View Full Version : Not sure how to fix this / Energy Grounding?
19th May 2010, 08:32 PM
Hello Everybody,
I need some advice on a few things I've been encountering over the last ten years of my life. As a person I've always had a desire to pursue the spiritual and mystical but I find the more I do the more upside-down and crazy my life becomes. So many weird things come out of the blue that it astounds me half the time. It makes me scared of anything spiritual now.
After having numerous spiritual experiences turn my life upside-down I want to know if I've left something out of the equation. I've heard the term "Energy Grounding"... is that what I need to do? Or is that something different? For me, I'm trying to find a means to keep my energies from whipping out and interfering with every little aspect of my life. I do my best to be positive and am overall a loving person to other people. No one's perfect, but I feel like anytime I try to step near spiritual things that my life goes crazy.
Looking forward to hearing back.
19th May 2010, 08:48 PM
Hm, what is actually your problem? Crazy can mean so much. Some people enjoy crazy. Life upside-down does not really say much either to me.
For me through spiritual experiences I got to see a lot of crazy things in the last few years. But to the outside world of those people I meet everyday, there is next to no apparent change noticeable. I am just all "normal". 8)
19th May 2010, 09:55 PM
Thanks for your reply... by "crazy" and "upside-down" I was making generalizations to terrible things happening to me in direct response to my spiritual pursuits. I didn't want to itemize them so that my letter would be more focused on resolving the energy problem rather than talking about the past events.
Did you have anything to say in regards to my question about energy grounding or something similar?
Hope so. :)
19th May 2010, 10:46 PM
The problem is that it's difficult to ascertain what the solution is if we don't know what the problem is.
Usually grounding is recommended for when there is too much mental activity and the emotional instability that goes along with it- uncontrolled visual phenomena, delusional or unclear thinking, the inability to function in 'regular' life.
But your post is a bit vague, so it's hard to point at a possible solution without enough information.
20th May 2010, 12:26 AM
the thing that serves best is to see everything/all as spiritual. all life is sacred, and everything is alive, if but on the atomic level.
when we with our imagination fence off what is and what isn't and what hasn't been decided upon yet: well then sacredness becomes an individual personal perspective, and everyone in that steps on everyone elses spiritual.
so, i'd start by ending the personal choice of what is sacred/spiritual and what is not. bottom line is that you are humanly sacred and first and foremost spirit being human, as opposed to a human trying to be spiritual.
if I walk backwards on my path it is a sure thing that i am not going to see where i am going, and therein have one hell of a time with it.
20th May 2010, 12:50 AM
Hmmm... I'm going to do my best to rephrase things here.
My problem is that I pump out a lot of energy at everything around me whether I try to or not. I feel like my life is "too divinely guided". By that, I mean, I have way way too many syncronicities and they are not always "working for my good." Half of my life is heaven, and the other half is hell. I don't seem to have any middle-ground or balance even though I strive for it with all my heart.
I understand that we all vibrate and emit energy but mine seems to naturally be very strong. So, whenever I try to meditate or do energy work on myself (so that I may find more balance) I add even more energy on to my life and then it seems like everything goes wild around me and more unpleasant synchronicities happen. I understand most of the principles of the LOA and how things like this function. It's just I'm trying to find a means to keep some of these energies from getting too strong or out of control. The question is "how"? I'm looking for some kind of technique or methodology to do this not just a new outlook.
Hope that helps. :)
20th May 2010, 02:15 AM
Then I'd suggest you work more with reality creation, and not grounding- if you have a tendency to create, learning to do it on purpose helps to make it stop when you need it. I am not going to tell you to 'embrace your abilities', etc., because I have firsthand knowledge of what happens when it's 'on' all the time- but I find that if you apply your consciousness to every step used in reality creation (conscious creation), you can control it better.
When it comes to energy, directing it specifically at something is probably easier than trying to attenuate it, it seems to me.
20th May 2010, 02:40 AM
This sounds like a great suggestion. What would be some good resources and links to get me started? Feel free to PM me if you would like. Thanks! :)
20th May 2010, 03:50 AM
Often a (new) spiritual path will turn the old life 'upside down'. Part of this is real, part of it is from a new and unfamiliar perspective. After all, if there is to be change, things are going to be different. As to how one might view these upheavals depends greatly on where you were and where you are now. In other words, can you perceive things to be better or worse. In the beginning, usually neither is obvious; mostly what you can see is the chaos.
