View Full Version : progressive possession on my 4 yr old sister

4th May 2010, 10:22 PM
I have a 4 year old sister that has been showing signs of possession the last a few days. She frequently has night terrors and GI problem. She is constantly constipated and the medicines that get prescribed don’t seem to work. During the day she is either tired or agitated and cant stop running around, and rolling around on the carpet. I have read the psychic self-defense book, but there isn’t much I can do with my sister. The situation is much complex. My parents are ignorant, and so there is no hope in explaining to them the concepts of neg attachments. I have made a grounding cord for my sister but my mom won’t let me put it on her at night. I personally cant help her much either because I have an entity attached to me as well ( read my other posts) and cant concentrate enough to ground her or put a light shield on her.

Any suggestion ?

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Robert Bruce
30th May 2010, 02:59 PM

My sympathies. It is difficult if not impossible to use countermeasures in a situation like this. Parents can be influenced to work against anything that might help. You might like to try burning incense...white sage or dragons blood is very helpful.

The most powerful tool you have is the manifestation process, using affirmations.

Core Affirmations:

For you: “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am powerfully protected. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

For your sister - using her name where I say 'she': “She is loved and she is worthy. She is safe and she is free. She is powerfully protected. She is master of her body and ruler of her mind.”

Make good use of alone time to say these out loud. They are much more powerful that way. Say them silently in your mind as well, when you can't say them aloud.

You can also use the core affirmations as a mantra and prayer of protection. These words are magically charged.

Be positive and think and talk very positively at all times, as if this problem is already solved.

Also, food intolerances affect some people more than others. If your sister's health problems, constipation, are caused by this, a state of disease is created in an otherwise healthy body. A change of diet would help.
