of an E. there is a part of me the wants to say the tone is a guide of sorts, and perhaps leading me to progress. i am curious to hear what your guys thoughts are as to what it is, and how to progress further with this.....deep down, i know what it is, but i'd like some input or perhaps enlightenment

22nd June 2010, 01:37 AM
I have experienced the sound (the sonar) that you have heard. But it wasn't muffled, it was clear, and got louder as I fell to sleep, at that point it was unbearably loud, tortuously loud even. A scary experience.

I have heard it other times, but that one was pretty much the only bad experience I've had with it, I'm inclined to think it,s the sound of the third eye or crown chakra, but I really don't know. It may even be a precursor to a K event (I experienced one some time after this sound became audible, as well as the constant high pitched tone).


23rd June 2010, 06:51 AM
if it sounds muffled thats going with the light house interpretatio...as sonar it sounds completely clear. and yeah, as i got deeper it got louder, and closer. with each ring the vibrations surged. i didn't achieve obe during this session, but did sepperate, during which it got especially loud and kinda startled me back

ps it makes sense too what you said about the 3rd eye chakra, as during this experience i did feel pressure moving around that chakra, like fingers

1st March 2011, 10:16 PM
Perhaps the sounds you hear are simply sounds occuring due to an unrelated event that happens to be occuring in the astral at the time you are projecting/exiting from you body. It's been my experience that while this level of existance may play by a different set of physics (Metaphysics perhaps?) there are things occuring around you that are "external" and unrelated. I've heard sounds that had a seperate source from myself and had nothing to do with my OBE/Projection events. Remember, a different set of rules may apply, but it is still a viable world, with it's own environments, and fauna/flora so to speak.

12th November 2013, 04:55 AM
Hi there. I went to a transformational breathing class tonight and I experienced something different than what I had in the past. I did a search to try to find information about what it was, and came across this post.

I'll tell you about what I experienced and hope it's somehow beneficial. So after about 45 minutes of conscious deep breathing meditation, my mind drifted until I heard a ringing tone. It became increasingly louder to the point that I wasn't sure if it was coming from outside or from within. So I plugged my ears and it confirmed that I was hearing it in my head. Then I sort of lost myself in that tone, focusing my entire consciousness on just that tone. Soon it felt like I was that tone, I was a part of it, and that was all that existed. My self- my physical body and earthly existence in general- temporarily didn't exist or didn't matter I suppose. It felt like this tone was "god" (as I see it), which is all of existence. Slowly I became more aware of both the tone and the human form of me. So I sort of asked this tone what my purpose in life was, as it's something I've been trying to listen to. And my projected answer from it was "You know it and tomorrow you will go full-force towards it." Anyways, it was the end of the hour-long breathing meditation session, and the teacher told us to slowly come back and sit up. At this point the tone became a static sound like old-school televisions. At the end of the session, I told this to the teacher and she said that the tone was OM and the static sound is supposed to be the source of creation, somehow related to the big bang.

I'm still processing it and hope to learn more myself. Hopefully sharing my experience proves to be helpful to someone; if anything confirming that someone else has had a similar experience. If anyone else has had similar experiences, I would like to hear about it and your interpretation of what it means.

14th November 2013, 09:43 PM
. . . until I heard a ringing tone. It became increasingly louder to the point that I wasn't sure if it was coming from outside or from within. So I plugged my ears and it confirmed that I was hearing it in my head. Then I sort of lost myself in that tone, focusing my entire consciousness on just that tone. Soon it felt like I was that tone, I was a part of it, and that was all that existed. My self- my physical body and earthly existence in general- temporarily didn't exist or didn't matter I suppose. It felt like this tone was "god" (as I see it), which is all of existence.

For me this thread brought to mind a meditation exercise I read about a couple years ago. I believe it is in the book "The Five Tibetans" by Christopher Kilham. (My copy is in storage, so I can't quote it exactly.) After the 5 Tibetan yoga poses, he gives an example of a meditation or relaxation technique where, if one is advanced enough, one will hear a tone. He instructs his students to focus on the tone, and if I recall correctly, pwaltz's experience is pretty much a good description of what can happen.
Congratulations to all of you! I think I am more book smart than practice smart at this point!

15th November 2013, 01:54 AM
Happy synchronicity everyone! While reorganizing my stuff in preparation for a new journey, I uncovered the book in question ("The Five Tibetans" by Christopher Kilham). Here is the portion I was thinking of, in the chapter on Kundalini meditation, pgs. 79-81. The quote's a little long, but I hope you will find it helpful regarding this issue:
"Turn all your attention to the inside of your head and listen closely. Concentrate initially on the right side of the head, near the inner ear. There will be some sort of sound there. You may hear a light ringing, a soft buzzing, or something akin to a faint rumble. Listen as closely as you can to whatever you hear, with absolute attention. ...
"There are many sounds you might hear, including ringing bells, flute-like tones, falling water, buzzing, the sound of the ocean, and sounds like crickets and birds. ...
"With practice you will find yourself merging with the sound so fully that there is no way to differentiate where you end and the sound begins. You will find yourself in a heightened state of awareness. Remember, what this is all about is liberating energy so you can bring acute and well-honed attention to the moment."

15th November 2013, 02:40 AM
I do that when I'm trying to project. But to say what I came here to ask- I wonder why he says to concentrate on the right side of the head..

23rd November 2013, 05:52 AM
The buzzing sound is your pineal buzzing, various tones can be from other entities give you a signal or frequency from earth

23rd November 2013, 04:11 PM
Actually, there is the theory that the buzzing is caused by the stereocilia in your inner ear, that are polarized but not stimulated by any sound, causing what amounts to the organic version of white noise. Does the pineal gland even buzz, and why would it be perceived auditorily?

23rd November 2013, 06:06 PM
Same sound as buzzing from a bee or after doing a long OMM..

I got this from da13thsun

6th June 2014, 10:54 AM
i am experiencing the high frequency when meditating. from what i have read it happens when you are in meditation. as you get close to OBE, your mental body is getting close to the 4th dimension or astral plane. As you get closer it will get louder. What this means is you basically have to raise your energy to get into the astral, so as you get closer the freqency or frequencies will get louder and higher, and become 1 tone. You experience body vibration as your energy level rises just before you separate.