View Full Version : LD and teachings....

11th May 2010, 10:34 AM
I had a dream...last night, but what a dream ! a lucid one !
it all started^as I wanted to obe..took a galatamine pill and started to meditate..as it was wild talking with monkey mind, I decided to try for a lucid dream instead. I imagined that I was in my office at work and was busy touching everything in the room, it didn't take long before I drifted in a dreamstate. As soon I realized it was a dream, I left the office and went back home, my bedroom was different...
I thought I needed to go outside and decided to enter a house I don't know. the livingroom was huuuggge, there was a man sitting at the end of a huuge table. I decided to make a first test : flying. I was flying upwards but it gaves me a dizzy feeling, like when one's lightheaded and I kept going back down (gently), then the man said "there is no gravity" and I immediately recalled that I had just read a book before going to bed "astral dynamics" (the chapter on exit problems because I failed my exit on friday as I was stuck in the belly area). "the chapter talks about gravity, I never had that problem before, it must be because of the reading !"
I then left the house and wanted to make a second test : the number test. I went to a shop and bought something, the guy said "18 pounds", as I thought of the test, he handed over a big calculator, I first read a number like 1.4..... I turned my head looked again and it was 17. I first remember being a bit angry (18 instead of 17) but I immediately realized it was because the test worked.
I went outside and as I was walking I said "I need to learn something important about my life" at that precise moment, a woman (about 50) runs towards me (she was behind me) and asked me to drive her to a pharmacy. I first said I was busy but then changed my mind to drive her as she might provide me with the answer. strangely, and conveniently, a wierd 2 seat bike was standing there just next to me and I just took it !
I drove her through the city, and I stopped at a square, I told her to walk in a street and she would find the pharmacy a bit further away.
she never went there, she sat down on a bench and started to say that I used to live in a castle and was a very happy person, I had a daughter who was 6 years old"
Unfortunately, I couldn't hear everything she said because of some background noise. I was trying to focus like mad thinking it was really important !
when she said that I told her that "my god ! that means that I left a small girl alone ! I had a bad karma ! I had to pay quite a lot to leave this girl, if I were in a castle that means that I'm still paying for a bad karma because I'm not living in a castle and work fulltime !"
she replied "no, no, you don't have a bad karma, and your life is not bad, wait, it's not the end of it yet !"
she also said that the girl was fine because she told her I was fine !!
and I was trying so hard to analyze what she had said that I woke up !
now, I first was really happy with what she said but I'm starting to shiver as I have a boy who is 6 and, if it is a "message" then I could have an accident before he turns 7 ! scary !
there was one interersting thing, I did put a black t-shirt on my eyes before inducing. I moved it during the dream, and, as I moved it a bit away from my eyes, the dream scene had more light, I cannot explain it and I'm wondering whether this is possible at all, it was as if I had two awarenesses, one in the dream and one in the physical reality. very strange.
I also have a question with regard to the messages we get, I have not had many lucid dreams and cannot rely on my experience to answer but if one specifically asks for a question about one's life, an advice etc.. should we really take is as a teaching or a product of the mind ?
if the answer is that it is serious, how can I interpret what she said ?!
just one thing, I live in holland, we've got the euro, although I paid with pounds and the woman had a very strong scottish accent
in any case, it's absolutely fascinating !!

11th May 2010, 04:39 PM
Hello, sleepingbeauty.

Interesting experience, lots going on!

You asked to learn about something important in your life and you met a person who needed to be taken to the pharmacy. This could mean an aspect of yourself needed healing, possibly an aspect of self that needed to be taken care of. You take the bike together, which puts your present self into the lead, exerting effort on behalf of that aspect. Then when you arrive the real healing takes the form of processing - you receive information about a possible past life and a possible regret. The vital information is that you can let go of the regret and I think that is the healing taking place.

You confuse it with your present life here, making a very literal connection, but the sorrow and yearning stem from a past life and you can release it, not react with fear. The woman assures you that you don't need to worry, by taking care of this aspect of yourself this is taken care of, I'd say here.

Take care,

12th May 2010, 08:04 AM
ouahh, thanks Oliver, it shows it's important to share our LD's as personally, I would never have decoded it this way. It shows how complex LD's are. Are there any tricks or questions or anything that one should try during an LD ?
Has anyone called a friend or relative during an LD and met him/her and this person remembers to dream about you ?
I guess it's difficult because the other person should project in this dream dimension at the same time.
anyway, my next goal is to call this woman to see whether she will reappear and to transform the LD into an obe...
I love my daytime life but I'm really happy to go to bed at night to DREAM !!

12th May 2010, 09:18 AM
Hello, sleepingbeauty.

ouahh, thanks Oliver, it shows it's important to share our LD's as personally, I would never have decoded it this way.

All dreams and experiences share symbolism. The better you get at interpreting symbolism by for example interpreting regular dreams, the more information you will be able to gleam from your LDs and projections, too, I'd say.

I guess it's difficult because the other person should project in this dream dimension at the same time.

When you sleep at the same time the other person might get something from your experience. Whether they achieve lucidity or can recall it depends entirely on them - this is usually where the odds for success go way down. Both recalling something with reasonable clarity, understanding the experience and maybe even being lucid...

I love my daytime life but I'm really happy to go to bed at night to DREAM !!


Be well,