View Full Version : Born knowing

27th May 2010, 05:47 PM
This one is from last night.

I recall the scene - I see a woman wrapped in white sheets on the same bed as I. She looks tired and radiant. During the dream I think she looks Chinese to me, but her eyes are more almond-shaped than I would expect.

I try to figure out my surroundings, what is going on. It came to me that I've just been born. I'm amazed - I know who I am, I remember it. I communicate this to my new mother and realise what miracle that is - I can communicate with my mother. I'm just a baby, but I remember who I am. I felt so excited.

I don't think a single word was actually spoken during this dream, that all the exchange was in the mind, but I remember talking to her.

She told me that my face looked interesting, with a smile, and caressed it. I sincerely enjoyed the undisturbed intimacy we were having.

Drawing upon my memories I tried out if I could still speak German and English - and I thought, well whatever comes, this might come in handy. I told my mother that I hoped I could remember this but I might just forget it as I grew up, I was a bit anxious about that. Now that I remembered who I am I did not want to forget it again!

She didn't seem to worry about that.

I never moved during this dream. Everything was a weird overlay of "me now" and the situation of me being a baby. I never saw myself, though. Then I woke up.

The idea of the dream, the experience of being born knowing, excites me. It was a very rewarding experience to have.

However, I could also interpret it symbolically. In that case I'd say it pertains to the idea of being reborn into a state not unlike that of a child, but with the knowledge of an adult. Nothing gets lost in this process, I'm still me, but I'm also born into something new, a new life. The mother could be the nurturing of my spirit through the wisdom of Asia - be it concepts and teachings of Buddhism, Daoism or Hinduism, in part through theosophy.

Certainly a good way to start a day! :D


27th May 2010, 07:58 PM
and a good way to end a day. :D

27th May 2010, 08:15 PM


28th May 2010, 07:36 AM
Sounds vaguely familiar like your brain was working on something, maybe:

Oh guiding night!
O night more lovely than the dawn!
O night that has united
The lover with His beloved,
Transforming the beloved in her Lover.

Upon my flowering breast
Which I kept wholly for Him alone,
There He lay sleeping,
And I caressing Him
There in a breeze from the fanning cedars.

In St John's Ascent of Moutn Carmel, which I imagine you read, he describes his mystical union with Christ/God. What interests me is the switch of gender in the pronoun 'her' lover. The word 'caressing' is what caught my attention.

Just a thought....

28th May 2010, 08:27 AM
Hm, I have only experience with following one newborn so far in this regard and it is a bit of a far stretch to generalize, but I gonna do it now anyway :mrgreen:

I believe, that everyone is born knowing and still conscious of ones past and the spiritual world in the first few days. Then one starts forgetting more and more, while the baby does show more consciousness to the outside material world.
So for a "normal" observer it appears that the baby does gain more and more consciousness of its surroundings, but actually on a different level it rapidly looses consciousness.

So your dream is what I believe to be just how things actually are. :D

28th May 2010, 11:22 AM
As Alienor says, it could be what we all actually experience upon rebirth.

I love your dream: it's beautiful. I wonder if it perhaps gave indication of a parallel incarnation.

30th May 2010, 07:17 PM
Or maybe it was a message for you to read the book Born Knowing. You have it at home, but the kiddo may have ripped the cover off.

30th May 2010, 07:47 PM
No, I actually found it a few hours ago when sorting through stuff. Wondered about the title for a bit. Coincidences... ;)
