View Full Version : United Nations dream ?

5th June 2010, 03:42 PM
After we have suffered this heat due to my unwillingness to turn on the AC because I was unwilling to spend anymore money for my electric bill,yesterday night I gave in because it was just too hot here and that allowed me at least to sleep better than usual so I remember this dream,lol.Sorry for the lenghty introduction.I dreamed that I was hired by the UN and I started to work doing paperwork.I was taken into this huge room with desks and chairs and partitions, computers and people were there at their desks.I recognized this elderly man I met before and I went and sat down right next to his desk and I asked him how was he and he said ok.I knew that at his last job he was on an extended leave of absence.In RL I am not looking for a job but my mother was working for UN before she retired.I was surprised to be working for the UN and I was wondering how much I was going to be paid.I finished some paperwork and we went to lunch and they provided the lunch but I can't say that I liked it.You had to make your own hamburger and the meat patties looked very unappetizing to say the least.Yuck !I ate some fruit mix and went back to shuffling papers,lol.After I was ready to leave someone told me that I was supossed to leave the white blouse I was wearing there and change it everyday but I told her that I had nothing to wear and that I was going to bring it back tomorrow.That's how it ended.Working for the UN ?I wish.Do you know how much the translators there make? I do.What does this dream mean ?United Nations ? This is a strange one allright! :shock: :o

5th June 2010, 06:01 PM
Hello, niki123.

The miserable meat patties made me think of beef. Do you have some unappetizing beef with someone at the moment?

If you had no personal contact through your life with the UN, I would think the UN could mean a spirit of cooperation (the ideal one would hope would underlie the "United Nations"), or maybe difficult negotations.

Of course the idea of communication difficulties could come to mind, especially since your mother was interpreter. The job of the interpreters is to enable communications, and you are put to work in this context. So, maybe in some area of your life you have to work on better communications.

Combine this with the possible idea of "having beef" (for lunch), but with someone - maybe this needs better communication (the UN work you go back to instead) instead.

Be well,