View Full Version : switching on the lights

Neil Templar
31st May 2010, 10:04 AM
last night, i was dreaming about some attractive female, trying to tempt me into some sort of situation.
i can't really remember the details now, but they're not important. what's important is what actually happened.
i was going along with her, allowing myself to be tempted by her, when i suddenly realised, "this is a simulation".
i thought to myself, "you should be resisting temptation, this is a test!"
so i stopped what was i was doing. then everything else stopped too.
all the other dream characters that were around, the sounds, everything.
i said to some unseen presence, "can i go back and try again?", knowing that's what would usually happen during a simulation.
so there i was, just kinda hanging around in this dream scenario, that had come to a standstill. nothing happening.
it was just like a fairground ride that i was once on, that had a problem. they had to stop it, and switch on the lights, and everything was revealed, all the illusions laid bare for all to see.
kinda weird to be there like that... :?

31st May 2010, 10:12 AM
A cool experience, nonetheless.

I'm tempted to create a thread asking people on these forums if they're having a lot of experiences like these at the moment. For me, it seems a lot of this type of thing is happening very readily currently and my more psychic friends are also reporting an escalation in interesting experiences.

Neil Templar
31st May 2010, 10:25 AM
well, i can tell you i have been too.
and more regular "psychic" stuff has been happening in daily life, which i just put down to growing awareness.
it'd be interesting to see if it's widespread.

31st May 2010, 03:09 PM
allow the "simulation" to run, but instead of being tempted by the "whore", defy that and identify the woman who would be loved if 'whore' were not seen to be. one cannot run from what in them sets up the dream, so the dream informs through the unconscious precedence set, that will inevitably play out in the conscious part of life. ultimately this beginning within the dream 'test run' determines the real test. but it is actually the greater sense of you in a state of readiness preparing the lesser senses of you perhaps estranged to what is 'woman'. is she the tempting whore or is she by your sight cast as whore?

therein bro are you. understand though, even as a woman would give way in the world to the part cast as whore; she seen for what woman really is..is also the end of her being cast, and the beginning where she might freely give from herself beyond any past expectation assembled in one's temptation.

dont be afraid to be tempted, or run from it. feel it, learn from it what it is, then speak to it while in it, befriending it as some estranged part of yourself. kinda like that friend who just aint quite got all his marbles but despite that has something redeemable and always proves to be the best friend.

nothin wrong with identifying a female's sexual beauty, or dressing her up in the dream, it is just about the estrangement, the temptation to take from what has voluntarily assumed what would see. she will give you her all, for she already has, or you wouldnt even be here to ponder the all.
that is the point, about seeing for who she is, and putting the right sight on her as you 'covering' her.

seeing as she voluntarily dawns the guise by your will, it is now one's best interest to set her free to choose her own guise. if done, dont be surprised by the fact that she knowing what you love, shows up in her sexiest 'lack of' regalia not from a voluntary mechanism, but rather from her own will that will instead now...turn your world upside down as opposed to having had her identity turned upside down in wrong sight.

so, dont shut it down, let it run, face what is you needing to be faced.

a penny's worth,


Neil Templar
31st May 2010, 05:24 PM
thanks Tim.
i was too busy "marvelling" at the mechanism of the simulation/test, that i wasn't paying attention to the content of the lesson.

1st June 2010, 11:44 AM
Hello, Neil.

last night, i was dreaming about some attractive female, trying to tempt me into some sort of situation.
i can't really remember the details now, but they're not important. what's important is what actually happened.
i was going along with her, allowing myself to be tempted by her, when i suddenly realised, "this is a simulation".

I know what you mean. But basically every dream has some aspects of a simulation. You can run through experiences that you then do not have to experience in physical reality, according to Charles. I have to dig up the quote. This is a bit different from a simulation that is set up to teach you a skill.

i thought to myself, "you should be resisting temptation, this is a test!"
so i stopped what was i was doing. then everything else stopped too.

