View Full Version : what is grounding?

1st May 2010, 05:57 AM
Lots of questions here.

When people mention some things I just draw a blank.
I dont really understand what "grounding" is or what it is supose to do. Or why everyone talks about it. What is the symptoms of not enough grounding, how does it feel? And how does it feel to be grounded?

From what I know right now it seems like a bad thing.
*What I gathered is it is basicly about being interested in the physical world.

*Some say you should do dirty things like eat bad food and drink? - I sometimes drink when I am feeling manic with pokey energy, it helps a lot, but I feel no different from hotdogs.

*Dont talk about spiritual or metaphysical stuff.

*Act like a human creature.- Humans place and allow limitations on themselves, does that mean no 'manifesting'??

I have some issues with that--
*What others call 'grounding' behavior I call pointless waste of time, and a good way to dull perception.

*I dont believe in being very attached to anything. Seeing how negatively people naturally react to someone with any strong attachment Im certain it is truth. (Do YOU like stalkers much?)

*Attachments make me feel sick to very sick (and thats not a self created program).

*Earthly energies (like lust) make me feel very sick, and disorder my mind.

*I feel most comfortable and stable when I am floating around shooting moonbeams and rainbows at people, not when I'm digging a sewer line, and playing with dookie.

*I live life very simply. I want nothing for myself. Getting a good job to get a fancy car and expensive do-dads is out of the question; I dont care about 'stuff' and behavior like that would infringe on what I view as important.

*Does it mean I cannot use my spirit, 'extra perceptions,' or manifesting, because that would not be grounded behavior? That is a huge problem, thats the only way I really can help people, or make progress in something, plus its my only fun. I havent manifested anything in weeks because I understood that as "grounding" (or is it "lazy"??).

*Most of all, I'm miserable thinking and acting like a normal human creature rather than a spiritual being. Humans are built for suffering. We dont believe in that, correct?

1st May 2010, 11:58 PM
Lots of questions here.

When people mention some things I just draw a blank.
I dont really understand what "grounding" is or what it is supose to do. Or why everyone talks about it. What is the symptoms of not enough grounding, how does it feel? And how does it feel to be grounded? The earth is where you live, where you chose to incarnate to. To be grounded means many things to many people, but in simple terms it feels to 'feel' connected to Earth, to the mother-planet energy, to the energy of being and creating, and growing.
It also means sending energy to the earth to help her heal.
There is nothing 'bad' about this, because earth is not good or bad (as spirit isn't good or bad either, good or bad are human thoughtforms) and represent half of what we are here and now.

*What I gathered is it is basicly about being interested in the physical world. No, it's accepting and even cherishing your connection to the physical world. It is limited but it is full of experience- and that is what it's all about.

*Some say you should do dirty things like eat bad food and drink? I don't know who says to eat bad food or drink- and what is dirty about this. Dirty is the word we use to mean 'unclean'- to be clean is to remove that which is toxic to us (not 'bad'- what is bad for a hypoglicemic is not 'bad' for a diabetic) and grounding is a way of eliminating toxic energy- energy that the earth can take, and transmute into clean energy. Like the earth (and I mean 'dirt' here) can take animal manure and turn it into fertilizer- food for plants- there is nothing 'bad' about this, it is necessary for life.
To categorize these functions are what we do, and our propensity to call such things 'bad' and 'good' according to our perceptions is one of the reasons we hurt ourselves so much- attaching all those negative connotations to something utterly innocent and pure.

*Dont talk about spiritual or metaphysical stuff. It's more like 'don't obsess about things you don't have much control of, because a person who is having balance problems (and balance is what we're talking about here) is not able to distinguish what is good for them or bad for them. This is not a criticism, I have been in that position myself a few times. To obsess about one facet of our being is to neglect other facets of ourselves, and when there is inbalance, trouble usually follows.

*Act like a human creature.- Humans place and allow limitations on themselves, does that mean no 'manifesting'?? I don't know who said that or what it means. But I have the feeling that this can be translated as "don't jump off a building because you think you can fly"- that would be what imbalanced means to me in this case. And whether we are eternal energy or not, that is not the way to find out, IMO.