If you are trying to quell the strange reactions from others and weird situations you now find yourself in, then grounding is not going to help much.
Grounding helps when you are having trouble getting oriented and to some extent when you feel overwhelmed by your own reactions. The purpose of grounding is to temporarily drain off external influences so you can center in who you are what you want. This provides a rest so you can return in a more effective state.
20th May 2010, 04:04 AM
Hmmm... I'm going to do my best to rephrase things here.
My problem is that I pump out a lot of energy at everything around me whether I try to or not. I feel like my life is "too divinely guided". By that, I mean, I have way way too many syncronicities and they are not always "working for my good." Half of my life is heaven, and the other half is hell. I don't seem to have any middle-ground or balance even though I strive for it with all my heart.
i think by "life" here you must be speaking in terms of others in your life. perhaps learn where "You and your Life" begins and ends, letting all others be in the same mutual freedom, as you learning to be you. standing on the 50 yard line (middle ground) is ever between heaven and hell, the very place for you to realize 'you' as interdependently actualized and authentic, non-co-dependent upon others being a part of that balancing act.
ya cant be the referee, or on either team, if you havent realized the you in it.
maybe read the bhagavad gita - as it is; and read jesus' comments when he went to his hometown to speak the word. even doctor doolittle's pushme pullya, the llama with two heads fighting for the lead.
I understand that we all vibrate and emit energy but mine seems to naturally be very strong. So, whenever I try to meditate or do energy work on myself (so that I may find more balance) I add even more energy on to my life and then it seems like everything goes wild around me and more unpleasant synchronicities happen. I understand most of the principles of the LOA and how things like this function. It's just I'm trying to find a means to keep some of these energies from getting too strong or out of control. The question is "how"? I'm looking for some kind of technique or methodology to do this not just a new outlook.
Hope that helps. :)
this would be you re-assuming to control what is not yours to control. spiritual strength bends and surrenders to forces seeming at odds with itself. to remain even against the odds in life doesnt mean to run away and reclusively hide out. it just means to give, including giving up a lot, like the fear of being out of control which erupts when we find ourselves in the midst of attempting to control the uncontrollable.
understand that being balanced is work, forces lean one to the left so one gives to the right, and forces lean one to the right and one give to the left.
the methodology you crave is simply "letting go" of what is not yours and "surrendering" to what is yours alone (acceptance of you - bad/good, frail and vulnerable, as the spirit born child learning to walk the talk).
if this strength is true strength then put it to work where it can do for you in what is yours to do.
we wish to take it all with us when we cross that threshold into what is ours alone. ask yourself, would you allow another to rob you of what is yours alone, and understand that sometimes that is exactly what we expect others to do, to let us rob them, when we wish to take them across what is our threshold of passing.
be an example that is built upon true strength utilized in your best interests alone. and you will see that to have built up such that any other that is within what is yours will come to you.
but, it is as well true, that you are theirs. but sadly, those non-sensed to yours will move on.
sometimes one has to wrestle the angel in them that would with strength save everyone. it isnt to the death, but your freewill supercedes any angelic function within yourself that would lopsidedly con-test you. which means, that angel within you will joyously give you your due if you'd but let it go and surrender to such folly. but, that's a heart thing there, where a lie cannot hide and only truth is seen.
so seen, by heartfelt example and find yourself uncontested within and without.
perhaps wisdom begins when at least a fool would know that they are fool.
so, stop pumping energy against the wind and start pumping your own brand of foolishness where the wind serves to energize you.
some might think to see an ole windbag, but ya need a foolish heart to see the spinning turbine at peace with wind.
20th May 2010, 08:22 AM
Now I just took a glimpse at your aura! :shock:
It's just I'm trying to find a means to keep some of these energies from getting too strong or out of control.
That surely is really needed here. I will first write what I think is going on with you and then what would be my approach to this.