Now, here I think is the difference. Instead of actually resisting the temptation, instead of treating this as a dry run, you actually abort the whole experience. You are convinced that the whole scenario is a set-up, so you cancel out the scenario itself instead of inspecting the lesson. You are not saying "What are my options?" (in such a situation) You're aborting the situation itself, which would not be an option if you experienced this situation in waking life.

In a dream last week I realised in some part "This is not real." Events moved on but I had the strong feeling that this had happened before. But then I decided to nevertheless react like I would if the event was real, in a way. In other words, I played along. And the dream picked back up and delivered a meaningful message a friend interpreted for me.

all the other dream characters that were around, the sounds, everything.
i said to some unseen presence, "can i go back and try again?", knowing that's what would usually happen during a simulation.
so there i was, just kinda hanging around in this dream scenario, that had come to a standstill. nothing happening.
it was just like a fairground ride that i was once on, that had a problem. they had to stop it, and switch on the lights, and everything was revealed, all the illusions laid bare for all to see.
kinda weird to be there like that... :?

I think the conclusion you came to prevented to go through with the purpose this scenario was originally made for. I remember something similar in Kurt's writings - when people become lucid during astral projection training simulations and then abort the whole simulation inadvertently and wake up (frustrated). Your mind in that moment is moving in a direction that is incompatible with the energetic setup around you. The lesson is aborted, the setup does no longer work for you.

As you are still in the same state of mind it might be pointless to rerun the scenario. Okay, I'm guessing here... ;)

Cool experience, in any case. :)

Be well,

1st June 2010, 12:01 PM
Ah, here it is:

Your dreams set up the circumstances that you need to learn from in a form in
which you can complete all that growth on the astral plane, so the event has no
need to show up in physical reality. But it’s necessary that you participate in the
dream as consciously as possible--that you remember it; and that you have some
idea of what it means, and, if necessary, what to do about what it means. There’s a
lot of potential harm, or what you would experience as harm in your life, that you
can avoid by paying attention to your dreams.(CL357)

This is from an excerpt of one of the "classroom lessons" (abbreviated CL for reference purposes).


1st June 2010, 04:33 PM

yeah! exactly...

precedence is set in the unscious world of dreams. our first field to deal with and hopefully avoid the greater measure following in our conscious world.

this all works into the scripture, and i paraphrase, "the light revealed itself to the darkness and the darkness knew it not".

this operative clue to the mystery dictates that one turn the way they see the preceding dream pov and the following world pov/ instead of seeing the dream>world as it seems, as the dark deliverer of woe, one sees themself in it with that light both predisposing them in the dream to a part of themself darkly developing as a sensationalized scenario, and the following disposition in the world at whatever capacity that the lucid dreamer operatively overcame said dream sequence.

therefore the dream sequence precedes the world consequence. utilizing this function functionally provides minimalization of world consequences.

or archetypal functions precede actual living members in the shared life of functions/dysfunctions.

so like ya said, dont shut it down, be the lucid participant without 'pass or fail' mind, working out from dream to world in baby steps.

ego claims more than one really is, so we got to be rawly honest about what goes on sequentially that we are prepared consequentially.

oft times a dream is from and about the collective, seeming too big for our lil ole self, but even if we witness the sequence with hearted peace in mind, we can do our lil ole part in balancing the possibilitys of collective consequences.

better to grieve the sequence than to grieve in the consequential world.


Neil Templar
1st June 2010, 09:52 PM
ok, well, this experience is typical of my dream experiences of late.
i'm lucid, but only to the point of being aware that it's not waking reality.
for example, i can jump off the top of a skyscraper, fully aware that i'm in no danger, and land without fear of death.
but i rarely get to that point where i say to myself "this is a dream", and gain full lucidity, and, therefore, control of the scenario.

only maybe twice in the past six months, have i actually gained full lucidity. it only happens, when i verbally think those words - "this is a dream".
if i don't do that, i'm aware of my decision making, but not fully consciously in control.

am i making sense here?
it's like i'm 95% lucid.
for a while i was quite happy with that, for the exact reason that's been stated in the responses here - i am still going thru with whatever the dream throws at me, and i know that's the most beneficial for me.
but if i'm now sabotaging the lesson, cos i'm lucid enough to know what's happening, but not lucid enough to take full control and allow the dream to play out, well, that's no good.

