View Full Version : A trail of baby clothes

14th June 2010, 01:19 PM
This one also from last night.

I find myself on a rather steep grassy slope. I don't remember what I'm doing there, there was something before, but I get distracted by finding some baby/toddler clothes on the ground. This slightly worries me - it is night, how are the clothes coming here?

I follow the slope on the same level, near the top but not at the top. I find more and more clothes. Now I think there's a building up there, maybe. There are boxes and I think they contain clothes and shoes maybe, like they are out to dry, possibly. No idea. But the baby clothes are on the ground like somebody left them there.

I follow the trail to a set of bushes. In the wet ground I find little round prints that I think might be baby footprints, but even in the dream I wonder about the shape. I part the bushes, go forward and look down a hole. Down in the hole, which is a shaft, sits a little baby girl in a shirt and her pampers, beaming at me.

For a short moment I think the baby might have fallen into the hole, only to realise that the hole is some sort of entry point to a building. The building reminds me of a garage. The parents come out the side of the building, and there's another strange entry point blocked by something that looks like a computer (?), but the device is shifted aside, you can see the light inside and a dog emerges.

I explain how I got there following a trail of clothes. They invite me around the corner and I get into a town, and they explain that she (the baby is a girl) sometimes does stuff like this - escaping and so on. I offer to retrieve the clothes.

As I set out to retrieve the clothes on the slope the toddler joins me and I pick her up. The scene has changed a little from what I remember and I have some trouble finding the piles of clothes I made before, but I retrieve them.

Not sure whether their parents know their baby is with me I start to talk out loud so they might hear me, but also to talk to the baby, too. For some strange reason I start to imitate a rock guitar solo just for fun.

I return to the town, but nobody awaits me. I enter the house and meet the mother, I think. But now she's a big lady in a tacky dress with a feather boa. I think I see this from outside, and I also change to be some older guy (in a similarly tacky dress-up for a male) and now strangely remark that I need to leave because I have a meeting. She exclaims "At 10pm? That must be St. Petersburg!" How odd. I wake up.

If this would not make sense at all I wouldn't be surprised, as I was tipsy when I went to bed. ;)

Finding a baby in some sort of basement room, visible from outside through a shaft? Sounds like womb imagery to me. It snuck in there. The baby and I have immediate rapport, and holding a baby to my shoulder is a wonderful way to connect, I like that.

I don't know why the trail of clothes.

The steep slope has been present in another recent dream, where I made it to the top and met my soul in the form of a woman and my ego/judging mind in form of a man.

St. Petersburg - I have no association with the city itself that I know of. I just know that "Munich" has been symbolic for me twice as "Monaco" (München is a variety of the German word for monk as well, I think), and a town named after "Saint Peter" might have similar connotation. In Bavarian Catholic folk tradition St. Peter sits at the golden gate of heaven with his big book, kind of like Santa's list. I'm not Catholic, though.

Input welcome. :)
