View Full Version : Removing negs from people

9th May 2010, 02:38 AM
A while ago I realized I wanted to be a healer and that I'd eventually want to deposess people and to remove negative spirits from them. I've easily found alot of material in books and on the internet that has shown it to be possible to heal people of disseases and physical problems, but I've found it more difficult to find information that would teach me to remove spirits from people myself.

I believe I read something a while ago where you suggested studying occultism. I'm wondering if you can reccomend any specific books or people or spirits that I should go to learn to give exorcisms and to manually deposess people.

Would my higher self be able to give me detailed instructions in lucid dreams?

Thanks for reading

Robert Bruce
13th June 2010, 04:00 PM

What you ask is possible. It takes strength, knowledge, experience, and above all, great faith.

See the works of Franz Bardon, and start with Initiation Into Hermetics.

Then heal your own life first.

Please keep in mind that what is needed to become an effective exorcist does not come easily.

That is a hard road to walk.