i have enough problems sabotaging myself in waking reality. i don't need to hold myself back in my dream-time too. :(

1st June 2010, 10:23 PM
ok, well, this experience is typical of my dream experiences of late. Hi Neil. This is now normal for me, I think I've talked about it here somewhere.

i'm lucid, but only to the point of being aware that it's not waking reality.
for example, i can jump off the top of a skyscraper, fully aware that i'm in no danger, and land without fear of death.
but i rarely get to that point where i say to myself "this is a dream", and gain full lucidity, and, therefore, control of the scenario. Yep. Ditto.

am i making sense here?
it's like i'm 95% lucid. Yep.

for a while i was quite happy with that, for the exact reason that's been stated in the responses here - i am still going thru with whatever the dream throws at me, and i know that's the most beneficial for me.
but if i'm now sabotaging the lesson, cos i'm lucid enough to know what's happening, but not lucid enough to take full control and allow the dream to play out, well, that's no good. I disagree. I don't think you're sabotaging the lesson- the lesson may very well be that you are becoming more lucid all of the time. That everything that happens, while awake or asleep, is created by your own mind, and that there are other realities that are differently real, but real nonetheless.

I don't know if taking control of the dream is supposed to be a crowning achievement or not- I personally don't value it - I prefer to know what everything means in the dream (and I also realize that my 'goal' or 'truth' may not be your 'truth'- all I can say is that I'm in a similar boat (with the 'almost' lucidity) but I don't consider it a waste, I just think maybe there is more to be learned in these situations when I'm sure the dream is a dream and not an alternate environment I'm experiencing with it's own reality.
Or maybe it's my own way of losing touch with physical reality, IDK.
Just sort of musing here.

2nd June 2010, 03:09 AM
Neil, you make perfect sense.

but, sabotage is a pass/fail, win/lose mind set. just be the best you in whatever comes your way.

but if we are lining up for being ♥♥♥♥-ups, well make a place for me in that very long line of folks just being human.

just this evening, the wife and i sittin on the porch, and i was talking to her about my son, who i'd talked to earlier on the phone, and there i was spouting all manner of self-sabotaging beat the hell out of tim's insides stuff. well...she looked at me and reminded me that i did my best, and it is what it is, and it isnt all about me, that everybody has a choice of how they act in it.

nobody has your innermost frail/vulnerable/insecure buttons like your own grown child does. they just know you, and nothing can hurt worse than being known so well, when who knows ya doesnt seem to respect the buttons.

so, stop beating up Neil...Neil. you have done your best and it is what it is, ready to be picked up again and again and again... :wink:

but, i feel ya bro. i am awful hard on myself, for what it's worth. probably nothing.

Neil Templar
2nd June 2010, 10:22 AM
yeah, you're right Tim.
normally i have no problem accepting what is, as what is.
yesterday was difficult for me.
i dunno why.
it was like a day-long "dark night".
i felt completely lost. unsure of everything.
the "little voice" that speaks from my heart wasn't there, and i was second-guessing all my decisions i've made recently.
i read over the dark night of the soul thread... i had nothing to add to it, but it did help me understand a bit (possibly) why i was feeling so out of sorts.
i think i am resisting some internal change, change that's not only essential, but wanted.
it's just hard leaving parts of what you consider to be yourself behind, eh?!
i've been receiving very clear "instructions" lately, internally.
instructions that are reprogramming my internal structure. which require me to leave behind some life-long old habits...
anyhoo, it's all good, just rough in the middle of the process i guess.. :)

2nd June 2010, 11:00 AM
Very similar here. However I rather feel lost at sea. If I would give up all I'm doubting or feel not like doing, nothing would be left! :shock: So, I don't know exactly what it is. I hope to shed light on it this weekend.

Take care,

Neil Templar
2nd June 2010, 11:33 AM
i also just had a realisation.
i already have the tools to get me thru this process of having to let go of stuff.
Vipassana meditation!
it's entirely about letting go. and funnily enough, i've had a book, letters from Vipassana meditators in a US prison, for some months now, but never read it.
just two days ago, i was compelled to pick it up and start reading.
exactly what i needed to remind myself of, at exactly the right time. :D

Neil Templar
2nd June 2010, 11:38 AM
Or maybe it's my own way of losing touch with physical reality, IDK.

you know, i've had that thought too CF.

