View Full Version : The front line of darkness

5th June 2010, 07:49 AM
2010 06 05 02:15

Note: This dream felt completely real, and was one of the most intense of my life. This is also the first time I've dreamt about this friend.

I was staying in a very high and beautiful tower. It felt similar to the Jedi Council tower in appearance. In the centre of the tower was the living room, and then there were different rooms arching out in a circle from it. These rooms belonged to friends that I knew , but no one was home. I went into one of these rooms, and heard the front door open, the door to the whole dorm complex.
I felt caught, like I was intruding in this persons privacy, and quickly got out. The person who opened the outer door was my dear friend, who died in a car accident two years ago.

Feelings surged through me, and I gained a bit of lucidity, as I ran and hugged him closely. His eyes had changed, they were almond shaped, almost feminine, and he seemed smaller and younger than I remembered him.
He is very surprised to see me, and had trouble focusing on me being there. He also seemed in a hurry to get away from something.

He asked me if I could tell him something about what’s going on? I seemed to know. I thought to myself: This is my moment! I could finally help someone for real! “You know, you are god. (And a rambled on for a few moments)”
He did seem to listen, but he did not register. He looked out the window.

The orange sunset was slowly swallowed by darkness. Then there were formations of bright yellow dots, aircrafts, coming this way, and AA flak guns firing flaming rounds into the sky. They were very high up in the air, almost above us, like an avalanche ruthlessly breaking all resistance. I felt despair, and a great urge to flee. There was a war going on, and that’s why he was running. I asked him: “How long do we have until the front line gets here?” He says: “Three minutes at max.”

I felt very, very threatened by this. I felt like I would be caught in this place forever if I were to late to leave. I asked him: “Should I leave?” The answer was yes. I focused on waking up, something I’ve never done before, and I felt my body, and got out.

5th June 2010, 09:00 AM
Hello, farewell2arms.

Would you friend have any reason to fear war, or was there a big struggle in his life he would picture outward? And you?

Also the Jedi are practically a symbol for eternal struggle - inward and outward.

If this was like visiting him in the afterlife, the question would be what struggle he could not resolve. The feeling of "realness" could be a hint this would be the case. If this was a dream about your own situation, the question would be - what does your friend mean to you and what struggle could it be for you?

Be well,

5th June 2010, 06:55 PM
Hello, farewell2arms.

Would you friend have any reason to fear war, or was there a big struggle in his life he would picture outward? And you?

Also the Jedi are practically a symbol for eternal struggle - inward and outward.

The dark night of the soul is upon me again, been for 4 days now.

A couple of small realizations came: I am really my higher self, it's not some dude up in the astral. Your concentration practice has helped me overcome the trust issues I have had. I have not had faith in myself. I could give freely of myself to others, but I dared not truly recieve anything, a fear of being bare-stripped, I guess.

But there is no end of the dark night here. I am at my parents now. When I was a kid my mum would always look after me. She had kind eyes. But now all I see is an artificial block of illusion. And there's God there, too. There's only equality now. I don't know what it means to be a son anymore. Its just a role, roleplaying. Sucks.

I'll surrender. I know it'll turn out right in the end. :wink:

Look at me, playing tough. She was the best mum ever, though.

Sorry for the rant, everyone. Just had to get it out of my system.

5th June 2010, 07:26 PM
Hello, farewell2arms.

A couple of small realizations came: I am really my higher self, it's not some dude up in the astral.

Yes, only you can realise that. More will follow of this in good time.

I could give freely of myself to others, but I dared not truly recieve anything, a fear of being bare-stripped, I guess.

Sounds a bit paradoxical, doesn't it? That's why it always pay off to look at these things.

But now all I see is an artificial block of illusion. And there's God there, too. There's only equality now. I don't know what it means to be a son anymore. Its just a role, roleplaying. Sucks.

Wow, that was a bit too condensed for me to decode. Care to elaborate?

I'll surrender. I know it'll turn out right in the end. :wink:

Look at me, playing tough. She was the best mum ever, though.

Sorry for the rant, everyone. Just had to get it out of my system.

Hey, it's fine to do so here, you know. That's the wonder of having a username as identity, isn't it? ;)

So, please share if it helps.

Take care,

5th June 2010, 07:28 PM
PS - you think the approaching front lines are the encrouching dark night of the soul?


5th June 2010, 07:54 PM
Wow, that was a bit too condensed for me to decode. Care to elaborate?

Sure, heh. It doesn't really make sense at all not that I look at it.

I always knew this would happen someday. That I would have to face that my parents were'nt real. I knew it intellectually, but it wasn't realisation. I'd always say: "Ill take care of that when I'm stronger." And now, it seems it's caught up on me.

I cannot deny that I am my higher self, and there is so much distance now between me and my parents that I can see myself in them, and it breaks my heart. All that we had was an illusion. When I'm hugging them, I'm nott huging them. They dont exist.They never did, It was just ego trying to own something.

