- Why
- Which one do you believe?
- The Bible?
- Why are advertisements louder?
- Why is life longer for some?
- Why do sceptics never see stuff
- What happens if
- Seen on a hire van today
- Why do we have abundance and need coexist in our world?
- Why does mind hacking work?
- Why am I the only one posting questions?
- Question
- Guru says...
- Vehicles
- Why is this seemingly acceptable?
- debating one wether to get involved or not
- What's your point of non-credibility?
- Moment when born
- Forced to Kill
- Puberty
- Evil!
- Guru?
- Software for conversion of english speech to english text
- Double shadow?
- Babies and Abortion
- Hypnosis
- Sleep deprived to master something?
- New Epidemics?
- What difference is between??
- Sigils to forget?
- Karma Yoga
- Plane crashes now train crashes?
- Strange experience
- Admitting we can talk to people in our "Mind's Eye"
- Help with Persistent Death-related Depression
- Weird things
- Heavy lump of energy at the back of my head
- it's my solar plexus....
- my energy centers feel hot and my body cool
- Free Will Paradox
- Can I visit my "fictional" lover in OBE?
- Personality Types of AD's Members!!! (Myers-Briggs)
- Question about symbolism...
- obe beginner
- Met a person with a very strong aura/vibe
- Strange Experience
- My question to the AD community: What are your past lives? :)
- Loving self vs. too much ego
- Do you tell friends when they're acting irrationally?
- What Are Your Principles For A Happy Life?
- What was flying towards me....
- For Michal from Polen....
- feel let down by tarot cards
- feel a bit hopeless
- Which one word describes you the best? POP QUIZ!
- What is belief??
- Need help to figure out what's happening to me....
- Triangles and cross in forehead - meaning?
- Awakening consiousness...
- Beyond Good and Evil??
- Timothy....
- does raising vibration disolve the ego
- Does Robert Bruce talk about raising vibration in the book PSSD?
- Do anybody know how it is with Timothy??
- Do anybody know how it is with CFT??
- need technique support (moderators)
- Deleting account?
- Instruction on NEW (new energy ways)
- To Timothy...
- Smell of sulphur?
- What do you think of Aleister Crowley?
- Alchemy
- Easy Psychic Quest rewarded 60dollers credited to your bank account straight away
- Awarness...
- What does it mean??
- "Visual Snow" - what is it exactly?
- does grounding help with protection??
- Does anyone know any material of psychic self defense against voices?? on the internet
- To Antares...
- Almost there, need advice
- what are the benefits of the double helix DNA?
- Day of the dead