View Full Version : sleepingbeauty's LDs

29th May 2010, 08:04 AM
I seem to have more and more LDs, I might as well share them if anyone is interested. I personally LOVE to read other people's dreams.
It started with a "normal dream", I was in my house (not the real one) some stuff happended, got annoyed at a neighbour jumping on my roof trying to prove me it won't break and left the house. As I was walking, I saw a poodle, it had a side completely shaved and a curly side, with some colours on its hair. I thought "ouah, so bizarre, he ! I'm dreaming, I'm in a dream ! damn I forgot to plan what I should do !, let's fly to the moon then"
I started to fly towards the sky and it was sooo difficult because I couldn't see the moon, I flew towards a star and before I knew it I was standing in a university technical lab for students, there were students there and I was standing in front of a desk (very long wooden table with no chair). there were electronic components and a plastic box made of two parts, a white and a flat black one, I was wondering what it was, there were no hole for wiring, I really had a look at it to make sense of it but couldn't. I started to talk to three students behind me who were very friendly, they seemed to have the same stuff as I had before me. I said to them that I needed to fly to the moon, they smiled. I looked at the windows and told them that I was going to leave through the windows. that's what I did, again, started to fly towards the sky and couldn't manage to find the moon, although there was something that looked like a moon, yet different, it's more like a star with a drawing in it. I flew towards it and ended up in a very modern place, a room with round shape tables. on the tables were screens not completely horizontal, I was before one of them. the screen had nice very small drawings, patterns, I cannot describe them. A woman stood by me and told me that if I wanted to go to the moon, I should go through a pattern, she pointed to one of them, it was like one by one cm. I was not sure I got the right pattern so asked her to point it to me again and she got annoyed at me for that ! I was wondering how I was going to go through that ! (no physical body of course). I got into it and ended up in a city, it was nightime, there's a tree in front of me and a streetlight behind. I'm trying to fly again I only seem to manage to fly to the top of the tree, at that point, I just decide to stop with the dream, to wake up to make sure to remember everything !
and I did....
this is the second time it happens to me but I had double awareness, there was a point I opened my eyes and could see the blanket I directly closed my eyes, and got scared to loose the plot, it was when I was at Uni, I freaked out and the scene was black for a while before I got vision again, I progressively got it back to normal.
I'm dead tired now ! but everytime I have an LD I feel like a kid who just got his dream toy !

21st June 2010, 08:31 AM
I was really busy renovating my house, I went to bed far too late to play in the dream dimension. Till last night hiihhi
I woke up at 4am last night, put a pair of trousers on my eyes and started to do some energy work. I must have fell asleep really late but I had a tiny lucid dream. I stood up in my bedroom, my son was there and there was tv hanging from the ceiling, my son asked me to switch the alarm off to be able to go and have breakfast downstairs. that's when I realized it was odd and that I must be dreaming. I told him that to go downstairs he should not open the the door but fly through it, if his intent to fly is strong enough he will manage to fly through it. I demonstrated it in front of him, I flew horizontally and was amazed at how easy it was to fly through the door !
I went downstairs (same stairs as the real ones) but when I entered the living room it was really different, there was a sofa with flower patterns on it, it was perpendicular to a window, there was a kitchen which was in the livingroom. It was not particularily modern. I sat down on the sofa. There were a few people in the room, mostly indians. One woman was sitting on the sofa, she was very beautiful, I got completely excited at seeing them and told them I had about 5 minutes because my alarm clock was going to switch on. I asked the girl which year it was. She replied "year 7000". I was amazed because it didn't look that modern for year 7000. I then told them I needed to hurry up, I had prepared 4 tasks for my next LD and I knew I had very limited time, I also had a vision problem, as if I were wearing a hijab, it was dark before my eyes, I remembered that the people in the room were always lifting this "thing" before my eyes so that I could see clearly (does it have anything to do with the pair of trousers ?!)
As I was sitting on the sofa, I saw this wierd small flying robot near the window, the girl said that the robot was analyzing me because it didn't recognize me, I answered that I didn't care because I was going to go back to year 2010 in 5 min. anyway !
I'm in a year 7000's database !
there was a chinese guy preparing some tea, I approached him and saw a calendar with "2025" on it, I told the girl "you see ?! you're lying, it's 2025!"
and she answered that I shouldn't touch it, that it belongs to the chinese guy and it's very very old, it's precious to him.
As my vision got worse and worse and decided to go back in the stairs and hurry up bakc to my room, when I arrived upstairs, there was another indian woman, I asked her how to have LD's at will, she said she didn't know, I was then advised to take a course. I told her I had no time but I would come back to attend it. I had no time to go back to my bedroom that my alarm clock really went on.....GRRRR
I switched it off, tried to continue with the dream but it went on again and got up really late. grrrrr
next time, I'll wake up at 3am !
it's wierd in a way because it was like both time frames were similar.

21st June 2010, 08:48 AM
Hello, sleepingbeauty.

it was dark before my eyes, I remembered that the people in the room were always lifting this "thing" before my eyes so that I could see clearly (does it have anything to do with the pair of trousers ?!)

