View Full Version : An OBE I had, how do I induce another ?

18th May 2010, 05:39 PM
I have been doing some reading and research of OBE's and mainly taking a look at some of Robert Bruces interviews with Art Bell on youtube.

I'm not exactly sure if this is a medical condition I have or not because I was an epileptic but I used it to an advantage in order to have the OBE,
Sometimes when I fall a sleep or have just slept and woken up my whole body gets stiff and I can’t move anything I feel completely paralyzed all I can do is breath, hear and see. and I try really hard to get out of this state and no matter how hard I try I just cant and usually have to wait it out, but lately I've tried relaxing and that seemed to sort of get me out of the situation,
when I feel it happening when I lie down and I think oh no here we go again and I quickly move my hand or leg or just sit up immediately so I wont go into this state.

But about three days ago when I was lying down this happened to me which also happens to be the day I listened to Art's interview with Robert, I thought I would use this to an advantage to have an obe and I remember just sitting up on my body ( the initial separation was almost like a sort of ripping sensation or at least there was a lot of force between the projection and my actual physical body probably because I was lying down ) anyway my vision was slightly blurry, I did not get the click probably because I didn’t actually fully separate myself from my body since this happened at night and I'm pretty scared of the dark and the night so I didn’t want to get up out of my body and go anywhere but now I wish I had :( so anyway I just sat up on my body, and it felt pretty much real time to me I saw my dad in front of me watching the T20 cricket world cup! (I was lying down on the couch when this happened to me, my dad was just a few feet away) and then I remembered Robert say in his interview if you were to look at your hands you would see it melt! So I looked at my right hand and I SAW IT MELT FROM THE TOP OF MY FINGERS AND AT THAT TIME ALL I THOUGHT WAS OMG!!! MY FIRST OBE!!.

So I tried to get back in which was just a matter of lying back down since I did not get up and walk away from my body, getting back was a little hard I had to lie back down and sort of just relax and then I was back.

The initial OBE lasted I would say less than or one minute.

Prior to this happening I also did the stroke your palms thing and the sensation sort of travelled right up my wrist and up to my arms and I could feel in which the only way I could describe it as my entire energy body charge up!.

So for the last four days I've been tiring hard to have an obe I tried the ladder and rope technique which only made me fall a sleep for a couple of hours, and when I do the stroke your palm thing now I just feel a slight tingling sensation, my hands sweat and that’s all that happens the tingling sensation just wears off in a few seconds I really wish I had taken the opportunity that time and used it, (flown into outer space :mrgreen: lol)
So my question is how do I induce another OBE or at least get into the stiff and paralyzed state again it doesn’t happen very often? Any ideas? I have been trying reeeeealy hard :(

PS: I have many other times had the common falling sensation where when you go to sleep you feel like you've leapt off a building and you suddenly sort of jerk and that fells like you've hit the ground (it’s a pretty harmless feeling)
and only once have I experienced in bed the very violent vibrations and sort of very rapid shaking and heartbeat scenario its really scary if at first you don’t know what it is but I did not get out of my body.
And sometimes I also get the spinning sensation when I meditate

18th May 2010, 07:04 PM
Hi P.B.

I'm not exactly sure if this is a medical condition I have or not because I was an epileptic but I used it to an advantage in order to have the OBE, As far as I know epilepsy is controlled, but not cured (except by surgery). How are you not epileptic anymore?

The recommendation that the MAP (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/astral-projection-training/workbook-for-success-in-ap/140-week-11.html) system (which is my favorite system) uses, breaks down into some basic categories:
Consciousness expansion and mind/body relaxation/control- This is where you learn to induce lucidity (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8951) and sharpen recall, learn to induce trance (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4571&st=0&sk=t&sd=a) and do some basic energy work.
Once you have relaxed your body and your mind, and have induced trance, then move on to energy body loosening. (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13419) This should be done when you think you're ready to OBE. Don't go into exit techs until you're in trance, then have done some energy body loosening. Then do some exit techniques.
(my addition to what MAP recommends)
If this doesn't work, don't give up, don't go to sleep, go back to trance induction, some energy raising (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/new-energy-ways/simply-new/104-lesson-seven.html), and then back to energy body loosening, noticing and then exit techniques.

I will get you some links for further reading, and add them to this text.

PS VERY IMPORTANT: When I recommend the MAP system, I am talking about the book version of the system, not the CDs. If you have or have had epileptic seizures in the past it is NOT RECOMMENDED that you use binaural beats or any other type of strobing equipment. So if you decide to get the MAP system, DO NOT use the BWGen CD that comes with it.

18th May 2010, 07:35 PM
Hi P.B.
[As far as I know epilepsy is controlled, but not cured (except by surgery). How are you not epileptic anymore?

Well I used to get seizures like every month or so but after medication for the last 5 and a half years I haven't had any seizures and I do know a couple of ppl who have been completely cured or at least kept "controlled" for so many years and haven't reported any seizures since, but anyway I have used binatural beats and they dont seem to help much, the palm/feeling thing worked really well for me it stimulated my (energy body I guess is what its called) it was really powerful, by MAP do you mean Robert Bruces book Mastering Astral Travel ?

18th May 2010, 07:37 PM
Mastering Astral Projection, by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer.

And yes, even with successful medications, I still wouldn't use binaural beats. Just to be sure.

18th May 2010, 10:46 PM
Sorry I cant find any links on an Ebook of Mastering Astral Projection
but I do have his Astral Dynamics Ebook is that any good?

18th May 2010, 11:36 PM
It's not an ebook, it's a paper book. But I think there are pdf copies here and there. However, Astral Dynamics has much of the same information arranged differently.
I linked you to the MAP schedule, so if you have AD and the tutorials here, you can adapt the program to your needs.