View Full Version : Whats the signifigance of energy coming from forehead?

6th May 2010, 12:29 AM
Hey first post just found this forum, (awesome).

If your too lazy to read, my general question is the name of the thread, but here's some explanation, for deeper analysis.

What made me write this message today, is that last night, again, I had the half wake up/immense energy flow from my forehead or pineal gland. This time there was no paralysis, still no OBE, just waking up with it coming like waves of energy into my head. This is the first time I've had that happen since "the fifth night" event. This time was unique in the way that, there was no adrenaline, but more of a loving / euphoric
feeling, I remember just thinking "man this is great and feels so right" like waves of love washing over me in 10 second intervals every 30 seconds. Like my forehead was orgasming, is this common when one is presuiting dream exploration? And why can't I remember dreams the night that this happens?

Deeper analysis:
I went to a presentation about lucid dreaming and astral projection and overview of general techniques to use to get to lucid dream state, I started using them, and started writing a dream log with almost great results..

1.The First Night I wrote down the dream it was one sentence (non lucid dream),

2.The Second night I didnt remember the dream, but I woke up with almost an adrenaline rush, I had immense energy coming from my forehead or "second eye" my heart rate was jacked, whatever I was dreaming was intense.

3.The third night I had a lucid dream, but I could not get my self to fly, or really control the dream, although I was aware I was dreaming, and was trying really hard to control it.. the overall dream was very negative, about two paragraphs worth, (the moon exploded and was pelting my street with comets).

4. The Fourth Night - absolutely nothing, no dream recall.

5. Then it happened, The Fifth night, I remember talking to someone or something, outside of myself, this being claimed to have merged with their loved one or something, in the process of "transcending". I asked "so you can transcend?" and it said yes, right then I remember thinking, ok, i'll try it then, with intense speed and I woke up with the "sleep paralysis, or vibrating stage of OBE" and again was "scared (censored)less", because I had no idea what was going on.

I had about three or four "sleep paralysis, or vibrating stage of OBE" in childhood but with great onset of FEAR. For some reason my assumption when stuff like that would happen, would be like aliens, or something evil.

Now that I've done my research, and know what was happening, I really doubt I'll ever have fear hit me next time it happens. So I'm just trying to master the craft, I've been keeping a Dream Log, and after a few more weeks I'll analyze my Log, and find the common things, so I can recognize, and get more lucidity.

I really would like to get back to the vibrational stage I really feel i'm ready for the next stage and to experience astral projection, I'm really mystified about the whole subject of this and I'm looking for any tips to the average beginner.

Also, I've been focusing so much on just getting to astral project, but what should I do when I actually accomplish it? And what should I expect?

6th May 2010, 01:36 PM
The energy sensations you are feeling are normal- you are just more aware of energy movement now that you have embarked on awareness practices.
You have awakened your kundalini (which is nothing to worry about, it's the first thing that happens when people do this type of work) and the forehead sensations are more pronounced because of it's sensitivity. Robert has written about this, he calls it 'cobweb effect', IIRC. I can get you a link if you want more info.

As to what to expect? I suggest you read this thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7304 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7304) which describes just this.