2nd June 2010, 01:24 PM
we have to learn to relish these lows, or dark nights, for they are crucial entrys into higher experience.

i've learned to see it like a long shaft, where the bottom is never the bottom, but i hit bottom anyway at some point or another, 'resting' there for a time, and then after so long 'resting' upward mobility comes and the height of it is in parity to the low experienced.

after a time at new height comes yet another low, but not the low that was, which i hit first just to feel where i had been, and the bottom falls out dropping me to yet a lower low. so i 'rest there for what ever time, till upward mobility would take me up to an higher height where the new low's experience is revealed for the height of the experience's whole.

it is like a wave, to imagine it like the emf, along which on one end the waves are as high as skyscrapers and the other end as minute as an atom.

but what is a low or a height but a dimensional pov? so it doesnt matter at all. look at the height and width of waves one one end and look at the lack of height and width on the other.

yet for an atom the tighter and lower packed end is no less higher than is the other end for a human.

so, it is on these waves which one is experiencing, from the world of skyscrapers and avergae 5.5' humans to the tiniest reference of self to the other where atoms would have their pov.

point is, the experiences move into tighter and lower references that come closer and faster.

so, it is a matter of learning how to rest in the doldrums of experience, for that is the preparatory experience for the height of the polarized experience as a whole.

the lows will bring up what ails one deeper and deeper within, they to be felt and examined - experienced, taken into a new light where mystery is revealed at long last.

one has to lose the thought that becoming more spiritual is going to be an easier way. it seems to get harder, but is the old thinking wanting to fly and feeling grounded because of a long dense fog having set in.

learn to rest as opposed to struggling against what seems like failure to reach greater heights. end the resistance of the process. as we move along we experience things that cannot presently be rendered into understanding, so time delivers us to the place where deep mystery would finally reveal itself.

i think this can been seen in the model shown by Korpo in another recent thread, but i'd add to it, that along the field of waves or consciousness within, one is not bound to measured size that they think of from within, and the cycle of fall and lift is from skyscraper to atom.

so, when dwelling throughout this phenomenal (sp?) breadth, to go deepest of all is to share in our atomic level of experience, wherefrom the origin of upholding the body is.

the microcosm of the microcosmic human is no different from the macrocosm the microcosmic. or the pov from human witnessing the universe is no different than the atom witnessing the upheld body which host the entitized being within it.

this allows the human to understand the macrocosmic universal mystery through having experienced the microcosmic atomic experience which they as the being are upheld bodily within.

point is though, one is neither the body or the universe, for they serve as the body which within is life porvisionally upheld.

now that can either blow the mind or from the being give true purpose to one through the mind.

truly then, there is no more out there universally that there is for any human within themself atomically. all that is serves life and upholds it for that which lives.

ergo, any one is the living within the upheld life. they rather dysfunctional in it as the mystery, for the mystery is not that which impersonally upholds but rather the mystery is that which is living; or they may be functionally aware that all serves they as the living, affording them the life before them.

this doesnt mean that any one is a god however, it just means that one understands the relationship of the living and the upheld life. this is called primordial man's pov which ever impersonally rests in a state of upholding life for which his&her beingness may reside and abide within and without.

god is incomprehensible, as is any one as the extended living being incomprehensible. thus, is life for feeling to ponder, to comprehend our being in the low/high, in possibilities which dimensions give to it.

in life, being human, we may understand our beingness through this awareness reached. but knowing beyond it remains to be you, the seer as witness of it within and without you.

so, it is good to rest and just experience the moment, because the moment is what delivers any one to higher understanding of them self. all this wresting about to know the mystery is the struggling and suffering over what is you experiencing instead of let go of that incomprehensible and experiencing freely.

one cannot dictate the frequency, so like swimming cease the panic that would drown and utilize the bouyancy which floats. the waves of consciousness' multi level formation/s dictate the frequencies. to struggle against what upholds life is like bashing your head against a wall.

