View Full Version : MATH 237 ?

3rd June 2010, 07:08 PM
This morning I had this dream and the weird thing about it was that it was so visual.I saw the word MATH 237
2 37 and it showed me this man on the tv solving math problems,lol.Am I supossed to calculate this number and what does it mean ? Couldn't they be more precise ?Anyone willing to help me,please?

Neil Templar
3rd June 2010, 09:48 PM
maybe some numerological significance?
Beekeeper? :?

4th June 2010, 05:49 AM
Perhaps your subconscious wants you to start taking calculus classes at your local community college.

4th June 2010, 11:59 AM
Was it 237 or 23 7? If you were Australian, I'd say it could be a date. We'd write the 23rd of July as 23/7/10.

My feeling is that it probably isn't numerological, though it could be worth investigating, so:
2 http://www.spiritual-numerology.com/numerology-number-meaning/numerology-meaning-of-number-2.html
23 http://tokenofperdition.com/numbers/nu23.php
3 (the whole number comes back to a three. 2+3+7= 12; 1+2=3) http://www.spiritual-numerology.com/numerology-number-meaning/numerology-meaning-of-number-3.html
37 http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu37.php

237 could also be co-ordinates or a house or business number, something finance related (maybe something overlooked) or something that will become entirely clear in the fullness of time.

4th June 2010, 12:56 PM
Thank you everyone for replying to my post.It was exactly like this MATH 237
2 37
so I would say both.I was thinking that it might be July 23 but who knows.Last time they sent me a message the same thing happened and I was upset when that date came and went and nothing happened but that time I never considered that the day might be first followed by the month and that's exactly what it was.I only figured this out after something happened and I had no clue that it was going to happen.Looks like up there they put the day before the month unlike us here.Here goes a duh moment!I think everybody writes the day first followed by the month and year except us in the USA,lol. :D The 2 37 is exactly under Math 237.

Was it 237 or 23 7? If you were Australian, I'd say it could be a date. We'd write the 23rd of July a 23/7/10.

My feeling is that it probably isn't numerological, though it could be worth investigating, so:
2 http://www.spiritual-numerology.com/numerology-number-meaning/numerology-meaning-of-number-2.html
23 http://tokenofperdition.com/numbers/nu23.php
3 (the whole number comes back to a three. 2+3+7= 12; 1+2=3) http://www.spiritual-numerology.com/numerology-number-meaning/numerology-meaning-of-number-3.html
37 http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu37.php

237 could also be co-ordinates or a house or business number, something finance related (maybe something overlooked) or something that will become entirely clear in the fullness of time.

4th June 2010, 01:01 PM
Thanks but OMG ! I don't thuink my brain would be able to take it anymore,lol.Before my K awakening I loved math and enjoyed solving math problems but now feels like it's not there anymore and I can't concentrate for the life of me. :oops:

Perhaps your subconscious wants you to start taking calculus classes at your local community college.

4th June 2010, 01:05 PM
Thanks Neil,but this is not the first time I've been shown a date and nothing happened on that date.Who knows? The ones up there are kind of weird sometimes .Can't they be more precise ? :shock: :D

maybe some numerological significance?
Beekeeper? :?

4th June 2010, 01:29 PM
Wow! Some interesting links ,Beekeeper !Thanks! :D

4th June 2010, 07:22 PM

i have a question. have you lately been praying to god with a lot of your life's heartfelt and tearful troubles?

i ask this because when i read your op i feel to see a little girl with angel's wings sitting in the fetal position with her head down in her knees sobbing. of course that doesnt mean anything other than it is what i feel to see.


4th June 2010, 08:12 PM
No Tim,no more than I pray every night.I have felt better lately and I have no expectations or wishes or anything.Nothing has been happening lately except my landlord's wife telling me that she wants to make everything right with my electric meter being shared by me and the bsmt apartment and me paying for both.Considering that her husband has been denying everything,this is a major breakthrough.Too bad because I plan to move. I'm not ready for another winter without heat and the shared meter problem just makes this problem worse.It's so hot in here but I can't afford to pay any additional money for the electric bill so the AC doesn't get turned on.July 23 it is or not.I'm not going to expect that something happens that day because I know that if I do, nothing will happen,lol.A little girl with angel's wings ?


i have a question. have you lately been praying to god with a lot of your life's heartfelt and tearful troubles?

i ask this because when i read your op i feel to see a little girl with angel's wings sitting in the fetal position with her head down in her knees sobbing. of course that doesnt mean anything other than it is what i feel to see.


