View Full Version : Have I awoken my energy body?

25th May 2010, 05:15 PM
I confess that I do not fully understand these metaphysical discussions and concepts, but I nevertheless have been trying to achieve a transcendent level of conciousness for a few weeks. My first step was to successfully enter what I suppose was a trance: I was counting my breathing until at last I lost track of my breaths, which thereupon grew noticeably deeper and heavier. Then, much to my surprise, I began to REM while conscious, and I felt a tightening of the muscles at the base of my spine. This went on for some time as I simply watched the REM, thinking perhaps that something else might happen. First discovering that my REM patterns were following a sort of pattern which I was able to predict, I at last came to the realization that I was in control of the REM. I must have formed a new neural connection, because now I can voluntarily initate REM, even while fully awake.

I experimented some more with trance, which I was able to enter with greater ease subsequently. Nothing else interesting took place until Sunday, when I retired to a mountaintop and laid upon a large rock along a north-south axis, my limbs spread out roughly like the Vitruvian man. It was late afternoon, and a crisp moon rose on my left hand while the sun set to my right. The wind enveloped me constantly, and thus my tactile senses were continually stimulated. After a long period of trance, throughout which time I felt faint tickles of energy through my limbs, vertiginous sensations developed in my left leg. This spread upwards, until at last my entire body was shaking violently. I did not know if this was a precursor to an OBE exit, and thus I allowed it to continue on, merely watching as I had my REM. Yet, also like my REM, I realized that I was in ultimate control of which muscles were twitching. This went on for some time, until at last I opened my eyes and stood up, an undeniable pulse of energy tickling throughout my entire body, and my hands especially. This was very exciting, as none of Robert Bruce's NEW exercises had caused any feeling in me until then.

Nevertheless, the energy fizzled and now I do not know how that strange experience happened, or how to make it happen again. Also, what relation did this have to my ultimate goal of achieving a transcendent conciousness? I personally know only one other person who has traveled astrally, but his methods are so very esoteric that I cannot understand them. I suppose the idea of "moving my awareness" does not fully make sense to me. Any help along these would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

25th May 2010, 07:04 PM
Hi zide. You went into deep trance and had what are known as exit sensations. Here is a post that will describe some of what you experienced (though not all of them.)
Depending on what to do with this, there are many threads in the OBE R & D forum which will help guide you.

viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7304 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7304)

Once you have read this, I suggest you go ahead and read the stickied threads dedicated to techniques, such as 'guide for vibrations' and exit techniques'.

20th August 2010, 10:24 PM
Hello. Since I posted this thread some time ago, I have been continuing to practice mediation and energy work as best I can, and have been researching, too. Unfortunately, I still cannot initiate--even after hours of mediation--an astral projection. The most that happens is muscle twitching, which I assume to be a result of chi flow (perhaps I am wrong). I have been able to successfully feel tingling sensations in my hands and brow chakra, but the feelings are very vague and I sure as heck cannot manipulate or move the energy once I feel it. I am thus somewhat stumped. The only other person whom I know that projects astrally describes visualizing a pyramid, which he thereupon spins or something. I cannot visualize at all, so that would not be helpful even if it made sense to me.

Is any of this even possible without external spiritual assistance? I am not willing to ask outside forces for guidance, because I do not trust them; nor am I willing to believe that I am a god, and that entities objectively distinct from me are merely my alter egos or "higher selves." Is astral projection possible without these concessions? If so, what could I be doing wrongly? Thanks for any help you can give.

20th August 2010, 10:50 PM
Hello. Since I posted this thread some time ago, I have been continuing to practice mediation and energy work as best I can, and have been researching, too. Unfortunately, I still cannot initiate--even after hours of mediation--an astral projection. The most that happens is muscle twitching, which I assume to be a result of chi flow (perhaps I am wrong). Hm. Muscle twitching is part and parcel of going to sleep, so all that shows is that you are body-aware when you're approaching trance.

I have been able to successfully feel tingling sensations in my hands and brow chakra, but the feelings are very vague and I sure as heck cannot manipulate or move the energy once I feel it. I am thus somewhat stumped. This strikes me strange- the symptoms you describe are energy feedback symptoms, and the act of running the energy moves it, whether you feel it or not. The feelings are supposed to be vague when you bounce energy quickly, as opposed to when you do slow sponging or energy ball stimulation.

The only other person whom I know that projects astrally describes visualizing a pyramid, which he thereupon spins or something. I cannot visualize at all, so that would not be helpful even if it made sense to me. Most people here do not use imagination for projection. Did you read the energy body loosening and exit techniques that are in the Research and Discussions thread?

