View Full Version : Spirits who don't realize they're dead.

6th May 2010, 05:17 PM
I've seen a number of times where you say that dead spirits often don't realize they're dead. Now, I say this in a partially joking way, but every time I read that I have this alarming thought: how do I know I'm not dead?

I don't think I've noticed any anomalies, but several years ago I did attempt suicide, and I've had several somewhat close calls relating to my health. I also have felt for some time that my life is a dead-end rut (though I haven't been particularly depressed for a couple of years). I admit, the thought of being dead doesn't really bother me, but being dead and not realizing it. . . .

Anyway, do you have any advice on how I can assure myself that I'm actually alive (that sounds really funny to ask that)?

Thank you.

Robert Bruce
28th May 2010, 11:03 AM

This made me smile. I often have this thought myself.

Countless times I have projected into spirit realms and lost track of things, and then anomalies have made me realize that I'm not in physical reality anymore. I often wonder at such times if I am dead or projecting or dreaming. I drink my coffee or beer and check the taste and texture, and its as real as it always is wherever I am. Its the same for dead people, very difficult to tell. Dead people tend to forget to go to work, unless they really like their work.

When you die, life continues. There may be a real time part where you are like a ghost in the real world, but this will seem like a dream. Then at some point you'll shift into the spirit realms, and you'll wake up and life will go on. The point of being there is to work out anything you need to work out about life, and then to realize its an illusion and at that point you'll move on to a higher area, where you'll have more stuff to work out. This will be just as real as real life, in fact more real.

I dont' know where this ends. I could guess that at some point where you have nothing left to process or realize, you'll reintegrate with your higher self, become your higher self.

If your life is boring, change it. My general advice for suicides is to move on now....empty your bank account, move to another state, change your name, start a new life. But interestingly, sometimes, after awhile all the same problems arise. Same problems, different faces.

So if you do move on, try to recreate your self and your life and learn how to be 'you' better. That is the key...being true to yourself and being real.


29th May 2010, 03:26 AM
A person who imagines he/she might be dead needs to challenge their death, put themselves in harms way, hang on the precipice of disaster, tempt their destruction, i.e. challenge your life force and you will learn your life force is stronger than your challange.

You're not here accidentally, and no accident is going to take you out. Put it to the test and be done with it. Unlike Mr. Bruce suggested, it will not return again if dealt with once and for all.

29th May 2010, 02:41 PM
I don't agree about putting yourself in harm's way.
When someone attempts suicide they already are putting the value of their own life aside to whatever motivates them to try to end it.
There are lots of ways to test to see if you're alive, but the most simple is- can you go through a wall? Can you fly? You don't have to jump in front of a moving car to see if It'll kill you or not. So no, I would never advise something like that. Life is precious, and if the suicide didn't take you out, it must be because you're here for a reason. Find that reason.