*I dont believe in being very attached to anything. Well, not knowing 'exactly' where this came from, I'd add- a person attached to earthly pleasures is as unbalanced and unhealthy as a person attached to their idea of what 'holy' is, and can't do anything that isn't in that category. Attachment to virtue is as insidious as attachment to sex, because they are both extremes, and all extremes are not conducive to growth of any kind.

Earthly energies (like lust) make me feel very sick, and disorder my mind. I don't know that what you call 'lust' is an earthly attachment- if by 'lust' you mean 'want' or 'lack', then I'd agree, because to want is to believe is that you don't have, and that is error thinking (IMO)- but if you consider lust the drive to wholeness, the need to express love and joy, then I'd say no, in this case 'lust' is a wonderful thing. It's probably why sex is one thing we can do without a body, and why it's the only 'physical' thing we can bring to the astral. Because since we are all one, the drive to reintegrate is very real and part of the deal.

*I feel most comfortable and stable when I am floating around shooting moonbeams and rainbows at people, not when I'm digging a sewer line, and playing with dookie. And it's not for you to do- however, the earth can turn that dookie into food for other living beings, and this food is what is good for us, like veggies and fruit, for example. It's all part of the one.
Part of our being 'here', is to live separately to experience, but we have to be careful on how we project our fears and defensive mechanisms- that poop is not healthy for any human to play with, and a human, as an animal with a sense of sight and smell, will not be attracted to it- but as a spiritual being we can look at this beautiful garden and experience the beauty and bliss that comes from appreciating how well all the parts go together to make it beautiful.

*Does it mean I cannot use my spirit, 'extra perceptions,' or manifesting, because that would not be grounded behavior? Once again, I'm not sure where that came from- however, I can say that as an almost-instant manifester, I have warned of being imbalanced and having highly developed manifesting powers. and what I meant by that is, that someone who angers quickly and manifests instantly is very dangerous, because they don't know what's good for everyone all the time.

Think of this for a second- Hitler was a good manifester- he rose to power almost immediately, and was extremely unbalanced. Because of how imbalanced he was, he caused incredible pain and suffering in the world- this is an extreme example of what can happen when you combine imbalance and the power to manifest.

I don't know how you connected grounding with 'dirty' or 'bad'- grounding is the act of identifying with the earth, and there is nothing wrong with that.

*Most of all, I'm miserable thinking and acting like a normal human creature rather than a spiritual being. Normal humans are spiritual beings. Separating both means you don't realize that you are both at the same time, and attaching to one side over the other is- attachment, pure and simple.

Humans are built for suffering. We dont believe in that, correct? Correct. Humans, as animals, are built to experience. Humans, as spiritual beings, are experiencing material 'reality' and doing something with it. They are both grand and holy.

2nd May 2010, 12:53 AM
Dear Alaskans,

I know exactly what you mean and I think you are exactly correct and I actually had the same feeling about "grounding". I'd like to know who came up with this asinine concept.

*What I gathered is it is basicly about being interested in the physical world.

*Some say you should do dirty things like eat bad food and drink? - I sometimes drink when I am feeling manic with pokey energy, it helps a lot, but I feel no different from hotdogs.

*Dont talk about spiritual or metaphysical stuff.

*Act like a human creature.- Humans place and allow limitations on themselves, does that mean no 'manifesting'??

Many people use excuses like this to justifie their own lack of spiritual development. Don't let them pull you down!

If you have no interest in wordly things that's great If you are living free from attachment that's even greater! And besides that, my spiritual sensor has been telling me all along that you are quite spiritually advanced within. I feel you are one of those who don't just spill empty words you actually live what you're saying.
You don't need to expose yourself to the crap that the world has become. You don't have to, you are FREE! So be yourself and shine! Shine bright!!! (But then I know you are already trying to do that, right? :P)
I will support you.

Let me tell you a little secret of mine. The world energy (like an all covering vibration) has been making me very sick personally for the last 2 years. It got very worse at the end of 2008. Since then it's been pretty hard for me. I reduce my suffering by reducing my spiritual awareness but as soon as I raise my spiritual awarenses again (thru meditation for example) i become aware of the enormous amount of negative energy that's all over the place and which increases by the month, by the way. Now I don't want to open myself up so much anymore for protection reasons. The Earth and it's etheric environment have simply become too putrid negative.

