View Full Version : Soul Splitting

28th April 2010, 02:50 PM
Greetings Robert,

I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on soul splitting at death. Peter Novak proposes this as a long lost view from many ancient cultures in his book "The Lost Secret of Death." Basically the theory is that we have two parts to us and they are split upon death - one of these is the spirit and the other is the soul. The soul or conscious part of us, as I understand it, is then recycled or reincarnated and the subconscious part of us, the spirit sits in a constant state re-evaluation of our life(lives) - and this does not sound like a pleasant scenario.

From your experience does this theory seem to have any truth to it?

You speak about the dying process in your books and on this forum, and from what I can gather we go through a staging process and re-live/re-evaluate our lives before - moving on, and this process is highly variable depending on the individual.

Do you believe that most of us remain in a state of awareness of our past selves. I.E. our current personalities, although we may shed them for the most part - are we still aware of who we were in our life here on earth?

Robert Bruce
1st May 2010, 03:44 PM

This is a confusing subject. I don't have all the answers here, but I will do my best to explain what I know.

There is a kind of split that occurs at death.

There is a lower aspect, which could be described as an egregore or living thought form, which is created through the act of living and self awareness. This aspect can be said to be contained by the flesh and substance of the physical body. This can also be related to the Real Time astral body, which is generated from the substance of the physical body. This part is likely what can become a ghost after death.

There is also a mental aspect, similar to the above but generated by the mind. This is more enduring. This is the part that has the afterlife experience.

The higher aspect can be called the spirit. This is the mysterious part that can be said to come from our oversoul collective. It comes from there and returns there after death. This would be the aspect that lives many lives.

What is commonly called The Soul is, I think, brought into existence through suffering and or spiritual practices and deep thinking and life experience. Everyone possesses the potential to have a tangible Soul aspect, but this does not always happen.

The idea of spiritual development is to activate the Soul aspect and, after the split that occurs at death, to reunite the higher aspects. This is what is called 'the sacred marriage' i think.

There appears to be a lot of information on this subject, but it is generally conflicting and confusing.

The realization of the above and how it all fits together is a work in progress.
