View Full Version : Mysticism
- Questions on Bardon (Meditation)
- Symbolic Animals Within
- Angels and Archangels
- Additional Hermetic Resource
- Auric Exercises to Develop the Human Energy Aura
- Michael Evocation - SUCCESS
- The Sephiroth and Kandas
- The Pista Sophia and "Ascension"
- Crystal Buddha at Heart of the Moon stone
- Elemental Energy Work
- Is enochain safe?
- Places to Go ~ Core Image Library & Mystic Projection Me
- One series of steps to begin Metaphysical Pathworking
- .
- Creating Your Sacred Space
- Astrology and Hermetic Elements
- What's your totem?
- Your Experiences of Heaven/Mystical Experiences
- Why would God do that? (from: The truth behind the psiwheel)
- An important thought that occured to me
- Shamballah
- Earliest reference describes Christ as 'magician'
- Elementals and Elementaries
- Anyone knowledgeable about red phase of alchemy's Great Work
- Qabbalistic Cross - I want to try it but am afraid.
- My Numerology Report
- Playing with spirits
- universal consciousness v.s. soul v.s. spirit
- western high magick is extraordinarily complex
- what to read to learn magic(k)?
- questions about awakening and the twin ray
- Homosexuality- Gift or 'Spiritual Handicap?'
- Weird 'memories'? Realization or random thoughts?
- :)
- shapeshifting
- Emotions..
- Enlightenment is "Growing Up"
- Stones/Crystals - Do you use them?
- Alchemical thing...
- Pendulums, and wondering if it is just the higher self
- what is the sacred flame?
- Christian Mystics
- What are we?
- the annual guardian, keeper of heaven
- My personal guardians
- Q regarding attraction
- Angelic Consciousness
- angels and demons
- altering birth chart
- Do extraterrestrials have chakras and kundalini?
- What's YOUR Number?
- essence fragmentation
- Moved: Trusting astrology
- A somewhat philosophical question.
- How to make 'Physical Contact With God'
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead
- Cool chakra visualization
- I Ching Online
- Seeking a Genuine Spellcaster
- Anybody know how to dissolve time?
- Reincarnation
- Not Sure...
- Interesting Take on Astrology
- emerald tablets of thoth?
- Tulpa creation
- Visualization disintegrating
- Prophecy Fail
- wanting to learn about Javanese Mysticism
- Mayan Calendar
- harmony through union of opposites
- our world changing power
- Buddhist view of equanimity
- Archangel Michael or higher self experience?
- Interesting site
- Hank Wesselman's Encounter with a Jinn (genie) in Egypt
- Mercury in Pisces
- macro's request
- Word of the Week
- What lies beyond Consciousness?
- Dispelling the Loosh myth
- Mantic, Sophic, and Sophistic and The Divine Right to Rule
- Human Design
- 'mysticly' dealing with malicious government
- is there 12 astrolgical enities
- astral injection? Copied from 'Ask RB'
- Palehorse: Do you think the zodiac is bunch of thought form
- rosicrucian order
- Achieving Gnosis
- Energy Feeding
- Giving back to Gaia
- Solar Astral Bodies
- God Has a Wife
- The Tarot and the Energy Body
- Crystal Pendant for AP
- Moldavite
- influence of the zodiak
- Creative Transformation
- A Sermon on the Couch
- Anatomy of Channeling?
- Friend on a higher plane
- All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream
- alchemical origins of modern science
- Tarot
- Hermetic Practice and Astrology
- Astral McDonalds ~ a Lost Kids Place
- Healing Technique before Opening to Spirit
- numerology
- decided to put this
- The Elements
- Kali
- Do you believe in God?
- The Experience of No-Self
- The Rite of Sealing
- Help needed for Step II in IIH
- what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?
- Book from 1927 which supports Mr. Bruce books
- Why Buddhism is dying in Japan
- Little girl's letter to God answered by Archbishop
- Power of Now
- I endure everything
- Magic or foresight...
- The Language of the Birds
- Source for the 'akashic records'
- The sphinx
- Asstrology (or Arsestrology for the brits here)
- The Solar Plexus- Controversy?
- Seen gautama buddha
- Hypnopompic Images
- re: The "angels" of Enoch
- Jesus
- Looking for other hemetics practioners
- The World Tree
- Mandala Tarot
- Looking to start a group of Bardonian Hermetic Practicioners
- What the moon looks like now
- Hermetic Sphinx & Red Eye & Blue Eye
- Nous
- Initiatic Magick with the Mahatma through the Pyramids & Temples of Shamballah
- Initiatic Magick with the Mahatma through the Pyramids & Temples of Shamballah
- 2. Bailey & Stone's 6th Initiation in the Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek
- Excerpted from Alice Bailey's many works on Initiation of the Magician through Mystic Projection
- More color associations
- Scrying by Defectron
- Thread about "demons" from another forum
- Questions about Ishta Devata
- logical justification for walking on water, pk, telekinesis, etc...
- Esoteric Rainbow Bridge
- Talisman magic recommendations
- Wizard sticks
- Geo-Kinesis
- Crafting your own Talisman
- Spiritual Guides / Angels - are those made up?
- Adopting a conducive ASANA
- Misconceptions in Magick
- 333 or 33 (or 0.3333 as from 6 divided by 18)
- Beautiful visions
- Jesus Christ is ‘creative transformation’
- Free University Course: Modern European Mysticism and Psychological Thought
- Download Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics
- how to get rid of negative influence
- Nine Breaths
- Where did majick come from?
- The Wanderling
- Buddhist Tarot Cards
- Difficulties learning LBRP and visualizing the pentagrams in the air
- Visions as soon as I close my eyes FAO Korpo!
- My Five Minute Awakening
- First Pentacle Of The Moon
- About Magick and Dogma
- Problems of modern society.
- The reason good and evil exist...
- Oath Breaker: Priesthood
- The Truth: Open your eyes!
- The reason behind divine religions...
- TOHO announcement (sorry for spamming)
- Partial Exegesis of 1623 Hermetic Arcanum by Jean d'Espagnet
- Some Notes on Paul Foster Case's Hermetic Alchemy
- Spirit attacks
- flasing colors
- Michael Tsarion videos
- Reality Shifts
- When the Universe blows you away
- Dream lesson on healing crystals
- