View Full Version : Dream suicide

8th June 2010, 06:38 AM
Last night I dreamt very vividly that I was an Indian woman who lived in a clearing in a jungle. I was going to commit suicide for some reason,(now forgotten) & took advice about it from my "brother" (also Indian) who was a doctor, dressed in a smart white suit.

I went to get a venemous snake from some other place, & carried back wrapped in cloth & old socks, (?) wriggling a bit.

I said its name was "Sahk" (?) My brother/doctor said I should not let it bite anyone else first, as that would reduce its venom, which he said was "neurological toxin" (words in my mind as I awoke)

I held it up,fascinated, careful not to let it bite me before I felt ready; my brother left me alone to do the deed. I was just about to let it bite me, when I woke up, rather disturbed by what I had just dreamt.

I tried to get up then, but found there was somehting heavy & lumpy next to my left leg, & soon realized it was my own right leg, completely paralysed. (I suffer from hemiplegic migraine) It took a few minutes for the paralysis to pass over, but I still don't feel "right"

Now, I'm wondering whther the HM in this life is perhaps the result of a suicide in a past life, as in the dream. . . . I have been so well for several months now, with Robert Bruce's kind distance-healing help!?

8th June 2010, 06:41 AM
Hello, sono.

Sometimes recovering a past-life memory can assist in healing something chronic from this life. Mishell told about her own experiences with this, and I read it in some of her books, too.

Did this feel real to you? Would you think it is a symbolic dream or could it be a past-life fragment? What do your "guts" say?

Take care,

8th June 2010, 07:20 AM
Thanks, Korpo - yes, it did feel very real-life to me - I know it could have been "just" my body warning of an impending attack of paralysis, but it seemed so much more at the time. . . all the connotations of serpent, neurotoxin, etc - yet I felt that I was "someone else" in another time/era, yet "myself - very unsettling! (Although I do have "another life" as a "soldier woman" who guards an island, with a huge gun I can barely lift, although in that recurring dream I am amazingly muscled, strong, & also a member of a different, darker race!)

But my immediate interpretation of the suicide was that I had done it before, & "this was the result". . .


8th June 2010, 06:23 PM
I beg to ask, "what is "real life"?"....in having said, "yes, it felt like real life to me".

and why must everthing misunderstood be morphed into a 'fear scenario' of warning?

also, this would have been an actual ritual utilizing 'snake bite toxin' in the purpose of laying down the ordinary life preparatory to new life, or that life of a medicine man. the "suicide" wasn't an actual rendering of the physical life unto death, but rather mastering the ordinary life by killing out its grasp upon the being whom from it did without knowing what it was they were doing in the spiritual sense.

as the uncommon pov enters into such a ritual it is not at all odd that fear to terror would arise in the outcoming loss of ordinary life as the primary pov. however, the attending medicine man having done this and having most certainly been there, is the assurance for that which is seemingly from the ordinary crossing over to the primary spiritual.

so, it is a good dream, and not necessarily a past life view, for our ancestors are always with us within our dna presently carried. such that, even as one is unawares, their proxmity to readiness is always within the present moment, to be reached as if through time, yet spiritually there is no sesne of time, therefore the ritual dreamed instead of appearing in the world where it is no longer availed by the distance realtive to one's origins via the dna.

in the spiritual sense there is neither past nor future, for even as you are NOW, it is true that one's offspring leading forth via the dna are in there projected being in the present.

it (spiritual/human dna) is as if a spiral stairway reaching through time, the true self is that complete and the fullness of the entirety of the stairway, it reaching through time.

the journey, though as you presently being, is in this fullness completely finished. one, however, given any life in and of it, is ever in the center as well, like a book spreading forth from the center of itself, neither having beginning nor end, infinitely reaching from that center ever and anon.

point being, that you as you presently are, are more than capable of freeing yourself from the grasp of ordinary being, and thus assuming your rightful central placement in your 'all' of beingness.

it is not a matter of worthiness by stepped initiatory process, for in truth, it is ever finished merely in the awakening to it as your true self in the center. is it not You who presently senses the world, even still, that reach before you and beyond you, are the many with which is your very present composition of life for you the living?

does this mean that one doesnt have to die, to experience death? no it does not.

but, it rather means, that to live well is to understand that life is equally about dying well, these two ever in the same moment where potential and possibility meet as you.

there is nothing worth taking all the way to the grave, for in death, as the eye of the needle, nothing but you goes through it in the crossing over. therefore the ritual aided the ordinary to cross over in the given life at hand before physical death would render the life null and void of the spiritual pov beyond the ordinary, that it may be utilized in the given moment.

but let's not mistake the medicine man as a magician working magic. far from it. for every utility expressive of man is also in the expression outlying for use. thus the choice in this particular ritual of snake venom...if ya get my drift. or to say, that cause and effect are inseparable, that the poisin and the cure are one and the same.

with words it is hard to convey, but that is my best shot at it.



9th June 2010, 03:16 AM
Si, si claro que entiendo. . . y muchas gracias! (you spanish?) That was brilliant,stream-of-consciousness. . . thank you for taking so much trouble - I was relating the whole scenario simply to my "illness" when looking at the dream. . . . :idea: lights on!!

9th June 2010, 02:20 PM
i wish to mention that the ordinary life is not to be killed out, but merely that 'grasp' which the ordinary life has over the person's pov. this ordinary life is the spiritual life when that 'grasp' is given over in and of 'grace'.

no, not spanish here. just felt to put "comprende' " there, oddly enough. :wink:

i guess all folks think in their given languages from birth through formative childhood years. they call that 'aculturation' i reckon so.

i would try and learn spanish, but seeing as how fast it is fluidly spoken i'd just as soon not be stuttering about in my slower thinking of less fluid english. seems like that the closer to latin one gets the more fluid such language gets.

but then i imagine kanji is still more fluid where within each symbolic pictorial representation are paragraphs of definitive data. such a language almost dictates the positive carrying forth of cultural history i think.

where english seems to be counter-productive toward forgetfulness of history's proven truths wherefrom much could be avoided in the repetitious re-proving.

odd, how the whole global pursuit is to speak english in the greater economy of the almighty dollar.

but kanji would seem to me to best represent how our human memory works, whereby a spoken short word in the language labels a deep pictorial of symbolic representation requiring a known and understood historical and referential background by the individual. such is as the carrier of wisdom reaped from a culture through time.

anywho, i was about to delete my above reply, thinking it was of no help at all, and only lending to further confusion.

perhaps your illness is in it's recovery then? given the nature of the dream, cured by an ancestral member prehaps. faith is a funny thang, it will cure ya, or without it, the lack will kill ya.

well...what doesnt kill ya only makes you stronger, i reckon. no trouble taken friend. i love every reply, no matter how foolish is may come across.

be strong in your Faith,


10th June 2010, 03:23 AM
Hi again, & thanks again - off topic: interesting, I'm going to look into kanji . . .speak Thai, wonder if there's a resemblance, at least as far as the totally different mindset goes in comparison to western languages -& I agree re the English thing!