View Full Version : Energy body anomalies: energetic phenomena

12th May 2010, 05:16 AM
Hello Bruce

I am new to your work and have just begun practicing the NEW energy work. From what I have read in your book, and also in this forum, I figure you may be able to help me understand, or at least begin to work with, this strange phenomena that has been going on in my body for a while.

Ever since I was a child, I've had strange sensations down my back. I remember in kindergarten, asking a friend to lift up my shirt and see if there were ants crawling down me. At a certain age, I began to be able to, at will, by focusing on sound entering my right ear, cause a very intense energetic sensation to surge down the right side of my back, beside my spine. This sensation is so intense, it is more like a very strong physical sensation, and it feels REALLY GOOD. It also feels very snake-like (although I don't think it's kundalini). So good, in fact, that as it peaks in intensity, my body can barely handle the sensation, and it always ends up getting stuck in the low back, approx. 4 inches above the hip, where it ends up literally colliding with my muscles, causing them to react -most likely contract. What happens I think is that when its gets stuck in the low back, the muscles get charged up with it, until they can't hold anymore, wherupon then contract, releasing the pent up energy. This contraction/release always causes me to practically spasm, although not like epilepsy. More like the physical reaction of someone who's been startled or scared.

My wife is a natural energy-worker and clarivoyant (although she hasn't developed her natural ability), and I've asked her several times to see if she can feel it. She can, and several times, she's gotten the image of a white snake, and she also says it's very evasive adept at getting away, and hides from her whenever she tries to "grab hold of it". She says it's like a game her and the energy play together.

While I can only will it to manifest on my right side, it also can manifest on my left side, too, but not at will. I've noticed that it mostly manifests through another person's light fingertip touch on both the right and left sides.

One of the more interesting facets of this energy is that it is often triggered in dreams. I have had several animal-related dreams, where, for instance, I had a dream where a butterfly entered my ear and the fluttering of its wings triggered the energy, causing me to awake with the energy going full-blast. Or in another dream, a cat with a snake in its mouth zipped past me and as it did, the snake whipped me upside the head on the ear, again triggering the energy.

Only in a few rare instances have I ever had the energy go directly down my spine, and this always occurs through dream. Last night was such an instance. I had a dream where I had been kidnapped and held against my will in this hotel room by this cruel gang of men. I'll spare you the details of the dream, but this one man was physically beating me, punching me in the back of the head, right in the fleshy part of the occipital ridge. It was causing me tremendous pain in the dream. Then he grabbed a cast-iron pan and whacked me with it in the same spot. And the strike forced me awake. When I awoke, the energy was traveling down my spine from where the man hit me.

I have another separate energy phenomenon, and I originally was going to describe both of them, but I see it would be better to save it for a separate post. Although I think they are related. The gist of the matter is that I think I have the same substance of that energy sometimes erupting in my belly, usually causing extreme pain.

Anyway, I've never been able to figure any of this out. And I'm hoping the NEW energy work can resolve whatever is going on. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this

Robert Bruce
30th May 2010, 04:21 PM
G'day Mica,

This is most likely kundalini related.

If you brought on this energy and continued, it would cause whole body convulsions. This can provide a release of tension and generally does no harm, though it may seem violent at the time. I am not recommending this, only noting this as I have seen this in others with similar issues.


Get a Q-Link - http://www.glidewing.com/gw/gw_qlink_orders.html

Sleep earthed. See... http://www.sleepingearthed.com

Manifestation Healing will help....affirmations.

Use the Core Affirmation: “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am powerfully protected. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

Added to this "My energy body is calm and relaxed' and similar, reflecting a calm energy body.

Say this aloud as much as possible, and also silently. Try to fall asleep saying this in your mind.

The above will help relax your energy body. This will allow your kundalini to develop at a more relaxed pace.