Is any of this even possible without external spiritual assistance? I am not willing to ask outside forces for guidance, because I do not trust them; nor am I willing to believe that I am a god, and that entities objectively distinct from me are merely my alter egos or "higher selves." Is astral projection possible without these concessions? If so, what could I be doing wrongly? Thanks for any help you can give. I don't know too many people that ask for external help unless they have lots of experience projecting, and want to reach 'higher' realms. Other than that it's just practice.

If it helps I'll link you to the routine I use (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8337&p=64336&hilit=tech#p64336), and you can adapt it to your own preferences and/or style.

20th August 2010, 11:06 PM
I have read and re-read much about different exit techniques. None of the terms make much sense to me, however, for I think my problem is an inability to feel or manipulate my energy body. While meditating, I try to imagine falling scenarios, which have at times successfully instigated vertigo, muscle spasms, and tingling sensations. But that is as much as I have been able to do. I have tried RB's NEW energy ways, but the methods do not seem to work for me. "Energy balls" and "sponging" are completely foreign concepts for me.

21st August 2010, 02:01 AM
Well, if you want to explore it further, we're here to help.

21st August 2010, 02:28 PM
Hi zide! I have a hiking destination, Elk Mountain, that is exactly as you describe (I think) and your experience there tells me I must return to it. I've been a little out-of-sorts lately and an evening on Elk Mountain is just the prescription, would deliver me from the hum-drum world and back to the magic of Nature.

Thanks for that reminder. :D

I come from a little different background than many members here and can usually be counted on for an alternative perspective :roll: :wink: . With that in mind; It's been my experience that when we're having physical symptoms relating to our efforts at meditation/energy body/projection we've already blown it. There's no going forward from there as we're focused on these physical phenomena which creates a sort loop in our efforts. I'm meditating, I'm having sensations, I'm meditating, I'm having sensations and on and on.

I think when masters speak/write of these phenomena they do so in retrospect. In other words, having made the exit, they then look back and describe the experience which includes these energy body sensations. I would do my best to deemphasize these reactions. A story I remember from some book years ago; a student excitedly declares to his yogi guru that he saw a vision of the Buddha. The master reassures him. Practice, my son, and it'll go away.

Samadhi, or whatever our goal, includes these 'distractions', but cannot be attained by them. If one is on the road to their destiny, then picking up every little pebble along the way, as if the pebbles and landscape are proof that he is getting there, will certainly derail his arrival.

Hope you hang around. :):

Aunt Clair
26th August 2010, 12:50 AM
The expansion of consciousness affords ascension. The magician has communication with the Higher Self & Guardian Angel. They integrate with it and emancipate it. The angel will continue to develop and work to heal and teach others after this physical body dies. Each life we live can yield one or more new angels. The purpose of this is to slowly heal our world to make it more compassionate and tolerant and make vessels which can walk on the planet in the true image of Godhead as a self realised being. Our monad is imprinted with our works so that when we incarnate in the future we have the vibration we previously attained.

Our pathworking on the route to this transcendent state of being is wondrous. The magician can learn to see and hear the teaching masters and to become one of them. The Higher Realms are temporally stable and these are magnificent exploration grounds. There are temples into which you can wander which will evoke the presence of a teacher just by entering therein. These are places in the Higher Planes where the magician receives esoteric wisdoms, attunements, and skills.

It is like climbing a mountain or scuba diving or cave exploring. The point is not that you must return . That does not make it a worthless experience. The point it that the lessons learnt there are integrated into the human energy body and consciousness making the magician more capable, more understanding and more compassionate. It is by forgiving the ugliness and betrayals of this world that we see the beauties of the real world, Our life here is but an illusion; a place where we learn. Our spiritual life is the real thing. And exploring the planes is a vocation in itself.

If you want to "initiate " why not try iniatic magick ?
Here is free link to Dr. Joshua David Stone's guided meditation.
http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/ ... 115.0.html (http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php/topic,115.0.html)
Have someone read it aloud or tape it in advance and play it back while you trance and project. Initiatic Magic is projecting mystically from the body to higher plane realms as lead by teaching spirits . There the magician is initiated with energies to expand their conciousness , pillars of energy , attunements , and healing from the Masters helps the initiate to attain a higher vibration.

If you would like to check your energy body progress, I offer free readings on Skype , just add me Aunt Clair and call me when you see me online . You need a mic and free Skype for the reading. These take 20 to 45 minutes.And you can develop your clairvoyance to assess your own progress too.

Do not be discouraged by those who feel meditation and projection are not worthwhile. Each lesson is a jewel, a treasure, a crowning achievement. These relieve stress, heal the physical body, teach occult knowledge, attune the energy body to a higher vibration, afford siddhi powers, increase ability to manifest, integrate lessons into the physical life to reduce suffering et ceteral.

Daily energy work and daily meditation will increase your clairience and develop your energy body for all magical pathworking.