View Full Version : Energized water

3rd May 2010, 08:16 AM
Dear Robert,

I never gave this much faith until I saw how Japanese scientists proved in experiments on animals that it reduces cholesterol, blood sugar, reduces tumor growth by half, reduces damage to dna being anti-oxidant etc.

When the pH of water is above 7 you have an abundance of free Ions - in other words the water gives off energy! I've seen a video with a guy selling alkalizing drops BY lighting a weak light bulb putting the plugs into the alkaline (ph 9-10) water! We can compare drinking alkaline water with plugging AA batteries to a device - the batteries provide electricity by continually giving off free Ions from the Alkali solution inside them and so does alkaline water on a smaller scale. And of course our brains run on 100 wattage of current. so we can benefit from the energy :) ! It is said that fresh fruits and vegetables give us energy because the minerals they contain bind to the body's water and alkalize it. There are some researchers who say that the free (negatively charged) ions you find in abundance in alkaline solutions is what moves the Etheric Life Force Energy.

Now of course our heavily corrupted western medical and educational systems don't support alkaline water or anything that makes people healthy but in Japan, alkalizing the body is an established principle and drinking alkaline water is routine in the hospitals.

You can find tons of testimonies of drinking alkaline water and what it did to people on Youtube or google. Just type in "alkaline/ionized water testimonials/benefits" or click here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBvvaqrIsY8&feature=related) or here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC7HWtYF0U4) for videos.

The testimonies usually all reports the same effects: much more energy than before, pain gone, skin much clearer and other conditions gone away.

There is a market on this but a cheaper way to alkalize water is using baking soda, putting between 0,25 - 0,5 grams into 1 liter of water and then boil that up (important!) making the baking soda more potent. After that the pH of the water will be between 9 and 10 - full of energy!
The cheapest way of alkalizing is probably by making a sodium hydroxide (lye) solution and use it dropwise on water, I'm still using the baking soda method but I'm planning on doing that.

I think this is great. I used to drink tap water that is more alkaline (ph 8-9) before I drank reverse osmosis filtered water due to the contaminations in tap water and reverse osmosis water is relatively pH neutral (7). I can say that I felt much more energized and needed much less sleep back when I drank tap water.

Now I energize (alkalize) reverse osmosis water to the pH of 10 using baking soda and I already feel more energized. This agonizing energy-fatique feeling is simply a thing of the past now. :)

kind regards,


Robert Bruce
28th May 2010, 11:47 AM

It also helps to have an alkaline diet. Some fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds produce an alkaline response, some don't.

An alkaline diet is generally very healing and energizing.

Alkaline water helps, but alkaline foods should be included for good health.

Some googling will show lots of information on this.
