View Full Version : overcoming severe panic disorder

23rd May 2010, 05:33 PM
Hello Mr. Bruce,
I am Bonedaddy's wife Jodi. I have suffered from severe panic disorder for 11 years. I do not travel, because that is the crux of my symptoms. I have immense fear of starting a path with OBE, due to the fact that I think it will trigger my symptoms. Do you have experience with this? Please tell me your opinion if you think it will help me.

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Robert Bruce
30th May 2010, 03:39 PM
G'day Jodi,

I do not recommend any OBE.

First, I recommend a Q-Link. These help. See http://www.glidewing.com/gw/gw_qlink_orders.html

I recommend that you use manifestation healing.

Affirmations are the most powerful tool we have.

Core Affirmation: “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am powerfully protected. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

To this I would add "I am relaxed and happy"

Say these aloud as much as possible, and silently. Record yourself and play the recording on repeat softly day and night.

Make good use of alone time and driving time for verbal affirmations.

If the above advice is followed, miracles happen. It will take some time and effort, but it will happen.

Btw, when you have a panic attack, get into the shower. You'll be amazed at how quickly it eases off.

I also suggest em grounding. See http://www.sleepingearthed.com This has a similar effect as a shower, but without the wet bit.
