View Full Version : A nightmare

17th May 2010, 03:26 PM
Just yesterday I replied to midix that I rarely ever have nightmares and just last night I had one. Guess I have to be more careful with my statements... ;)

It all was in a big hotel, and it started out really weird. Several people were fleeing from someone else. That guy was somehow dangerous, and in fact one person ran into the room to warn us and stormed out. Two other guys were in there - they were part of the group he was after, it was almost like some dangerous game. I heeded the advice and hid in the neighbouring room, while the other two guys joked what he could really do to them.

Perspective was weird now. I was not in the room, but I could see the pursuer entering. He was in no rush. He was kind of like "You'll see what I can do." Other people were in the room. Then the perspective is on me, standing in the neighbouring room, hoping he will not come in. I can hear the screams of the other two guys, like he's doing something really gruesome to them, killing them slowly. He leaves the room, a girl staggers towards me, she's seen it all, she's sick it was so terrible.

From this point on I keep on moving, too frightened to stay long in one place or to feel safe. Every group in the hotel seems to be subject to different rules, but each is in danger. Some I met seem to be safe in their own part of the complex, but not in other parts. People like I are chased by the killer, who bit by bit follows his own routine, always on the prowl. I meet some women in their part of the complex, they seem to live in some kind of safety, but on of them just left, a younger one. A middle-aged, chubby one seems rather unconcerned. I also meet in other parts of the building many senior citizens.

All of them seem to be unaware of the true danger, or that they are really only temporarily safe. The senior citizens seem especially unaware, absorbed in their own discussions. I find a couple of them camping out in a hallway next to an odd old elevator.

Then I find my department manager from my work IRL. He seems to be responsible for us having to be in this place. It seems to what I manage to overhear that we're here to stay for several more days. This prospects upsets me finally - I have no idea how I could sleep in this place with a killer on the loose, slowly combing the rooms for me and the others.

It upsets me so much, I decide to wake up. It's 3am in the morning when I do, and I was upset for a while after waking up.

The only odd thing is this - co-workers of mine usually represent benevolent spirit beings to me. Technicians that teach me a skill have so far been my most technically savvy co-workers from waking life. Yesterday afternoon I had a dream where I discussed about the "Long Term Evolution" project with one of my line managers from real life, which made me think he was a teacher higher up in the hierarchy, especially as he is one person I have a lot of respect for in waking life as well.

So, finally here's my department manager, which would in terms of the previous dreams and their symbology be equivalent to the master teacher. So, if the master teacher is responsible for us being in the hotel the nightmare would be something misunderstood - the fear self-induced.

However, I could find no interpretation for what happened in the dream so far that matches this fact with anything in the dream. Okay, it seemed like nobody but me was afraid in the latter part of the dream, so maybe I was the only one thinking there was a danger, but in the first part of the dream there really was a danger, and the girl nearly being sick and being very clearly shocked seems also not to allow for an alternate explanation.

Weird dream.


17th May 2010, 03:40 PM
Your dream seems oddly familiar to me. Not similar in details, but in general ideas. I'll have to look around my dream journal to see what jumps out at me.

17th May 2010, 04:24 PM
Your dream seems oddly familiar to me. Not similar in details, but in general ideas. I'll have to look around my dream journal to see what jumps out at me.

I'd appreciate it! :D


17th May 2010, 04:26 PM
PS - Killers seem to be a recurring dream symbol for me - there was a killer gang in other nightmares I had. I'm not sure what it is a symbol for. Not my Shadow I guess - I saw that one as a Saboteur before.


19th May 2010, 02:30 PM
Your dream seems oddly familiar to me. Not similar in details, but in general ideas. I'll have to look around my dream journal to see what jumps out at me.

Hey, CF, anything jumped so far? ;)


19th May 2010, 02:43 PM
Hmmm. I used to dream of being stalked by hired hitmen and similar. At the time, I took it to mean something more immediate, but now that I read this thread and think about it, I'm wondering if it was an expression of my own fear that "I" (that is, what I then thought of as "myself", my ego-generated persona) was going to die. I was very deeply afraid of that, though I couldn't possibly have put it in those terms. I did know I was afraid that I was going to permanently lose "myself" in the process I was undergoing (which, again, I didn't really understand at the time).

I don't know if that applies to this dream at all and I wouldn't presume to say that it does, but I thought I'd share it, just because. ;)

19th May 2010, 03:53 PM

19th May 2010, 04:31 PM
Your dream seems oddly familiar to me. Not similar in details, but in general ideas. I'll have to look around my dream journal to see what jumps out at me.

Hey, CF, anything jumped so far? ;)

Oliver Yep, I'll pm it to you.