View Full Version : question all beliefs

Neil Templar
21st May 2010, 09:29 AM
lying in bed i made a vocal request of guidance - to show me what is needed to take things to the next step - awareness, understanding, abilities, health...

while dreaming, i found myself standing in front of a giant hedge. an impenetrable hedge wall, that went on forever in each direction.
i was standing wondering what to do next, when out of the hedge came a man. he 'felt' like Oliver when he spoke to me.
he told me that "insert name here, can't remember the name" had come up with a system to bring people to a state of positive change.
he told me to get them to question themselves, their beliefs, their religions.
it wasn't like he was telling me to question my beliefs, but that i had to get others to question theirs...

kinda what i've been doing anyway. :?

then he walked off, and i could see the small hole in the hedge he'd come thru.
i went in, and as i emerged out the other side, i woke up.

21st May 2010, 09:40 AM
while dreaming, i found myself standing in front of a giant hedge. an impenetrable hedge wall, that went on forever in each direction.

This may sound silly, but it reminds me of the animation movie "Over The Hedge." Just the picture.

i was standing wondering what to do next, when out of the hedge came a man. he 'felt' like Oliver when he spoke to me.

Hehe, glad you remember what I'm doing at night, I didn't lately. :lol:

Now, seriously - you said the hedge seemed to be impenetrable, but somebody stepped out. The way a barrier appears to you is important, but it need not be a barrier for other beings. You could see a brick wall, a fence, or a hedge - or just a line on the ground, or whatever.

he told me that "insert name here, can't remember the name" had come up with a system to bring people to a state of positive change.

Funny. Names have no meaning on the other side, it is often said. Similarly you might not have a direct experience of that being's or person's energy signature. Hence the vagueness in the communication.

he told me to get them to question themselves, their beliefs, their religions.
it wasn't like he was telling me to question my beliefs, but that i had to get others to question theirs...

Sounds like the Indian practice of "Not this, not that" where you explore your sense of identity by looking at each thing (your job, your body, your beliefs, your thoughts, your emotions, your hobbies, your status...) and try to realise that this is "not you" by seeing that if you didn't have that, if that didn't exist, you would still be there, for example.

Beliefs - religious or not - and identity are deeply interwoven, and breaking down a rigid belief system in manageable steps would be an immensely valuable tool. Not crash and burn, but taking away bit for bit till what is left is a belief system open to and receptive to the truth.

kinda what i've been doing anyway. :?

then he walked off, and i could see the small hole in the hedge he'd come thru.
i went in, and as i emerged out the other side, i woke up.

Maybe you're missing a part here. As you saw that the barrier was not impenetrable you could make the switch yourself - there was quite literally a gap in your former conviction that it was impenetrable. If you experienced another state of consciousness formerly inaccessible to you you might not have downloaded it.

Be well,

Neil Templar
21st May 2010, 09:54 AM
cheers Oliver!

Neil Templar
31st May 2010, 05:14 PM
i just noticed Tutor saying this in another thread, it reflects the truth of the message in this dream...

"when one frees themself through having freed others, it is then that they might see what they need as opposed to what they'd rather have instead."

3rd June 2010, 08:22 AM
Do you believe this to be a mission that you'd take seriously, Neil?