View Full Version : Illusionary

28th April 2010, 07:33 PM
This one was weird.

It started out moving through thick red mist. You couldn't see a yard ahead. I was kind of aware this was like a computer game, not real, which was good because it was scary. I kind of expected at any time something or someone to jump at me, some alien for example. This was more 3D-ish.

Then it got even more game-like. I saw something like a tunnel, but more like in 2D, still in the fullest of fresh-blood-red. Now I heard the most gruesome noises, and some ugly dark worm approached. I clicked it with some red thick laser spot I had several times till I overcame it. Then I got to something like a collection stage or summary screen - I don't remember. It seemed like some level end. I had gone this far and back and got some.

I did again with the same result, and now for a third time, but deeper. I had to battle two worms now, I was focussing always on the one that was closest, and finally overcame them. Then a weird shape floated in - shaped like an animal hide which you sometimes see used as carpet. It made no sense, and its edges sometimes fluttered and you could see this black shape was perfectly flat like a film or paper.

Till now I had thought this was a game, but now on the bottom right of my vision the word "Illusionary" started to flash - blink in and out. After it got my attention the whole scene started to fade to black. After only the black was left the word was gone as well.

I looked at this black and I could see the energy within. It is not quite like black, it is the black I get when I cannot come with a picture or interpretation to translate the energy I am perceiving. I had this in a car dream before, and know this from trance states, too. And I was aware of it in the dream - I was basically lucid now. The flashing word had done it.

Knowing it was energy I was failing to translate I tried to come up with ways to make sense of it but nothing happened anymore and I woke up some time later.

I understand the end, I also understand why I couldn't translate it. Instead of getting into the right state of consciousness to translate it I fell for another typical pattern - trying to figure it out. When I try to figure it out I stay stuck in the exact state of consciousness that prevented translating it in the first place. It's not the thinking mind that does it. This energy gets translated by the state of consciousness that basically just knows how to translate it, but as long as I am stuck in figuring it out I'm not getting there. If I'd thought about that during the experience I might have made it, maybe.

It's the weird horror game I'm not getting fully. I first thought this was some body consciousness thing, with all the deep red and blood red, but no idea really.


28th April 2010, 07:50 PM
Hmmm...the game portion is hard to figure out. Nothing really comes to mind...I'm gonna stream some consciousness if you don't mind.

Illusion...perhaps not important...the symbology is meaningless, this section of the dream only intending to foster lucidity, experience of the unknown energy...or further, symbology is linked to energetic form that cannot be analyzed, thus the imagery is similarly opaque in meaning...maybe the cause is the same, analysis in thinking mode of consciousness is not possible...

Kind of dries up after that. Cool dream, though.

29th April 2010, 03:07 AM
Vaguely sounds like playing out the game of life on a cellular level. Perhaps you are part of the immune system. Your goal is to root out anything not you and make it go away. On the deeper level, none of this is you, it's just an illusion.

30th April 2010, 07:54 AM
Illusion...perhaps not important...

You know, interesting you said that! Made me wonder about another thing...

We tend to think in blacks and whites. Important or not important. Illusion or not illusion. If it is illusion it is not important...?

I don't think so. It might very well be that existence is an illusion, but that doesn't mean it isn't important. Maybe not that serious, maybe not that ultra-important as we tend to think.

On the other hand, if reality is an illusion that serves a purpose, is it then all illusion? Maybe not. It's real enough to teach something.

On one level time and space have an existence, a reality to them, and they allow one kind of learning. On another level of being, they don't exist or almost not exist, and hence are seen as illusionary. Still, they exist here and are part of the learning process. There is some reality to them.

Illusory? Maybe. Unimportant? Maybe not. ;)


1st May 2010, 12:29 PM
You make an excellent point, sir! I still have a tendency to dismiss anything not "real" as unimportant (which is a helluva thing when you can't find anything "real" in the first place :P).

I think I sometimes let my pining for something real get in the way of appreciating illusions for what they are (or potentially could be).

1st May 2010, 04:10 PM
Hello, Ouroboros.

By the way - what you said about the symbology possibly being meaningless. That week every other night I would have dreams that I could not decode at all or much, and then a night where I could several in a row.

Be well,