View Full Version : how to have Astral projection while lucid dreaming ?

21st May 2010, 09:40 AM
hey guys
im in day 17 in MAP and these days im beginning to be lucid in all the dreams i have
just suddenly i realize im in a dream
i so i wanted to try astral projection while in the dream
so i i tried to use the rope technique i just imagine a rope infront of me in the dream (which is very easy)
and then i climb it and clim and move through the roof of the room or any place which im in and then i move into another dream
some times its lucid and some times not
but is there is anyway to reall astral project while in a lucid dream ?

21st May 2010, 10:57 AM
You can keep experimenting using different methods that are limited by your imagination. One that comes to mind is stepping into an elevator with the intention of leaving the body when you step out.

Another method that sometimes works is to leave the dream and return consciousness to the sleep paralysed body or the dark void place and try an exit technique from that point.

Generally, I think it's just as good to stay in the lucid dream and use methods to extend it. A Google search will quickly yield methods for heightening and maintaining lucidity.

21st May 2010, 02:17 PM
Hi I_W.
What you did was 'really' astral project, because dreams happen in private areas of the astral- so the 'other dream' may have been another area of the astral.
If you were trying to convert it to an OBE to the RTZ, here is a thread with techniques: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14227 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14227)