To me it appears, that you did have, what I call a "pseudo Kundalini raising". My guess is, that you did way overdo energy work. Now you are powerfully blasting around with energy. On the good side, no NEGs would dare to come close to you, I also would not dare to come too close in astral.
So it is like your energy body has big tentacles waving around and pumping out energy at everything and everybody that comes close.
Now to the grounding idea. There are different ways of grounding, some you should avoid now. Do not try to ground yourself using metal wiring or such physical appliances. I would also suggest for now, to not try any kind of meditative grounding.
What I would suggest is to do grounding activities. Some such activities are taking walks in nature, doing physical sports that make you sweat and tire your muscles, eating meat. Sleeping has usually also a beneficial effect on the energy body.
I would suggest you do no kind of energy work nor meditation for at least one month and then one could check did your energy body calm down a bit.
20th May 2010, 01:45 PM
This sounds like a great suggestion. What would be some good resources and links to get me started? Feel free to PM me if you would like. Thanks! :) I believe Caterpillar Woman posted a link in the Movie and Book section about 'changing your beliefs'. I haven't read it, but I do think it would be a first step in the process. Find out what beliefs you have/had as a child, where they came from and what you would like to change them to.
This may not seem like it's what your problem is- but when it comes down to reality creation, it's a major part of learning mind discipline, which is one of the most important parts of this.
I do agree that you should start with the type of grounding-centering exercises Alienor gave you, because you need a reference point from which to start.
20th May 2010, 06:32 PM
Now I just took a glimpse at your aura! :shock:
It's just I'm trying to find a means to keep some of these energies from getting too strong or out of control.
That surely is really needed here. I will first write what I think is going on with you and then what would be my approach to this.
To me it appears, that you did have, what I call a "pseudo Kundalini raising". My guess is, that you did way overdo energy work. Now you are powerfully blasting around with energy. On the good side, no NEGs would dare to come close to you, I also would not dare to come too close in astral.
So it is like your energy body has big tentacles waving around and pumping out energy at everything and everybody that comes close.
Now to the grounding idea. There are different ways of grounding, some you should avoid now. Do not try to ground yourself using metal wiring or such physical appliances. I would also suggest for now, to not try any kind of meditative grounding.
What I would suggest is to do grounding activities. Some such activities are taking walks in nature, doing physical sports that make you sweat and tire your muscles, eating meat. Sleeping has usually also a beneficial effect on the energy body.
I would suggest you do no kind of energy work nor meditation for at least one month and then one could check did your energy body calm down a bit.
Thank you for your advice and understanding my situation better.
Yeah, I've had numerous energy spikes almost on a daily basis over the years. My system is too sensitive and picks up on stuff like that very easily. The "pseudo kundalini raisings" started from when I was a Pentecostal in the past (now no longer) and we would pray for hours sometimes doing various things that would stir up massive amounts of energy. I had some Very powerful experiences there. After I left them I started studying metaphysics and got myself into trouble because I learned how to energize my problems even more. I backed away for a while but it seems that my system has never fully learned how to stop pumping stuff out and (as your described) coming in contact with everything... not always in a pleasant way.
Your suggestions sound very practical and "getting back to nature" and being more physical sounds like a good counter-balance to my over-activity. When I was asking about the energy grounding it was mainly because I wasn't sure what term or phrase to call what I'm trying to do and solve.
If you have more ideas to share that would be great too. Let's keep talking. :)
20th May 2010, 09:42 PM
Yes, that explains very well how you got into the current situation.
As I suggested already, I would check on you in about a month, after you gave your energybody some rest. Please just keep us updated how things are developing for you and give me a notice when the month is over.
22nd May 2010, 03:06 PM
it's like an old harley i had years ago with one of those damn bendix carburetors on it, which constantly required adjustment of air to fuel ratios. finally, after having the breather cover blow off one too many times at a stop, i rode that bike over to the shop and had em put on a SuperE carburetor.
but then again, that's why this forum is called Astral "Dynamics", because it is in the dynamics that understanding arrives.
dynamics rule it all, even the family dynamic, be it functional or dysfunctional.
systemically it is all relative. we often try and utilize one system without having addressed the underlying systems relative to it connectively.
that's like throwing darts at a dart board while having no prior skill set leading to it.
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