4th June 2010, 10:30 PM
I came back to this because it struck me that it could be a Bible reference: Matthew 2.37 (doesn't exist) or Matthew 23.7 (a line about the Hypocrsiy of Scribes and Pharisees: 5. In fact all their work they do to be seen by men; for they widen their phylacteries, and enlarge their tassels 6 and love first places at suppers and the front seats in the synagogues, 7 and greetings in the market place, and to be called by men "Rabbi."

Doesn't seem likely but it might have significance to you in a current situation. Matthew, after all, has two ts and Math has only 1.

5th June 2010, 12:20 AM
Thank you,Beekeeper!Hmm,I don't know but could it be telling me about someone else ?I received a reading from someone recently,someone I would rather not talk about.Could be a warning about this person ? :?

I came back to this because it struck me that it could be a Bible reference: Matthew 2.37 (doesn't exist) or Matthew 23.7 (a line about the Hypocrsiy of Scribes and Pharisees: 5. In fact all their work they do to be seen by men; for they widen their phylacteries, and enlarge their tassels 6 and love first places at suppers and the front seats in the synagogues, 7 and greetings in the market place, and to be called by men "Rabbi."

Doesn't seem likely but it might have significance to you in a current situation. Matthew, after all, has two ts and Math has only 1.

5th June 2010, 03:59 PM
No Tim,no more than I pray every night.I have felt better lately and I have no expectations or wishes or anything.Nothing has been happening lately except my landlord's wife telling me that she wants to make everything right with my electric meter being shared by me and the bsmt apartment and me paying for both.Considering that her husband has been denying everything,this is a major breakthrough.Too bad because I plan to move. I'm not ready for another winter without heat and the shared meter problem just makes this problem worse.It's so hot in here but I can't afford to pay any additional money for the electric bill so the AC doesn't get turned on.July 23 it is or not.I'm not going to expect that something happens that day because I know that if I do, nothing will happen,lol.A little girl with angel's wings ?

"No Tim,no more than I pray every night. I have felt better lately and I have no expectations or wishes or anything." - Niki

out of the mouth of babes, unawares in their humbled being of having done so much in a much trespassed faith.

wow, it seems to me that you are with prayer turning your uncontrollables over to god as opposed to having taken your own frustrations out on these and a whole lot more problems that you've faced. perhaps the weeping angel is within you, after all.

anywho...MATH is base ten....0123456789 (upon a ladder) , and to again begin in excess of 9 we need 10. so from nothing arrives everything, on into horizontal infinity.

now if we place this original ten, using '0' as our axis (verticle), we'd have a horizontal of '...9876543210123456789...', and at '0' we could take our index finger and flick it at 9 to watch it spin.

this would be math of our worldly juxtaposition, or "not 9, not 11, but 10".

now, the psalms are music, each psalm having its meter of being sung. these psalms reveal math.

but, we need to take the psalms back to judaism to put them in correct numbered order, to see the psalm 23. this is the psalm that speaks of the verticle ladder. its measure is ten.

the accepted title for this psalm would be "The ruler of the universe enters his chosen dwelling place". but, also to remember that at the time of this psalm the name of god was yet taught as being ineffable. but that doesnt mean that the name could not be seen from the ladder.

Psalm 23: 0-9 (the ladder of Jacob's God), 1-10 (horizoned world), but in the spirit of putting god first in all worldly matters, don't neglect to see the fractioned higher growth.

0/1 The Lord's is the earth and its fullness, the world and all its peoples.

1/2 It is he who sets it on its seas; on the waters he made it firm.

2/3 Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place?

3/4 The man* with clean hands and pure heart, who desires not worthless things, (who has not sworn so as to deceive his* neighbor.)

4/5 He* shall receive blessings from the Lord and reward from the God who saves him*.

5/6 Such are the men* who seek him, seek the face of the God of Jacob.

^^^^^^[following a natural break in this psalm for reflection]^^^^^^

6/7 O gates, lift high your heads; grow higher, ancient doors. Let him enter, the king of glory!

7/8 Who is the king of glory? The Lord, the mighty, the valiant, the Lord, the valiant in war.

8/9 O gates, lift up your heads; grow higher, ancient doors. Let him enter, the king of glory!

9/10 Who is he, the king of glory? He, the Lord of armies, he is the king of glory.

* reference to gender here may mean 'those of man', or that lighted masculinity which resides in the/any female of faith.

