View Full Version : Conception question

Astral Vegan
9th June 2010, 09:15 PM
Hi Robert,
I have read all your books and I have had some vivid astral projections. This question is about spirit guides and conception. During the week I got pregnant in October of 2009 I could "see" about 5-6 human like shapes standing near me constantly and one of them was strongly influencing me to have sex by placing a "hand" on my genital area. It seems they were there to make sure I got pregnant....and I did. This is my first pregnancy and a baby boy is due July 10 2010. The reason I was able to see them I think is several times I have been able to see the real time zone while I am awake...for instance I woke up one night to see my husband's astral body floating above him, and the silver cord attached to the back of his head. I think this is why I was able to "see" (feel) these entities near me for that entire week.

Q: Were these "spirit guides" or do you know who or what they may have been? Do you think this is a common occurrence for conceptions?


Robert Bruce
24th June 2010, 01:52 PM

I do not know what these beings are.

Some women report similar things around the time of conception, others have no experience like this.

This is not a common experience, seeing beings like this.