This probably only means that your clarity of vision was lacking and needed to be sustained by the beings surrounding you. You symbolised this by a device, but they were really sustaining your consciousness in this task. Also your vision got worse as the experience goes in, indicating some trouble keeping the state of consciousness necessary.

The nonsensical information about times and dates is not uncommon for any kind of dream, don't take it too literal.

The Chinese guy preparing tea could have been a sign to "take your time," as Asian tea ceremonies can take really long. You seem very hurried in this experience, too hurried to take much in. Don't take time so literal, dream time normally should last longer than waking time. I mean, you can have a long dream fit in a short period of "clock time."

I wonder why most people were Asian. Do you have a preference for Eastern practices or religions?


21st June 2010, 12:01 PM
I was really in a hurry, funny enough, I knew that I had to get up soon ....
I'm caucasian, and to be honest, I'm not into religions. I used to be an atheist......before my first obe. I never had any particular interest in religion and had not read books on the subject (I don't like the "codes of conduct" taught in any religion).
I think, but I cannot pronounce myself on that one yet as I'm not knowledgeable on the subject, if I had to choose one religion, I'd go for buddhism.
I do not know why people always seem to be asian in my LD's, but it's true that most of them are !
I do not find asians more attractive than caucasians either. I've always loved Japan but it is more for the technological side of it rather than the traditional one !
It might be an astral buddhist sect ! hihihihi
in the meantime, I'm still trying to learn chinese out there... :evil:

21st June 2010, 12:18 PM
in the meantime, I'm still trying to learn chinese out there... :evil:

Hey, you already have someone to practice your Chinese on out there... ;) And to get a cup of astral tea, of course. :D


21st June 2010, 12:36 PM
I haven't used my sense of taste in dreams yet....
If only I could LD at will..... I thought it would get easier to get them with time but.....well, not really !
I've just started a test today, I wrote "door" on my hands, door at work etc... the goal is to ask myself whether I'm dreaming each time I go through them.... we'll see how long it takes before it works... I've already tried without the signs and it doesn't work as I always keep on forgetting to ask the magic question.......
I'm busy reading Lucid Dreaming from Waggoner, fascinating, I'm not there yet but there's a chapter on how to learn new things and how to lucid dream with other people.... my son is definitely looking forward to that one, he's only 6 but his dream is to...lucid dream...

21st June 2010, 12:40 PM
What do you seek most in having LDs? What do hope to achieve or experience?


21st June 2010, 01:50 PM
I'd say for the "high" feeling we get for days after an LD... I have no idea whether the body releases any chemical but it just feels good !!
I'd want to use it as a gateway to obe/astral projection
and to better understand the dream dimension, if it's a mental projection, are the entities independent from us, do we meet other entities who are not from the earth and do dream and therefore project in that dimension as well ?
curiousity, sense of almost complete freedom, to get some kind of validation (no, dream are not just releases of daytime frustrations)
to be honest, if dreamland is a mental plane, it's very exciting because one can play in it and start wondering whether we're really mortal or immortal (that's my engineer's side..., we've been brainwashed to criticize and find rational answers for everything)
it's a personal quest I guess, definitely one of pleasure !
May I ask you what you're trying to achieve, do when you're having LD's ? isn't the happy feeling all worth it ?

21st June 2010, 02:31 PM
Hello, sleepingbeauty.

I guess there is the happy feeling of "Yes, I did it! It happened!" that accompanies some experiences. Excitement, I guess. I know Kurt also writes about the bliss (the happiness you seem to describe) that accompanies such dream experiences, but so far I cannot say I really felt that. I didn't have that many lucid dreams, but I had some.

The happier experiences for me happened always while relaxing or meditating. Those were peak experiences - it doesn't happen all the time, that's for sure. Where I would feel that everything is okay as it is, from within. Or love for everyone. Those are very wonderful feelings.

Generally I want all the guidance I can get out of my dreams, I want to understand them and make sense of them. I'd love to use them for exploring another reality, but so far I have not yet achieved that.


21st June 2010, 08:20 PM
I know what you mean, it's funny because when I'm trying to interpret my dreams I'm always trying to make a link between the physical reality and try to relate it in the time frame surrounding a few days but when I read you answers I'm flabbergasted ! I didn't see it on that angle ! but I like it. It shows how little we understand from dreams. the only hope I have is that, whatever it might mean, dreams are trying to show us a greater reality and that is not just a product of the brain. and, if I have more than 5min in my next LD, I'll call you to fly together ! :P it's a lot of fun !
you said in your answer that you didn't have that many ld's but do you obe ? isn't that even better ?!

22nd June 2010, 06:33 AM
Hello, sleepingbeauty.

you said in your answer that you didn't have that many ld's but do you obe ? isn't that even better ?!

I had about three OBEs total and maybe half a dozen LDs over the years. I pretty much have given up on trying to do it by will. Whatever happens, happens. I actually settled for LDs instead of OBEs maybe a year or two ago. I have my fair share of interesting experiences and rewarding dreams, I sure don't want to miss them. Could sometimes do with more, though. ;)
