View Full Version : Please help me solve my 2 little problems

25th May 2010, 06:11 PM
Hello Mr. Bruce!
I'm 17 years old guy from Slovenia. I admire your work and hope that you could help with my 2 little problems -
1. one is approx. 1 inch big brain tumor. It lies on the meeting point of my visual nerves and because of this little monster i am poor(very poor) sighted,
I am just wondering - is it safe to "shoot" it with my energy (with NEW), since it lies near brow chakra (and also near hypothalamus).

2. my left big toe.That little thing is behaving very odd for the last 2 years. It feels like there is very strong energy movement there even when i don't concentrate on it.
What should i do? I have already spent many hours performing bounce, sponge and brush actions on it. What should i do? Should i do more or should i do something else?
I am asking this because this energy movement is especially strong during relaxation and meditation sessions and it distracts me.

btw: about that tumor - it isn't growing at the moment and the skies are still blue :) , and about my english - sorry I'm learning
Thank you for your time. Jakob

Robert Bruce
30th May 2010, 04:12 PM
G'day Jakob,

I have a feeling that the tumor and your big toe sensations may be related.

I would experiment with your toe, trying magnets, essential oils, Tiger Balm, etc.

em grounding of your body during sleep would also possibly help, see http://www.sleepingearthed.com You can also make up homemade versions of this for little cost.

Manifestation healing would be the most effective thing you could do.

The core affirmation, below, is the foundation.

Core Affirmation: “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am powerfully protected. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

To this I would add, 'my eyesight is perfect' and 'I see clearly' and other affirmations that reflect perfect sight.

do not mention the tumor in your affirmations.

Say the affirmation verbally, aloud, as much as possible each day, and silently when this is not convenient. Aloud is the most effective. The spoken word vibrates the throat chakra, that projects words onto the astral level. Your higher self is more receptive and proactive on the astral level. This is how it works.

There is nothing you cannot heal using manifestation healing 'affirmations' if you work at it.

Record your affirmations on a CD and play this softly on repeat day and night.

Get a copy of 'The Secret' DVD, on manifestation. Watch this often. Immerse yourself in the success of manifestation principles.

Do not discuss this with anyone who is not truly positive and supportive. Avoid discussing this with people who insist on being 'realistic'. Every person you talk to that disagrees with you on how manifestation can help will cost you days of work to overcome the negative effects.

Never talk or think negatively of your condition. Imagine and feel and think and talk as if you were already healed.

In every case where I inspire people to do this with all their hearts, results have been miraculous.

Get busy living....


ps, you can email me at my public ... workshops@