About equality, two days ago I realized everything is equal after reading some posts on Rei Williams site. Since we already are the highest aspect of source, there is no one that's low or high in "rank". No spiritual master can be worshiped for their greatness, only re spected as you would with anyone who is.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the dream. But I don't really care at the moment...

5th June 2010, 08:57 PM
Hmmm, still a bit hard on my decoding skills. Are you saying everything is an illusion?

True, everyone has the same intrinsic value. Nobody is more or less. But people are differently aware of the fact depending on their growth.

Be well,

6th June 2010, 10:29 AM
Hmmm, still a bit hard on my decoding skills. Are you saying everything is an illusion?

I understand if I am not making sense, since I'm still in the middle of all this. The fog of war when the kingdom within is taken in violence. One thing that makes sense one moment doesn't in the next. I'll post again when I've straightened this all out.

I suppose my two earlier posts were some kind of cry for help, hoping that someone else was going to take responsibility for me and from me; a shielding of a kind. I guess I wanted someone to look up to. But that's not happening, it's all ego, and it's gotta go. I'm the only one who can take responsibility, and the only one who can take care of this. This was also the trust issue; I did not trust myself enough to take care of it.

And yes, I do believe this was what the dream was about. But I won't know for sure 'til its over. I can only speculate. Perhaps me trying to exlain to my friend about god and him not understanding was a metaphor for me not understanding god, being both god and me, and thus me not understanding myself, or something like that.

Thank you for your time!

6th June 2010, 10:31 AM
Erm, not sure what I did, but - okay! ;) :lol:


6th June 2010, 02:32 PM

9th June 2010, 03:58 PM
Suffering is created by the mind.

And yet without the mind, there would be no learning, nothing to fall into and through.

9th June 2010, 04:25 PM

9th June 2010, 04:46 PM

9th June 2010, 05:01 PM

10th June 2010, 03:03 PM
ya beat me to the read. i offer a coupla songs, as i love to do, to it in hindsight bro.



and finally,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoAPCwn7 ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoAPCwn7F-k&feature=related)

peace be with you,


Thanks a lot Tim.

I feel that the reason for my suffering is because I associate more with "John" that with other people. I see things from his point of view. But when I realize I am just as much any other person I meet, I guess things will change.

11th June 2010, 04:11 AM

11th June 2010, 04:11 PM
why sort when you can let go...NOW. one day when you have gone, and i pray you have a long life; what on earth will you have taken with you in the going?

Yes... for there is nothing to take, and everything to have. Life is giving, in one way or another, and through surrendering I can accept the gift of giving that has been bestowed upon me. Life is grace, whether we choose to see it or not.

I have had practical troubles with surrendering. I did not know exactly how to do it. But now I can do it, I just realize that I truly know nothing of myself as I am right now.

Things will turn out all right now. :lol:

But what is language? I perceive it differently. Is it pure subjective interpretation?

And... something I suspect, but am not sure about at all. Pain is not suffering? It's just a sensation? I have heard of masters who can endure any pain. Will I still feel pain, but not percieve of it as suffering? Or will pain just dissapear, just like the fears?

11th June 2010, 04:55 PM
Pain is not suffering? It's just a sensation? Pain is a sensation, and a necessary part of life. Pain is your body telling you something is not all right. Telling you to change course, to do something different. A warning.
Suffering is a decision to hold on to pain. Suffering is knowing that something will cause you pain, and doing it anyway- sometimes unconsciously. Suffering is believing that pain is necessary and choosing it. Suffering is having the choice to hold on to a past pain or letting it go, and choosing to hold on to it- sometimes for a seemingly good reason.

Suffering is attachment to pain.


11th June 2010, 06:57 PM
Very wise, CF, very wise. 8)


11th June 2010, 07:06 PM
Very wise, CF, very wise. 8)


I agree CF, that really makes sense. =)

12th June 2010, 03:43 PM

16th June 2010, 12:46 PM

16th June 2010, 03:37 PM

18th June 2010, 06:17 PM

19th June 2010, 03:55 AM
progress - this might be the single most deviant term in our conditioned behavioral programming.

20th June 2010, 04:34 PM
progress - this might be the single most deviant term in our conditioned behavioral programming.

Yes. And I am right where I'm supposed to be right now...

There's really no point in worrying about anything anymore. Each moment is simply a blessing. I can make of it what I will, or what I need.

It feels really good to know that.

24th June 2010, 11:27 AM
I want to apologize to you Tim, I feel I have not done your long and wonderful post justice – Back when I answered to it I came from a dark place and did not understand or see it for what it was, really.

Tim, perhaps it is just as you say – the way we shape or reality is just too different from one another. Your posts however, have helped me a lot – there’s no doubt about that.

24th June 2010, 01:30 PM
nah, pretty much I don't do pms. but if the thread makes ya feel uncomfortable, then back up and edit your entrys, leaving only a smiley face, as I have already done with mine. :D

I think, though, that if we'd crossed a line that we'd have been informed of it. but, i do understand where ya are comin from F2A.


24th June 2010, 04:06 PM
Perhaps, sometimes, it's best just to make it a fresh start. 8)