I like a quote from a very popular movie: "It's the world that is evil and selfish"

kind regards,


Palehorse Redivivus
2nd May 2010, 02:07 AM
To me, "grounding" is like the energetic equivalent to electrical grounding. The idea being, you've got more energy than you're able to use going on in the upper chakras, and not enough activity or connection to the earth going on in the lower ones. In my case this would make me feel overly floaty and mentally unfocused and scattered, and less present when I'd want to be, like when working on a task or engaging socially.

I learned a simple technique where you just send awareness-action-roots down from the root chakra, through the legs, out the feet and into the earth, and intend that any excess energy goes out through them. Just this one little technique, done on an as-needed basis, took away a LOT of the symptoms I formerly associated with ADD.

The other things you mentioned (eating heavy foods, stopping spiritual pursuits, etc.) I've seen suggested when you've gone *way* overbalanced with the upper chakras, and need to "come down" quickly, or otherwise get yourself back on an even keel. I've said before myself that things like moderate drinking and not being overly picky about diet are some of the ways I stay balanced and get some enjoyment out of life in the physical, as I've got a lot of upper chakra stuff going on, which has been increasing especially more recently. There are probably various ways to get the same effect, but I think everyone has to decide on their own balance and methods in this regard; in my case I think I've played out the whole "ruthless ascetic" thing about as far as I wanna take it, lol.

2nd May 2010, 03:05 AM
I just want to add that even though what I see proposed as grounding is to eat heavy foods (aka protein), not 'dirty' or 'bad' foods- junk- and yes, disassociating yourself from obsessive concern with eating 'right' is grounding- removing the attachment to this obsessive behavior.
That doesn't mean that you should eat crap to ground yourself- and if you're not attracted to heavy protein then don't eat it- it's all about balance.

2nd May 2010, 02:25 PM
I just want to add that even though what I see proposed as grounding is to eat heavy foods (aka protein), not 'dirty' or 'bad' foods- junk- and yes, disassociating yourself from obsessive concern with eating 'right' is grounding- removing the attachment to this obsessive behavior.
That doesn't mean that you should eat crap to ground yourself- and if you're not attracted to heavy protein then don't eat it- it's all about balance.

exactly. everything about 'grounding' teaches us what is consumable and what is not consumable, we as the consumer.

or what is us and what is not us, as all and individually as each in all.

this about everything we consume with all senses or combinations of senses, not just food per se, but in everything outlying is as food that would feed one's appetites wildly contingent to purely innocent desires.

the flip is though, in the event of understanding consumables to the within, is understanding what it is that has, is and should not be coming out of us.

as you mentioned, the obsessive behaviors, or as i said, the wild contingent appetites

with grounding one may redisover their purely innocent desire desiring, and from that, just be at rest and peace.

one does not have to cross over in death, to be pronounced as resting in peace. thus, we are in that final battle in defeat of death, a battle which dictates our surrender within of what is outside of our nature, that unalterbale nature being purely innocent.

sumptin like that

2nd May 2010, 03:41 PM
Hey, CF.

Really wonderful explaining you did there. Many things I wholeheartedly agree with. 8) :D


2nd May 2010, 05:45 PM

4th May 2010, 06:37 PM
I dont really get it :?
Things I do get:
- Using grounding as an excuse to not manifest & do your 'magic' thing is just that, an excuse.
- Manifesting etc can actually be very grounding because you are interested in helping people on earth (correct?)
- Getting dirty is not needed or recommended to 'ground'
- Neither is getting confused, deluded, ignorant, obsessed, attached etc.
- Palehorse's explaination
- The main point of grounding is to be aware of lessons and new perspectives given to you

If you have no interest in wordly things that's great If you are living free from attachment that's even greater! And besides that, my spiritual sensor has been telling me all along that you are quite spiritually advanced within. I feel you are one of those who don't just spill empty words you actually live what you're saying.
I try :roll: But I recently came to understand that I am not special. Everyone in the world is on the same journey. Nobody is more or less advanced, we are just on different pages of the same book. Maybe doesnt make a lot of sense but I like it. I can talk to just about anyone and learn something from them. I still greatly apreciate your post! :D Everyone wants to be believed in, if not by themselves, by others, thanks for believing.