to struggle with the low is to lose one's footing in the resistance of down hill grade. etc...

the universe is a mountain range, as is any one a mountain and all of us a mountain range.

looking out upon the universe we see that all is not on a perfect plane and is randomly placed revealing the firmament of its heighted peaks (stars) and valleys below. but because it is the macrocosm the firmament is transparent appearing a darkness.

this is the same from the atomic pov seeing the body that hosts any one, the density becomes transparent and darkly laden.

this reveals that light is not stopped by darkness which is merely a perspectivity, but light penetrates all matter/s.

there is no such thing as there not be light within or without. the perspective of density, like wondering if a table is real, or if dark entitys rule us, is caused by the light penetrating the density of whatever is firmament/body/matter.

darkness then, or density, is merely emptiness that is filled by the light of the living within that which upholds the life provisional for the living. the living is the personal, and the effects of the personal that would impersonally uphold is the life.

balance that, for the darkness is not any one, it is merely a byproduct of any one's lighted incomprehensibility.

you are the lights, and the lights have never been switched off. it is a matter of perspectivity given incrementally as understanding would restfully integrate itself to it.

water does not bother with what resists it, it takes the least route of resistance, resting and not wrestling. but when water moves, a mountain would give way to it's desired approach to renew the fertile valleys below.

thus, is a low like a valley, and height the mountain giving way, and you the water ever in movement, traveling.

substance or essential body v. matter - liquid, solid, vapor

clear as a bell, yet densely laden with earth towards a low valley to replenish its fertile moment.

spirited flesh, clarifying light and penetrated darkness carried along with you.




2nd June 2010, 01:41 PM

I'm not so sure it's a wave in an up-down fashion. It's the way the force builds, but it is not the nature of the problem itself, you know?

You say water, and it is true: There's pressure building. Pressure and resistance, and I agree with Neil - there is a choice of letting go. Letting go of anything that does not work. Yes, these may be habits of years, here as well.

However, for myself I don't know what can take their place. The tools seem blunt now - which tool can replace them? But the pressure decides what is an efficient tool and what not. The tool might have originally helped, but now the pressure is back, stronger, and it is no longer effective. It calls for discovering a new tool or rediscovering a new use for the old tool, a new response, possibly even a simpler one. A different approach. Maybe a sort of standing aside. Giving up what cannot be defended.

Truth is, I don't know. Even if the pressure would start to ebb tomorrow, I think it will return. For the moment I am convinced something fundamental has to change, something I know it has been going on for very long, but I don't know how to change it and what for, so I'm awaiting the answers.

Perhaps it's a bit like the "Kübler-Ross grief cycle." I know there is resistance, anger, but also a tiredness, a yearning for acceptance, going with the change - only the need to know which change, I don't know yet.


2nd June 2010, 02:49 PM

truth is I dont know either. i just reach through analogy's way of looking at it. a model is an analogy as well.

it is pressure, or compression, pneumatic and/or hydrolic...etc. trouble is that we're always thrown into these dualistic words with as many meanings as there are readers of them.

but, it is flow of concentrated being moving throughout for the overall experiential nature of wholeness/body of union.

i hesitate to label that as chi energy alone, for i understand chi as effectual being and not causal being. but, i dont think i can pull off explaining that right yet...either, due to the nature of words.

i do understand however that energy is a two sided function, just as masculinity and femininity.

chi ta is feminine as far as i can tell, of an effectual nature. that would seem to say that 'she' is last, however it is written that the last shall be first, and that in itself is whole heap load of deciphering.

the other as i understand it is masculine, called si na, and dont bother googling that, i tried.
but the nearest i can tell the two are of a tripart union. where two give birth to connectivity, basic geometry comes into play here, or the birth of dimensional structures.

basically the i ching is just that, it is a lined traced route of chaos seeming to give birth to ordered structure. however, when the route is completed the wonder is that from order would concealment become chaos.

this begs one to understand the meaning of "God keeps his wonders hidden" - paraphrase.

