View Full Version : The Cabin in the Forest

13th June 2010, 01:48 PM
2010 06 13
Note: This was a very emotionally charged dream, and I felt quite upset for a while after I've woken up. It's unusual for me to get this worked up over things in real life.

I am at a lodge out in the deep green forest with one of my best friends and his christian family. The are fundamentalists and very traditional in their christian beliefs. I sleep in a room next to the dining room, and my friends younger sister comes in. She does not exist in real life. She is a lovely girl. She is only wearing underwear. I have nothing but underwear on either. We talk and connect mentally and emotionally.

His father comes in, sees us, and interprets it as the worst possible scenario for him, being a christian. He thinks we’ve had sex, although this is not the case, and he erupts. I get really angry with him as well.

Here there are mixed feelings. I want to make my own choices and he has no right to impose on them. He does not own his daughter. His rules and regulations are made up and they constrict me although I have not even associated with her in that way.

I tell it straight to his face, he seems to stagger a bit, but his love for the religious doctrines gets the better of him.

He chases me out the house. I run past my dear friend. He’s heard it all, the argument, but he just sit there eating his food and pretends not to notice. I don’t know if we’ll be alright at this stage, but I am hurt because he’s not taking my stance here. I feel abandoned. I know that I cannot care about what he thinks, but I do.

I run out into the forest. The man stops outside the cabin, and yells to me that I should continue running. I get the feeling he’s about the let loose the dogs on me. I sense danger, but I am not afraid. And I wake up.

13th June 2010, 03:16 PM

"It's unusual for me to get this worked up over things in real life." - F2A

therein is the "running" from your very self/life. for the "real life" is that which when freed would be "worked up", thus "overcoming all things".

learn to read your own wording, and see how to unlearn your errors in thinking.

only you can teach your pupiled self...bro, by allowing your pupiled self to teach you that which is worthy of being taught.

thus, you alone validate your self as being worthy. listen to your self, otherwise your self goes unheard by you.

when my world fell down around me in a shambles, i realized one thing alone, my vast ignorance in and of my self. beyond a short vocabulary for communicating with said world, i had no means with which to articulate this me's purpose. so I began to learn from this me fallen into shambles, disentangling my self from the debri by understanding the debri. and in it was reaped undeniable worthiness and self-validation, that stood up and walked on into newness of life articulating it's self.



13th June 2010, 04:06 PM

"It's unusual for me to get this worked up over things in real life." - F2A

therein is the "running" from your very self/life. for the "real life" is that which when freed would be "worked up", thus "overcoming all things".

learn to read your own wording, and see how to unlearn your errors in thinking.

only you can teach your pupiled self...bro, by allowing your pupiled self to teach you that which is worthy of being taught.

thus, you alone validate your self as being worthy. listen to your self, otherwise your self goes unheard by you.

:shock: Maaan that really makes sense!

Thanks Tim! :mrgreen:

13th June 2010, 10:21 PM
I am at a lodge out in the deep green forest with one of my best friends and his christian family.

This could potentially be an area of repose where you feel connected to all that is natural and in communion with yourself. The forest is a symbol of the subconscious and all that is instinctual.

I notice your choice of the word “lodge” which may have other connotations to a cabin or being in a place temporarily, such a meeting room and the body of members that meet there. This makes sense if you see all your dream characters as aspects of you interacting.

The are fundamentalists and very traditional in their christian beliefs.

There is a side of you that is in someway a strict and uncompromising adherent.

I sleep in a room next to the dining room, and my friends younger sister comes in.

You’re recently awakened to a possibility but, while close to dining on it, you are not yet ready to feast your mind.

She does not exist in real life. She is a lovely girl.

But she does exist as anima (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anima_(Jung))

She is only wearing underwear. I have nothing but underwear on either. We talk and connect mentally and emotionally.

Wearing underwear could mean more than one thing. It can be your private aspects (emotions, thoughts, impulses, desires, plans). It can represent vulnerability but, in this case, it’s on equal terms - it's not the girl who is a threat but the father. It strikes me as a very simple, honest and innocent image within your dream.

His father comes in, sees us, and interprets it as the worst possible scenario for him, being a christian. He thinks we’ve had sex, although this is not the case, and he erupts. I get really angry with him as well.

So this is about being misunderstood or misunderstanding yourself due to programming and such misunderstanding interferes with the peaceful union/integration between your male and female aspects. The father represents your conventional side. He lays down the law. Some aspects of the father must be overthrown if one is to emerge as a fully individuated person.

Interestingly, the daughter is the partial offspring of the father. She is new - the next generation.