My higher self has almost no understanding of masterbation, hes no help at all when I have a question!
In a dream I met a greatly revered monk in the temple of rebirth who telepathicly conveyed to me every dream in my life, explaining each one, thousands within seconds. Afterwords he asked me what a spatula is, and what is the useage of toilet paper. Now thats ungrounded.
Of course, they arent here, but to experience as them we must be like them. Why not always ascend to them (meta)physically, morally, and mentally but be aware of new lessons and understanding on earth?

4th May 2010, 11:28 PM
I dont really get it :?
Things I do get:
- Using grounding as an excuse to not manifest & do your 'magic' thing is just that, an excuse. I don't understand this. Grounding is not an excuse to not manifest, I'm not clear on the connection you appear to be making.

- Manifesting etc can actually be very grounding because you are interested in helping people on earth (correct?) Yes, as long as your intention is to be helpful. But manifesting is something that is automatic, we just notice the results when we do it on purpose.

- Getting dirty is not needed or recommended to 'ground' It's not needed, but not exclusive. Think of gardening, for example. A great grounding method.

- Neither is getting confused, deluded, ignorant, obsessed, attached etc. Correct. Actually, too much third eye activity is what causes delusions, and confusion; too much solar plexus chakra would cause obsession and attachment, and, well, ignorance is interesting. It can be caused by not enough third eye or not enough grounding either.

- Palehorse's explaination Awesome.

- The main point of grounding is to be aware of lessons and new perspectives given to you And to have a perspective from which to look at those lessons.

7th May 2010, 12:02 PM
My higher self has almost no understanding of masterbation, hes no help at all when I have a question!
In a dream I met a greatly revered monk in the temple of rebirth who telepathicly conveyed to me every dream in my life, explaining each one, thousands within seconds. Afterwords he asked me what a spatula is, and what is the useage of toilet paper. Now thats ungrounded.

No, it's just what Kurt would call missing bits in his translation table. This monk simply never had a life on Earth while these things existed or were available. These physical objects were never experienced through a body, hence there is no translation for them available.

If you read Kurt's "The Unanswered Question" or "Otherwhere" you would find the part where he meets the emissaries from other energy/reality systems. They needed to share in his experience to learn something about what basic emotions are, as such concepts don't exist in their learning systems.

A similar thing is recounted in Bruce Moen's book in Focus 34/35 with the 2nd GathGroup. A telepathic race that had never had a direct, personal experience of the energy of Pure Unconditional Love. By sharing this information in an energetic way, kind of like a mind meld, they were exposed to the underlying experience they were lacking.

Hence not knowing what a certain object is might be a lack of practical experience in this regard, but what the monk actually did is so highly evolved - translating and explaining the symbolism of all your dreams in one energy information packet - that it is most likely that he was beyond all issues of grounding in a state of wholeness one would assume for a higher teacher.

Of course, they arent here, but to experience as them we must be like them. Why not always ascend to them (meta)physically, morally, and mentally but be aware of new lessons and understanding on earth?

Yes, why not? To do so you have to be grounded. "Ascending" is a misleading term. You are "down here," they are "up there"? In reality there exists a psychological distance that is bridged by developing your mind and level of groundedness here to allow to bring "them" through.

By developing yourself in a grounded way, by being fully present in this physical reality you "expand" your self so that there is no "you" and "them" - groundedness is one of the basic preconditions for that. Your self naturally expands and expands till it starts to include the qualities of the Higher Self.

That's why I think "ascending" is misleading. Ultimately you connect together more and higher levels of yourself to be present within you here and now. That's the real ascension, and it rests on the firm base of grounding like a big tower on its fundament.

Your Higher Self will not come round and be here and suddenly wonder what a tooth brush is while you knew it still yesterday. You will add in more and more of the qualities of your higher self until your personality here and your Higher Self are so aligned that it's energies pass down to here and are expressed by you.

At least that's what I've thought you meant. Did you?


7th May 2010, 07:08 PM
Thank you Korpo, you're on a roll. Both posts help me a lot (here & one vs one vs none). I will take them to heart.

7th May 2010, 07:11 PM
Thank you, Alaskans. I appreciate it! :D


Palehorse Redivivus
7th May 2010, 10:55 PM
Your Higher Self will not come round and be here and suddenly wonder what a tooth brush is while you knew it still yesterday. You will add in more and more of the qualities of your higher self until your personality here and your Higher Self are so aligned that it's energies pass down to here and are expressed by you.

