View Full Version : State of Grace

10th May 2010, 10:12 PM
There is a self-recognizing, ever pure, unaccomplished vividness distinguished from the ordinary conceptual mind.

It is is also different than being "present", if your presence is at the level of the ordinary conceptual mind (contrived mindfullness).

Thoughts on this definition of the state of grace?

Robert Bruce
28th May 2010, 12:08 PM

Grace, as i know it, can best be described as a divine presence.

When grace appears, you feel the 'presence' enter the room and permeate your being.

You become more than you were.

Inspired, humbled, filled, elevated.

You also become less, as you release form and mortal thoughts and reasoning.

It is like settling into a warm bath...all encompassing love and inspiration.

It is the muse.

Pure creativity.

It is everything.