1-6 are the gates, the ancient doors of sentient being, the six senses of living the life.

from 7 descending is the call of the many, preceded by the six with which being chosen is qualified from the called upon quantity.

at 7 ascending is from the question of the name twice over. literally asking the one called, "what is his name?", for upon saying his name does one 'let him enter, the king of glory".

thus, is the MATH of present time for you, Niki. to lift up your head in this calling, take what is an angel winged child from the depth of holding back, where you have sworn not to deceive your neighbor, even as you have mentioned that a neighbor has been deceiving you, "Considering that her husband has been denying everything,this is a major breakthrough"; lift up your weeping head from out of your inward knees, stand with wings spread, and be chosen in the reciprocal calling out of his glorious name.

so, Niki, what is his name? for his name has been out and about for a very long long time now, that we may lift up our weary and bewildered childlike heads and from our gates, proclaim it on high through and through our ancient doors.

8 is asking for his name, 9 is him entering, and 10 is you and he face to face where again his name is exchanged in the meeting.

kinda daunting isn't it? :wink: but, his revolving/spinning name truly is spelled out for any that would see it at 7 upon the ladder. everybody has a ladder. but the details of such might lose a person in it. it is enough to be, it is enough that your mother bore you.

that his name is undeniably out and about, and has been as such for over two millenium, is indication of where we all are 'at', and which 'from' is the calling ring questioning us each and every one, being sentient, to reciprocate his name in answer that he may enter.

life would be no mystery in such an open book test, don't ya think? :wink:

given the nature of the MATH herein this reply, there is much ciphering to be had in the fractioned wonder based in the first line of this psalm, for god's wonders are twofold, just as we humans are twofold... :D

ergo, does Paul in Romans 7 and 8 expose the truth (7/8) of being human juxtaposed with god's love. "He and His Name are One", where "He's" his Nature, and "the two that are one", this "One" being the Nativity for both the within and the without , in and of any one of 'us', such as to say, "He's us", simply put.

a penny's worth, 'possession is 9/10ths of the law', so sayeth very God Almighty :wink:


ps. edited many times over

5th June 2010, 05:16 PM
Wow ,Tim!Reading this has brought tears to my eyes but I don't know why.Thank you. :D

No Tim,no more than I pray every night.I have felt better lately and I have no expectations or wishes or anything.Nothing has been happening lately except my landlord's wife telling me that she wants to make everything right with my electric meter being shared by me and the bsmt apartment and me paying for both.Considering that her husband has been denying everything,this is a major breakthrough.Too bad because I plan to move. I'm not ready for another winter without heat and the shared meter problem just makes this problem worse.It's so hot in here but I can't afford to pay any additional money for the electric bill so the AC doesn't get turned on.July 23 it is or not.I'm not going to expect that something happens that day because I know that if I do, nothing will happen,lol.A little girl with angel's wings ?

"No Tim,no more than I pray every night. I have felt better lately and I have no expectations or wishes or anything." - Niki

out of the mouth of babes, unawares in their humbled being of having done so much in a much trespassed faith.

wow, it seems to me that you are with prayer turning your uncontrollables over to god as opposed to having taken your own frustrations out on these and a whole lot more problems that you've faced. perhaps the weeping angel is within you, after all.

anywho...MATH is base ten....0123456789 (upon a ladder) , and to again begin in excess of 9 we need 10. so from nothing arrives everything, on into horizontal infinity.

now if we place this original ten, using '0' as our axis (verticle), we'd have a horizontal of '...9876543210123456789...', and at '0' we could take our index finger and flick it at 9 to watch it spin.

this would be math of our worldly juxtaposition, or "not 9, not 11, but 10".

now, the psalms are music, each psalm having its meter of being sung. these psalms reveal math.

but, we need to take the psalms back to judaism to put them in correct numbered order, to see the psalm 23. this is the psalm that speaks of the verticle ladder. its measure is ten.

the accepted title for this psalm would be "The ruler of the universe enters his chosen dwelling place". but, also to remember that at the time of this psalm the name of god was yet taught as being ineffable. but that doesnt mean that the name could not be seen from the ladder.

Psalm 23: 0-9 (the ladder of Jacob's God), 1-10 (horizoned world), but in the spirit of putting god first in all worldly matters, don't neglect to see the fractioned higher growth.

0/1 The Lord's is the earth and its fullness, the world and all its peoples.

1/2 It is he who sets it on its seas; on the waters he made it firm.

2/3 Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place?

3/4 The man* with clean hands and pure heart, who desires not worthless things, (who has not sworn so as to deceive his* neighbor.)