Actually, in my experience, things like this can very much happen, though I hope it doesn't happen very often (because, well... it sucks). From the feedback I've gotten, it is possible for the 3D self to be more or less totally separated from its HS of origin to the point that there is no direct link or perception. This can indeed cause the HS to lose large blocks of earth-time, complete with having little or no direct knowledge of what's happening down here. They can gain knowledge to a degree and pass guidance indirectly through other HS's they're close with who have an intact connection to their own 3D selves, but it turns out a lot like secondhand knowledge of a country you've never visited, and trying to pass advice to someone who's dealing with the actual reality of living there. The "distance" is not physical but often may as well be, as it functions the same way. My impression is that it's a combination of dimensional "distance", resonance, frequency, psychology and "mechanically" (like the etheric equivalent of a cut or jammed phoneline). I'd call it "functional distance" rather than say, geographical or directional, though IMO dimensional distance is "geographical" in a way.

Grounding certainly helps in much the same way that if someone's trying to find you, it's probably better to stay in one place than to wander through the wilderness -- i.e. it begins to give the HS a more focused "antenna" in the physical to look for, makes it easier to prod you into alignment with your HS, and provides a center for fragmented self aspects to centralize (so the HS is not trying to "connect" with various self-parts that are all over the map in all the above mentioned ways and unknown / nonlocal relative to the conscious mind). In contrast, an ungrounded individual makes for a fuzzy frequency, or at worst, no centralized Self in the physical for the HS to calibrate with and anchor to. There does need to be a balance though, because if you're TOO grounded, there won't be much upper chakra activity, which is where the HS initially needs to connect.

8th May 2010, 07:38 AM
Your Higher Self will not come round and be here and suddenly wonder what a tooth brush is while you knew it still yesterday. You will add in more and more of the qualities of your higher self until your personality here and your Higher Self are so aligned that it's energies pass down to here and are expressed by you.

Actually, in my experience, things like this can very much happen, though I hope it doesn't happen very often (because, well... it sucks). From the feedback I've gotten, it is possible for the 3D self to be more or less totally separated from its HS of origin to the point that there is no direct link or perception. This can indeed cause the HS to lose large blocks of earth-time, complete with having little or no direct knowledge of what's happening down here.

That's not what I was talking about.

You talk about a person so misaligned with its HS that no transfer happens. I talk about a person who gets so aligned with its HS that the personality of the person expands to include the HS.

This personality would of course know all the details it knew before. I never adopted the view of the HS here, but of the personality in the body. If you manage to align your personality to the required degree to open up to this, your HS will be part of you, and connected with what you know about toothbrushes. ;)

Having said that, the information you've provided is very interesting. I can imagine it to be possible that such a disconnect occurs, for example in people with obsessive nature who simply override all of the HS' plan for this life.

I don't think there's a condition of being "too grounded." This is mixing up two different categories Charles, Kurt non-physical teacher, taught me about in our first channeled session. There's the willingness to be here, and that is grounding. And separately there is the willingness to incorporate experiences from the other side. Both wishes can be lived from at the same time, in a balanced integrated manner. In fact, what we know out-of-body could be used to enhance our willingness to be here, as Kurt gave an example of in "The Unanswered Question."

To me, grounding is not any kind of opposite of being out of body. It is a set of qualities that represent the willingness to be here, a state of acceptance, an openness to this reality. It does not mean overindulging, obsessing, being addicted or attached to it, though.

It also does not mean not wanting to go out of body or have no adventures like that. It just means not having that escapist desire to live there instead. That's a grounded approach to projection, lucid dreaming, etc. See it as an enhancement of this life, a further aspect, but not seek to just run away and fly around and have some colorful experiences.

There is one aspect of dream yoga that applies here, I think. A yogi should not get attached to any reality he encounters. It is not preferrable to get addicted to astral sex over physical sex, for example. Neither should he get detached or disinterested. In the end the right approach, IMO, is to become equanimous and treat all realities one experiences with the same attitude - as part of your experience as a soul. Giving yourself to it without becoming overly identified with it.


10th May 2010, 12:16 PM
In a short formulation I would describe grounding as the following:

The voluntary lowering/adapting of one's own vibration to fit the given dimensional environment.

