View Full Version : Higher Self vs. Consious mind vs. Ego

28th April 2010, 06:05 PM
I have been trying to decipher your spirtiual terminology.

You believe there are three parts to everyone.
1) Higher Self
2) Conscious mind
3) Ego

I believe you define the ego as the monkey mind, whereas most others would define the ego as the conscious mind, the thought I.

Is this right?

Robert Bruce
1st May 2010, 04:00 PM

There appear to be 3 main aspects to what we call a person.

1. The superconscious mind (the higher self and higher identity)
1A.The subconscious mind (a computer program like aspect of the higher self)
2. The conscious mind (the normal awake consciousness and identity, The I AM observer, containing elements of all other aspects)
3. The lower animalistic mind. (can also be called the ego). The basic human animal programming we are all born with.

Keep in mind that the subconscious mind is a psychological concept, coined I think by Jung.

Monkey mind is a term used to describe a bunch of programs (virii) running in background or substance of the human brain mind. This is a huge topic in itself.

The more i look at human consciousness, the more strongly it resembles a computer program.

A person appears to be something like a game sprite existing in an illusory reality, something like the Matrix concept (from the movie, The Matrix)

There is nothing simple about consciousness and reality once you step beyond the physical.
