View Full Version : Been having troubles, wondering if it's kundalini.
12th June 2010, 02:21 AM
I have been having intense spiritual troubles for some time now. They're complicated and you can read about them in the help request forum.
I was wondering if perhaps they could be caused by kundalini flowing backwards and pooling somewhere it shouldn't. And if so, is there anyone I can go to for help, or anything I can do about it?
12th June 2010, 03:06 AM
Perhaps fasting and tuning in practices are what you need to cleanse and clarify.
• Heart Tree Meditation—This is the principle meditation for building up the spindle cell network, ie: the apex of emotional integration of body-mind-soul. While lying in bed, interlace your fingers and cup your hands at the bottom of the sternum with the sense that you are holding the root ball of the Heart Tree. Drop the tongue into the belly and cease thought by feeling into the heart. Look up with your eye balls and pull your Mind's Eye into the frontal area of the brain and see-feel a branched tree reaching up into the prefrontal cortex and crown; while feeling the roots of the tree in your heart amplified by your interlocked hands. As you do this you are setting up a resonant field from the heart direct to the spindle network, thereby greatly feeding the sovereign self with the nectar of conscious presence. You will need to breathe more deeply and slowly to maintain your grip on this high energy state. This is a mainline feeding of the higher circuits and the principle means of non-self-abandonment or conscious incarnation. You will encounter your Borg self trying to fight you for attention, but just drop whatever inconsequential thing it tries to bring up and go back always to this primary linkup of the heart, the tree of spindle cells and prefrontal lobes (Uraeus or the all seeing eye). Do this meditation daily along with the Light Sword and Uraeus Meditation and Royal Jelly for the fastest route to sovereignty and a deep, grounded sense of wholeness. With regular Heart Tree Meditation the niggling issues of mundane reality disappear into the peace and love of indescribable unity.
12th June 2010, 04:40 AM
Spiritual awakening can, indeed, be the cause of all kinds of strange and troubling symptoms. When it becomes very unstable, it slips into what's known as spiritual emergency (just to note, this is actually listed in the "bible" of the American psychiatric community, the DSM IV, though hardly any psychiatrists have a clue about it).
A few links, in case you want to read more: ... gency.html ( ... dxcas.html ( ... ollie.html (
See if any of that resonates with you.
12th June 2010, 03:33 PM
Let me explain my current symptoms and see if you think kundalini fits.
I myself am feeling restricted, as if being squeezed by some outside force. I am aware of parts of my mind or energy doing things without my intention, and I am unable to get to these parts.
I am constantly feeling as if I am in other people's energetic space, and that they may perhaps even be caused harm because of this, but I cannot reach or interact with the parts of me that are doing this because I myself
am restrained or squeezed, unable to move.
I am losing my sense of self because I am feeling all these other peopele's energy, and I am having extreme sensations of deep psychological duress because I feel as if I am somehow causing harm to those around me and
cannot figure out how to get into my own personal space and stay there.
I feel immensly blocked in more ways than I can write about, and my normal sense of internal space is completely skewed and messed up. For example moving energy around the body becomes extremely difficult and confusing. Whereas before this was always easy.
I feel as if some very basic and important part of my core being is somehow completely screwed up, or is actively being messed with by something.
Does this sound like possible kundalini issues?
12th June 2010, 03:43 PM
Does this sound like possible kundalini issues?
Honestly, to me it sounds like panic/anxiety disorder.
12th June 2010, 05:58 PM
It's not panic or anxiety. It's either energetic in nature, or I've developed psychosis.
I've recently started taking tranquilizers, and while they do help me sleep and resolve the stress, they do not in the least affect any of the symptoms I've described.
12th June 2010, 07:39 PM
Hello, almightyzentaco.
Please try to ground a lot, cease all energy work. Pursue whatever relaxes you, try to abstain from all stimulants. Get enough sleep, exercise, enjoy nature, music, being with people you like.
Perhaps you should also consult with a therapist, because this could have to do with unprocessed issues. The more issues remain lying around, undealt with, the more they seem to have a life of their own. Some people can feel this happening on an energetic level or in their aura, but what is your aura if not your very own consciousness? Your "inner senses" perceive in part the reality of your own mind, and your energy system might be playing out the conflicting forces in your own consciousness.
Processing with a therapist could be a good way to release this, also you have someone at your side while doing this work who also can provide you with a reality check whenever you need one.
Take good care,
12th June 2010, 07:48 PM
If you sincerely have concerns that you may be psychotic, you should see a doctor. (Have to say that, it's part of the job description.) Psychosis is nothing to mess around with, and it can make you more vulnerable to spiritual entities who might not have your highest good as their intent.
That being said, I can't guess what's going on with you. The symptoms could be a lot of things, including a spiritual emergency. When I was going through spiritual transformation, I had some pretty awful symptoms, including what looked like psychosis, and what was actually diagnosed as bipolar disorder (haven't got either of those things now).
As I said, have a look at the information at the other end of the links, and see if it makes sense to you. There are ways to make yourself more comfortable if it is spiritual in nature, and if it isn't, that will become clear soon enough (because no measures you take will help) and you really should see a doctor. If you can get the symptoms sorted out, you can move forward, no matter what the origin of the problems.
12th June 2010, 09:57 PM
I agree with Oliver and CaterpillarWoman, that a therapist would be of help.
I did already recommend a regression therapist here:
A regression therapist most likely will help you to actually work on the source of the problem, while a doctor might mostly just try to suppress the symptoms. Of course there might be other therapists that might help, if they are aware of the existence of the spiritual world (so the therapist does not just think you are crazy).
12th June 2010, 11:17 PM
Of course there might be other therapists that might help, if they are aware of the existence of the spiritual world (so the therapist does not just think you are crazy).
They're called transpersonal psychologists. I've notice Rei Williams, who recently joined these fora, is one.
13th June 2010, 01:58 AM
The problems itself are pretty bad, but what's bothering me most is the overwhelming feeling that people are being damaged by me and my energy. I hope that the problem is, in fact, psychosis. I know it's not something pleasant, but it's sure better than the idea of people suffering because of me and my problems.
24th June 2010, 11:18 PM
If it at all helps, I've never felt harmed by interacting with you.
25th June 2010, 02:15 AM
In answer to your question, yes, this could quite probably be Kundalini related. A lot of psycho/spiritual maladies (including volatile enegies) are. As I have said elsewhere, Kundalini is a beast and you will either tame it, or be its victim - and my money's on you.
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