View Full Version : My deceased father and a vehicle on auto-pilot ?

27th April 2010, 12:26 PM
My father died last year in October.I was in this truck with my father ,mother and my children and my father was driving at first but then the truck was driving itself.Every time it would start going off the road just a touch to the right,this electrical current at the edge of the road would make it go straight.It was like a sparking wire.My father was in the driver seat and my mother in the passenger and me in my father's back.It was night.We arrived to our destination and I was with these people I've never seen before.I noticed that my computer monitor was missing and in its place was this tiny black and white monitor and it was barely visible and was acting weird.It was making this scissos cutting noise.I was upset and asked this girl about my monitor and she told me that it will take them 3 weeks until it will be repaired.I started crying in my dream.Three weeks with that tiny,black and white monitor was inconcivable,lol.Any thoughts on this ? :?:

27th April 2010, 02:49 PM
Hello, niki.

Just last night I had a dream where my computer represented my energy body, and the graphics its "visual" capabilities. Maybe a similar symbolical meaning could be the case with you?

It could be conceivable that you are currently in a transition regarding your out-of-body perceptions as well. During a transition odd phenomena can occur, or for example undecodable experiences (as you learn to integrate another level of perceiving information). You are informed that these effects will happen only for a limited time. If the three weeks are to be taken literally - don't know. It might just be your personal representation for "a time period long enough to seem frustrating" - as you judged it, actually. Black and white means a limited range of discernment - you can at the beginning only make rather crude observations, but this will evolve.

Similarly vehicles and travelling in vehicles can represent "vehicles of consciousness" - energy bodies. When you are not driving this could mean you are exposed to experience in an energy body without being in conscious control - to get a feel of the body, to remember what it was like. Conscious control over the movement itself comes later. See here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17113 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17113)

The effect with the auto pilot might mean the same - again a representation of limited control, of being guided by outside forces, of not as of yet go where you want to go or do what you might want to do. As you gain skill with handling this energy body, again this will change.

A person on the other side which is also a family member might mean your "spiritual family" - your supporting team of guides who feel real close to you (like family). If you were guided in this experience (simulation) to learn something about a new body, then your father might have been the part of the guide you most consciously perceived. Alternatively the presence of so much of your family might be a pun on that you have to "familiarize" yourself with a new body.

Be well,

27th April 2010, 03:09 PM
Thank you Oliver !It sounds interesting but I've been feeling so restless lately like I'm stuck and if feels very frustrating because nothing is happening . :o

27th April 2010, 03:14 PM
Hello, niki.

Frustration is a natural sign that shows you when you don't understand what's going on. You need more understanding of what is happening instead of thinking what is happening. This is often natural for any transition phase. Understanding will come gradually, possibly with help and info bits from many directions.

Restlessness might a sign that you feel the changes I've mentioned without being able to place them. Think of something being rewired within yourself without knowing yet what. In hindsight these events might take a totally new meaning for you, they have for me as well. You might look back at your life one day and find these days denoted a significant change you only understood years later. I have reviewed my life in this way for the last half year and it has been a revelation - and, boy, did I feel restless at times! ;)

Take care,

27th April 2010, 11:25 PM
Hello Oliver,

That must be it but I can't put my finger on it,lol. :)

Hello, niki.

Frustration is a natural sign that shows you when you don't understand what's going on. You need more understanding of what is happening instead of thinking what is happening. This is often natural for any transition phase. Understanding will come gradually, possibly with help and info bits from many directions.

Restlessness might a sign that you feel the changes I've mentioned without being able to place them. Think of something being rewired within yourself without knowing yet what. In hindsight these events might take a totally new meaning for you, they have for me as well. You might look back at your life one day and find these days denoted a significant change you only understood years later. I have reviewed my life in this way for the last half year and it has been a revelation - and, boy, did I feel restless at times! ;)

Take care,