4/5 He* shall receive blessings from the Lord and reward from the God who saves him*.

5/6 Such are the men* who seek him, seek the face of the God of Jacob.

^^^^^^[following a natural break in this psalm for reflection]^^^^^^

6/7 O gates, lift high your heads; grow higher, ancient doors. Let him enter, the king of glory!

7/8 Who is the king of glory? The Lord, the mighty, the valiant, the Lord, the valiant in war.

8/9 O gates, lift up your heads; grow higher, ancient doors. Let him enter, the king of glory!

9/10 Who is he, the king of glory? He, the Lord of armies, he is the king of glory.

* reference to gender here may mean 'those of man', or that lighted masculinity which resides in the/any female of faith.

1-6 are the gates, the ancient doors of sentient being, the six senses of living the life.

from 7 descending is the call of the many, preceded by the six with which being chosen is qualified from the called upon quantity.

at 7 ascending is from the question of the name twice over. literally asking the one called, "what is his name?", for upon saying his name does one 'let him enter, the king of glory".

thus, is the MATH of present time for you, Niki. to lift up your head in this calling, take what is an angel winged child from the depth of holding back, where you have sworn not to deceive your neighbor, even as you have mentioned that a neighbor has been deceiving you, "Considering that her husband has been denying everything,this is a major breakthrough"; lift up your weeping head from out of your inward knees, stand with wings spread, and be chosen in the reciprocal calling out of his glorious name.

so, Niki, what is his name? for his name has been out and about for a very long long time now, that we may lift up our weary and bewildered childlike heads and from our gates, proclaim it on high through and through our ancient doors.

8 is asking for his name, 9 is him entering, and 10 is you and he face to face where again his name is exchanged in the meeting.

kinda daunting isn't it? :wink: but, his revolving/spinning name truly is spelled out for any that would see it at 7 upon the ladder. everybody has a ladder. but the details of such might lose a person in it. it is enough to be, it is enough that your mother bore you.

that his name is undeniably out and about, and has been as such for over two millenium, is indication of where we all are 'at', and which 'from' is the calling ring questioning us each and every one, being sentient, to reciprocate his name in answer that he may enter.

life would be no mystery in such an open book test, don't ya think? :wink:

given the nature of the MATH herein this reply, there is much ciphering to be had in the fractioned wonder based in the first line of this psalm, for god's wonders are twofold, just as we humans are twofold... :D

ergo, does Paul in Romans 7 and 8 expose the truth (7/8) of being human juxtaposed with god's love. "He and His Name are One", where "He" is his Nature, and "the two that are one", this "One" being the Nativity for both the within and the without , in and of any one of 'us'.

a penny's worth, 'possession is 9/10ths of the law', so sayeth very God Almighty :wink:


ps. edited many times over

5th June 2010, 07:02 PM
Wow ,Tim!Reading this has brought tears to my eyes but I don't know why.Thank you. :D

well sister,

and the angel through you crys angelic tears alas, letting it all go/go, to be you as you are, as it is enough that you are you, Niki.

His Name is Jesus, as you well feel to see, understanding that it is so.

beyond that, what is to be known? seeing as you are NOW known in it, a gift to your own true self unwrapped in the present. by your own faith you are healed.

now, don't go gettin all gawdy and haughty, just be You, as you are, having so well done by yours.

your brother in Christ, and as such, being no more or less than are you, as you are, doing the best by god that we may at any moment see to do beyond our clarifying tears.

therefore, let us raise our wetted faces up in the darkness without and declare the light by proclaiming the name from within to that which would seem to be without in it's overwhelmed and wanting need.

let us love one another, as it is, that in the sight of god, we held, are all together mightily loved.


5th June 2010, 07:27 PM
Just googled it and this is the first page.


6th June 2010, 02:47 PM
Ok,now that is weird!The guy on tv solving the math equations looked like him.Oh boy!!!!WTH ! :shock: :shock:

Just googled it and this is the first page.


6th June 2010, 02:50 PM
How about this? http://www.math.rochester.edu/u/faculty ... 8/ftgt.pdf (http://www.math.rochester.edu/u/faculty/doug/oldcourses/237f08/ftgt.pdf)

6th June 2010, 10:04 PM
Most strange. What is your link with the Galois theory?
Have you any ideas?

6th June 2010, 10:06 PM
This is about Evariste Galois.

6th June 2010, 11:13 PM
The Galois theory is 237 as far as I could see.Ohh,forget it.Thank you anyway.

This is about Evariste Galois.