View Full Version : Solar plexus & relaxation

31st May 2010, 06:46 PM
When I relax more than I am supposed to, I start feeling stoned as if on cannabis - a state of hyperrelaxation in other words. All my perceptions slow down and senses get hypersensitive and even my breath gets very heavy. It feels incredibly good. And the deeper I go the more resistance from the solar plexus.

Is the solar plexus chakra supposed to keep one awake & alert?


kind regards,


Robert Bruce
13th June 2010, 04:03 PM

Sounds like you are doing well.

I've often though, while experiencing deep altered states 'who needs drugs'.

You are experiencing one of many of the side effects of altered states and energy body development. This could be some kind of blockage.

Keep doing what you are doing. Use affirmations to help relax your sp. eg, "my solar plexus is relaxed" etc.

This will most likely settle down with regular practice.