I see absolutely no reason why it would be wrong for someone who has raised his/her vibrations to such a degree that he/she would no longer wish to exist on Earth anymore - to wish to leave this Plane on purpose. I can clearly see why this however would strike fear into those who are strongly "gronded" in this Plane. It could make them feel unsafe and worthless.

The spirit is free and should not be slave to social and mental conditioning of such kind as to being judged that not wanting to live in this Plane would be "escapism" - cowardry, irresponsibility etc.

There are many spirits on Earth who know they don't belong here and they should follow their hearts to lead them HOME and they know - it is not planet Earth.

And I will stand up for them and support them since I am one of them and many of us will actually return home before our bodies die.

kind regards,


10th May 2010, 02:07 PM
[EDIT: deleted]

10th May 2010, 02:11 PM
As I said before to Alaskans, everyone is on their own path, and 's/he' who is done here and is ready to go to the next step will do so regardless of what anyone says- when I speak of 'inbalance' and 'lack of groundedness' I am speaking of someone who has not raised their vibrational rate, but thinks they have due to their ego being fooled into thinking they have- such people will have undesirable consequences from this lack of balance, especially higher chakra overstimulation- they will be paranoid, possibly delusional, and highly unhappy-may want to force others to follow whatever their own path is, and be very angry if and when they don't. This is because of strong ego attachment.
A person who has transcended the world (in other words, has raised their vibration) will feel no attachment to anger, jealousy, regret, or ego- I do think Alaskans may be there, so this whole conversation may be moot for him.

10th May 2010, 03:27 PM
The question has been deleted so I will revoke my reply.

10th May 2010, 04:18 PM
As I said before to Alaskans, everyone is on their own path, and 's/he' who is done here and is ready to go to the next step will do so regardless of what anyone says- when I speak of 'inbalance' and 'lack of groundedness' I am speaking of someone who has not raised their vibrational rate, but thinks they have due to their ego being fooled into thinking they have- such people will have undesirable consequences from this lack of balance, especially higher chakra overstimulation- they will be paranoid, possibly delusional, and highly unhappy-may want to force others to follow whatever their own path is, and be very angry if and when they don't. This is because of strong ego attachment.
A person who has transcended the world (in other words, has raised their vibration) will feel no attachment to anger, jealousy, regret, or ego- I do think Alaskans may be there, so this whole conversation may be moot for him.

yup, moot it is. :wink:

has 'deleting' entrys become contagious? :shock:

10th May 2010, 06:15 PM
See what you started, Tim?

10th May 2010, 09:02 PM
See what you started, Tim?

yep :roll: . :::hangin me lil ole pin head in shame::: :twisted:

it's an authoritic condition in my right index finger me thinks.

10th May 2010, 10:17 PM
I was going to reply with something that was 'funny' in my opinion, but I don't want to offend anyone so I'll keep it to myself.

10th May 2010, 11:50 PM
bet it was funny too. dang it :|

12th May 2010, 09:14 PM
No need to delete, I like what you all have to say :)

As I said before to Alaskans, everyone is on their own path, and 's/he' who is done here and is ready to go to the next step will do so regardless of what anyone says- when I speak of 'inbalance' and 'lack of groundedness' I am speaking of someone who has not raised their vibrational rate, but thinks they have due to their ego being fooled into thinking they have- such people will have undesirable consequences from this lack of balance, especially higher chakra overstimulation- they will be paranoid, possibly delusional, and highly unhappy-may want to force others to follow whatever their own path is, and be very angry if and when they don't. This is because of strong ego attachment.
A person who has transcended the world (in other words, has raised their vibration) will feel no attachment to anger, jealousy, regret, or ego- I do think Alaskans may be there, so this whole conversation may be moot for him.
I am happy someone thinks it is possible, that I'm not crazy. However, they wont let me let go of myself completly, I have some unbreakable contract. So I'm stuck with my ego till it is done. Sometimes I just want to sleep, if you know what I mean.

13th May 2010, 08:49 AM
Sometimes I just want to sleep, if you know what I mean.

Hello, Alaskans.

I feel you here. Had that feeling just yesterday. Sometimes it creeps up on me. Funny you'd mention it today.

Take care,

4th July 2010, 05:18 PM
I agree. I didn't like this whole grounding thing or understand it at all for a long time.

The problem is that people are using the singular terminology "to ground" to mean several different things. That is why the confusion arises.

