View Full Version : dead friend part 2

Neil Templar
7th June 2010, 09:59 AM
as i lay in bed this morning, awake but drifting in and out of different states -

i found myself in the car park behind a row of houses, it's a steep hill.
me and my friends would play there on our bikes and skateboards as kids.
there was an audience sitting there, and at the bottom of the hill, seemed to be a tv show being recorded.
kinda Jerry Springer type chat show.
two of my (adult) friends are being interviewed by the host. they're putting on real rough accents, and telling stories about life together. looks like they're enjoying themselves.
then a few more people come into the audience, and i see one guy who looks just like my friend Gary, who died a few years back. i know it's not him, he's dead, besides, the guy is alot older, and has a moustache, and only looks like him. not identical. still, it's kinda weird, seeing someone who reminds me of Gary so much.

i turn around and grab someone, to say "hey, that guy looks just like Gary!"
"Gary. Gary Ralston! he's dead" then i look at the guy i've grabbed, and it IS Gary! :shock:
he's exactly as i remember him.

then Gary says "i thought i was dead?"
"is that you Gary?" i ask. but he doesn't seem to know his own name.
we walk over to the fence, away from the crowd.
he looks like a man who's forgotten everything, but it's all still there somewhere.
i ask him again, "is it really you Gary?"
then i ask, "how old are you?"
he answers "erm, about 26, 27, 28?" he doesn't seem to know.

by this time i'm rather excited about being with Gary. i turn away, expecting him to disappear when i turn back, but no, he's still there. again, i give him a chance to disappear, still there. 8)

then i remember that this isn't the first time i've bumped into him since he died.
last time, he was covered in what looked like scars, from the accident.
(he died in a car crash, very bad one)
now, however, he looks whole again. young, healthy, just as he did in life. no scars.

"it's good to see you" i tell him.
he smiles, that infectious cheeky grin that made everybody love him so much in life..

7th June 2010, 12:47 PM
Hello, Neil.

In a recent dream I dreamed of a steep hill, and on the top I met someone representing my soul. My personal interpretation was that the steep hill at the time was the mental plane, but also my personal relation to it, representing that I still find it difficult to an extent to achieve certain states of consciousness.

So, whatever state of consciousness it is for you, over time the hill might get less steep. An ascending hill might usually be a good representation for any nonphysical plane, as it always stretches "upward" towards the next-higher plane and Source, at least I saw it represented as such with Kurt.

The mental plane is a likely location for meeting a not-so-recently deceased friend. There are several stages of processing, and the scars you saw on him could have meant dealing with the actual shock of dying, the trauma. He seems to be beyond this step, as he also asks "i thought i was dead?" But his lack of accurate memory could indicate he needs to do more life processing before he could be considered lucid and coherent in this state.

It would be fascinating to know if the audience was actually composed of discarnates being entertained by people who share their current life experience. The Jerry Springer kind of style would be appropriate - it represents the dramas played out in the physical world, and your friends would represent the immersed perspective. Also watching stuff like Jerry Springer has a cathartic function, so maybe something similar is going on here, too.

Lovely experience. :D