Here there are mixed feelings. I want to make my own choices and he has no right to impose on them. He does not own his daughter. His rules and regulations are made up and they constrict me although I have not even associated with her in that way.

You are feeling constricted by some form of conditioning that inhibits deeper self-exploration.

I tell it straight to his face, he seems to stagger a bit, but his love for the religious doctrines gets the better of him.
This is an internal conflict where you confront your own belief system. As it is hard to defy parents for whom we have respect, it is also difficult to relinquish aspects of old belief systems that have served well enough until the present.

He chases me out the house. I run past my dear friend. He’s heard it all, the argument, but he just sit there eating his food and pretends not to notice. I don’t know if we’ll be alright at this stage, but I am hurt because he’s not taking my stance here. I feel abandoned. I know that I cannot care about what he thinks, but I do.

This is the part of yourself that can go on being in denial about other needs because it can sate itself.

I run out into the forest. The man stops outside the cabin, and yells to me that I should continue running. I get the feeling he’s about the let loose the dogs on me. I sense danger, but I am not afraid. And I wake up.

You understand that to further explore this aspect in yourself may unleash chaos but you’re willing to face that.

14th June 2010, 11:28 AM
Hello, fw2a.

I strongly agree with Beekeeper here. Very good interpretation.

I am at a lodge out in the deep green forest

Deep green forest - this is about growth in a deep way. Something is "lodged" (stuck) here maybe?

with one of my best friends and his christian family. The are fundamentalists and very traditional in their christian beliefs.

This could be your personal symbol for extremely inflexible beliefs.

I sleep in a room next to the dining room, and my friends younger sister comes in. She does not exist in real life. She is a lovely girl. She is only wearing underwear. I have nothing but underwear on either. We talk and connect mentally and emotionally.

You present to yourself a deep, satisfying connection to another person that is not sexual. It is love in its purest sense. Maybe you still feel more comfortable presenting love in the context of being close to a woman, but I think this whole scene of sitting and talking in your underwear is about true intimacy.

His father comes in, sees us, and interprets it as the worst possible scenario for him, being a christian. He thinks we’ve had sex, although this is not the case, and he erupts. I get really angry with him as well.

This is the conventional view that links sexuality, love and intimacy in ways which you know within they aren't. You know from within that this view is wrong, and you feel resentment.

Here there are mixed feelings. I want to make my own choices and he has no right to impose on them. He does not own his daughter. His rules and regulations are made up and they constrict me although I have not even associated with her in that way.

Social convention is always arbitrary to a degree. It's normal to feel constricted by it at some point.

I tell it straight to his face, he seems to stagger a bit, but his love for the religious doctrines gets the better of him.

Society itself is a slow changer. Confrontation is not the way out.

He chases me out the house. I run past my dear friend. He’s heard it all, the argument, but he just sit there eating his food and pretends not to notice. I don’t know if we’ll be alright at this stage, but I am hurt because he’s not taking my stance here. I feel abandoned. I know that I cannot care about what he thinks, but I do.

You would like to be defended or validated and are hurt that you don't get it.

I run out into the forest. The man stops outside the cabin, and yells to me that I should continue running. I get the feeling he’s about the let loose the dogs on me. I sense danger, but I am not afraid. And I wake up.

You switch from confrontation (which did not work) to running. You feel like that a possible consequence of openly confronting convention could be some sort of backlash.

Be well,

14th June 2010, 01:12 PM
she exists as all which is feminine (soul), as well as from that feminine, giving to all which is masculine (heart) as it has come through her.

who hasnt come through the Mother?

we sometimes get lost with the adam's rib story, but the story pans out locationally to the body, as that location which from, yearning would bring her as lover to the beloved.

of course, this would also mean, that prior to he would have had to 'turned', and from that 'turning' a yearning in a mystical sense unlike what we'd understand in the normal sense of the word 'yearning'.

there are several meanings to the purposeful term 'intercourse'.

suffice to say, that this yearning is as 13 repentances leading to love's freedom, or even 13 stations leading to the ultimate crucifixion of christ, where in completed at the 14th station she the horizontal within he the vertical ascend as one whole body of in absolute union. again, a mystical rendering...

13 moons, the fulness of a year. 13 bactuns, the fulness of the reach of ages...etc.

newlyweds, wherein he standing with her horizontally in his arms carrys her over the 'threshold'.

tis why we dwell upon it, for that which is whole may cross over, no more and no less.

the mystical marriage of two that are One.

may your Mindful Life be filled to running over in it's wholeness with Heart and Soul as One,


16th June 2010, 12:31 PM
Very interesting interpretations everyone. I'll look into it more closely...