There is a BIG difference between:

"being in your body" - i.e., having your aura and awareness pulled in close to your body. I used to be so out of my body that I could shift into all kinds of different states and go on all kinds of trips, but I was very unaware of all the foreign energies stuck in my body. And my perspective was all stuck in my head -- it was very 2-d. Then I had a big News Flash: focusing on specific parts of my body is the most inefficient way of releasing blockages and working through core emotional images.

being "grounded" in general terms (food, behavior, attitude, etc)
This just describes the average guy you see on the street I think. A blockhead. But running your male energy is important. When I run my male energy strongly around other men, my healing energy kicks in super high.

and the action (verb->) that is called "grounding."
This is throwing down cords from your feet and root chakra into the earth to release FOREIGN ♥♥♥♥ energy that DOES NOT BELONG in your body!!! I wish someone would have stressed to me how important this was a long time ago...This is super super important...And I think most people don't get how important it is...This is the one thing that will help get your space super clean. In a month you can release years worth of ♥♥♥♥ by grounding. But you have to know how to replenish your energy through the crown with golden suns..or grounding will be hell.

Also it's important to always use a new/different grounding cord so you keep it in present time. This one tidbit is super important as well..

And then there is having lots of earth energy in your body...someone might refer to that as being "grounded."

4th July 2010, 05:53 PM
...being "grounded" in general terms (food, behavior, attitude, etc)
This just describes the average guy you see on the street I think. A blockhead. I disagree. Being grounded in the physical is about balance. A blockhead, the average guy isn't grounded, he's imbalanced.

4th July 2010, 06:02 PM
Well that was a bit of my own perception filtering down through there..yeah you're right..from my perspective having that much earth energy would be a good thing from where I've been at for a long time..sorry bout that.

12th July 2010, 12:45 PM
"being in your body" - i.e., having your aura and awareness pulled in close to your body. I used to be so out of my body that I could shift into all kinds of different states and go on all kinds of trips, but I was very unaware of all the foreign energies stuck in my body. And my perspective was all stuck in my head -- it was very 2-d. Then I had a big News Flash: focusing on specific parts of my body is the most inefficient way of releasing blockages and working through core emotional images.
I understand that. Couple years ago while I was really 'cosmic' I decided to look at the effects of sex in detail as '.....umm' :?: . There was a definitive feeling of being gigantic and trying to squeeze into a wetsuit hundreds of times too small for you. And another sensation of it being a comfortable, warm, but suffocating blanket. Certainly didnt see anything bad about being cosmic, it was really happy, tolerant, good, innocent.. but I didnt remove my ego at that time, I crafted it to be identical to the cosmos, so it didnt fill up with garbage, but good stuff. Later I disclaimed owning my ego, though its kinda true, it seems to really let in foreign junk. But I obviously dont know crap though

and the action (verb->) that is called "grounding."
This is throwing down cords from your feet and root chakra into the earth to release FOREIGN ♥♥♥♥ energy that DOES NOT BELONG in your body!!! I wish someone would have stressed to me how important this was a long time ago...This is super super important...And I think most people don't get how important it is...This is the one thing that will help get your space super clean. In a month you can release years worth of ♥♥♥♥ by grounding. But you have to know how to replenish your energy through the crown with golden suns..or grounding will be hell.

Maybe my problem recently? I knew that before, and saw the dramatic difference after practicing. Then I stopped after some years because it seemed like meditating and energy work wasnt doing anything anymore - and when I did it in a place with bad ambient energy it became a negative thing. I couldnt even be around many people. But I was a feeling that no actions matter because nobody is watching- so maybe someone has been pranking my intuition.
I wonder what causes If Im not intensely focused I become unstable. Hell, I havent even trusted myself enough to write in the forums lately because though something is true when I write it within hours it may not. A talented mind angry at having nothing to smash through and sort? Pointless for me to say anything really. Mmm.. but cosmic yumminess is so delightfull. Perhaps the problem, the memory of such a flavor being a knowledge and memory denying the experience. Denying it by yearning for it.
Just pointless blah blah blah dont mind me. A nice falling rock to the head or bolt of lightning would be nice that I might see the truth without this funny maze of self blocking my view.

12th July 2010, 01:00 PM
Hello, Alaskans.