what is the purpose of hiddenness, that such a lined route would become. well, the actual order overlayed by chaos is what is 'mind' which would when focused, project the hemispheric brain of left and right. the connector is YOU, any you.

everything is tripart. however beingness, not to say first, but to say that at zero point is You, the being, which being non-locatable would through this two parts of parenting, feminine seeming as last but first, and masculine seeming as first but last...., thus find its beingness dwelling locationally.

beingness being that which is found through the two, yet is origin (zero) which of is numbered reference that it may find itself in approximating again at zero point, or the center of the proposed vehicle of progessionable life (body/vessel).

see thar, danged old words probably just made folks scratch their heads, just as i scratched my head in writing them.

therefore, i owe it to my own foolishness for having even tryed to word it.

your model is awesome by the way, as it simply explains the complex nature of it.

it doesnt take long to lose folks, as you know, anyone (you or I right here) is lost to have reached for the model of finding themself in it, but also finding it danged hard to express it in a way for sharing it.

but, i suggest applying your model to a geometric function like pythagorean theorum, and seeing there the well that would feed two parenting portions in reflection to the well's wholeness.

36/64 of 100, then draw the line down into the whole seeing the divided nature of the whole. draw a circle around the 10x10 whole touching the exterior corners and horizontally place the human body seeing where the line of divide crosses the verticle across the hearted chest.

something like that.

this reveals where the 36 is to the 64 within the overall ratio. as well as why the left hand is where fidelity is bound, and why the right hand is freedom of will flailing about without immediate reference.

for the left hand touches the vertical line downward of the triangle where two parenting constructions (squares/cubes) operably raise the child of self-awareness. but because the right hand also touches the far reaches of the verticle line, also does it find parity of its unique self after all.

crazy stuff, that pythagoras stuff. euclid reveals much through line geometry, and his lineage reveals much more in conical dimensionality which was way before science discovered the theoretic geometry of a star/sun.

this stuff will make anyone into a raving lunatic i think, or perhaps for a time, into a divine madman. lol

but, like the cards reveal, such is that which births the fool, whistlin and walkin along with his loyal dog, by jove.

joviality, how to have simple fun within the complexities of nature by being the name alone.

you are blessed with a boy/son who is blessed to have such a loving dad/father. if you ponder it for a moment, you'd see that even as you began to half heartedly aquire your spiritual understanding for you alone, it is momentarily true that now as a father you pursue if whole heartedly to hand something to your son from love's gifted nature.

this is why there is the tripart, to reveal in us the whole through whole-hearted intent/effort of giving. otherwise we'd be damnably hard pressed to understand in a half hearted nature for ourself alone. the transmutation of the nature of love (overcoming), and transmigration of intentual love (center of the crossing), within the transpiration of time (beyond all reason).

trans - over, across, beyond

always a pleasure Oliver,


Neil Templar
2nd June 2010, 02:58 PM
during the past few weeks, i've listened to the first two in a series of energetic transmissions, Pleiadean self awakening transmissions, from this site - http://www.frequenciesofbrilliance.com/ ... sions.html (http://www.frequenciesofbrilliance.com/broadcasts_transmissions.html)

since then, the instructions i have been "hearing" have started coming in strongly.
the theme of the first transmission was "letting go".
the second was about "birthing the sacred heart, and continuing using the letting go energy".
during the second transmission i experienced some very strong energy within and around me, as well as some interesting visions in my mind, vortexes of whiter energy flowing around me, and some involuntary physical muscle movements relating to what i was "seeing".

2nd June 2010, 03:06 PM
yes! exactly...birth of the sacred heart! you uniquely in it, as you are, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer...amen. your inner union blessed with the child of you born into hearted self-awareness.

if you can see it then be it, being it then touch your very true self and from 'that' with sight feel to see.

2nd June 2010, 03:06 PM
Hey, Neil.

Maybe you have an affinity for the Pleiades. It's not my hood. :lol:

There's many frequencies on which the message is broadcasted. But I'm still busy tuning into the one I can understand. That does not invalidate any other frequencies at all.

Be well,

Neil Templar
2nd June 2010, 03:08 PM