View Full Version : Healing approaches

27th May 2010, 08:43 AM
Hi Robert!!

Thought I would ask question here so others can get the benefit...

OK so my Dad will soon be ordained as a priest, and is starting to get into healing as part of his ministry. His approach to this is that he is acting as a channel for the will of God, trying to remove himself from the question, either petitioning God or directly addressing the issue in question and demanding it leave in the name of Jesus (e.g. "Pain you have no place in Gods plan, I demand you leave in the name of Jesus"). Interesting approach, and as I understand quite a valid one. But, I think his capacity would be greatly increased were he to seriously focus on energy work, and learn your healing from the heart method. However, as he sees himself solely as a channel for God, this is tricky.

Is there any way to easily bridge this idealogical gap? And what is your approach when you give healing, do you call on God to intervene through you with regards to the energy you send, do you use your own capacities, or both? My friend Dean, is learning energy healing, and is starting to find that it works best when he focuses on the patients higher self, rather than trying to "own" the process himself. How do you feel about this, what is your take?

Questions questions :)



Robert Bruce
30th May 2010, 03:13 PM

Your questions relate to how one perceives God, Source, Higher Self, to be.

God is everywhere and in everyone and everything.

You are a part of everyone.

Therefore, God is also inside you.

The closest and most accessible aspect of God to you is therefore in you. In your body and your mind and your life.

This is far more powerful and real than to have a perception of God as being separate and far from you?

When you pump energy with the heart center healing method, you are pumping energy from God, through God, and into God.

God is everywhere.....

How we perceive God to be, and how close we allow God to be to us, is critically important.

Go to my blog http://www.blog.astraldynamics.com and in the sidebar video player the first video is a promo for a DVD set I will soon release, MASH, Manifestation and Self Healing. I discuss this very thing in this video.

The only way to bridge this gap is through progressive realization. Through personal experience.

We humans separate ourselves from God because we want some privacy, and we just can't understand how God could be inside of us all. So we separate ourselves with dualistic thinking. From this we create dogma. This is natural.

It takes a lot of thinking and talking and reading and doing to move from the dualistic to the non dual.

It is best to work with the beliefs of another person, rather than disagreeing with heartfelt beliefs. In time, the truth becomes obvious. And in the meantime, it is most important to do what works.

This applies to people like your father. Find some common ground and focus on this. Agree to disagree. Strive for the truth always.