Please describe by what you mean by "unstable." I'd like to know what you're actually struggling with.

I get that you struggle with the fact that you cannot bring through 100% of the truth and are disappointed by any amount distortion you put on it by expressing it. It seems like your recurrent response to this seems to be inaction, but given your dissatisfaction this cannot be the final answer or your would gladly stick with it.

So, what to do with your truth when it cannot be perfectly shared but wants to come out? What else could you do that lies between these two extremes - perfect truth sharing (unattainable) or withholding it (unsatisfactory)?

This might only demonstrate my lack of memory regarding what you wrote in the past, but have you ever considered art instead of writing as means of conveying truth? Have you considered music? I think you're a painter, right? How does the truth affect your art and does it help to express it?


12th July 2010, 02:18 PM
my greatest problem in life has ever been that i always need a problem that requires solving.

the exercise of freewill dictates arising problems, otherwise we'd be no more than automatons with no sense of self being alive to individually live as we uniquely are in life.

therein points to one's sense of well being, or the health of the whole being as self/life.

perhaps healing to wellness is realizing what is life, and therefrom letting go the seriousness that all too often wrecks us upon the rocks, where we forget that the tides will come in and raise us up to take us out once again.

12th July 2010, 02:30 PM
Hello, Tim.

You look at the current state of your mind (goal-oriented mode) and deduce from it what you think life is. You also equate problems as necessary.

I think that's kind of like putting things on their head. That's the problem-solution machine of the thinking mind speaking. If it's on overdrive it always runs. It seeks for problems. It tries to figure out solutions. It constantly throws up thoughts. It also tries to convince itself that it is the only mode to be.

Oppose this with true relaxation and see what happens.


12th July 2010, 02:54 PM
apologies for writing wierd-
me too tutor. I have a sense of creating problems out of thin air lately. seems due to a need to experience. if we arent experiencing observing something we do not exist. as you said. (even all within group-beings observe)

unstable? you dont notice me changing all the time? I want to be the me thats nice to have around. good me, slay the rest of me..

Yea. Im a painter. Pretty good at it now too.
Smart guy. I have used it mainly to express experiences, but only I know what is expressed in it usually. For me expressing is experiencing and exploring. Came to a point where I wasnt able to express things accurately enough even to myself in my own diary with abstract writing. let alone art.
Last beautifull energy I was in was half a year ago, traveling the bredth and width of the feminine with my faeries in art. Beyond then its been crap. 6 months long time, or was it a year? Seem to be loosing track of time, a sign of drifting aimlessly.
In reflection of what you said it feels like the only medium that I could ever hope to express myself in is another person (or being?).
Its hard for me to imagine not being alone... Now that I see it, I see that I am just dying of thirst to share in others beautifull things I have discovered and experienced. At the same time I feel ashamed at how I treat myself with all the ugly things I have experienced lately.

PS..how do you paint things like an experience of trying to hold in a love so strong you are afraid of releasing it, what will happen? unable to contain it then explode across the entire northern hemisphere. The essence of creation, the tapestry of the universe and the beauty of heaven, experiencing it directly caused to tumble uncontrollably out-of-body at the speed of light. Angelic pink energy. Even just the arch shaped love of heaven.. Sorry for rambling, illistrating the limits. Can I be those places forever and express them in people please? A little stability please? Why just a taste then gone? You see.

12th July 2010, 04:07 PM
intuitive understanding may overcome the instinctive problem solving requirement that is survival at it's finest, or at least in the balance allow one peace of mind through a sense of humor at 'self'. :lol:

korpo, so right...'turn that baby on it's proverbial head'.

alaskans, it's nice to see ya around.


12th July 2010, 05:17 PM
Hello, Alaskans.

That's why I mentioned music. It might be one of the mediums such feeling states and experiences can be expressed through most truly. Accumulating and dissipating energy? Music at its best.

People are not a medium, though. The only person you can use as a medium is yourself. Try starting with your own self, if you can make it an expression of what you want to express. This way others can chose to reverberate with it.

The ugly things you've experienced usually hold the clues what needs to be done, corrected and changed. That's how it works for me.


12th July 2010, 05:25 PM
PS - the most surefire way is of course to teach others to have the same experience. Once they arrive there, out-of-body sharing to a deep degree might be possible, too.
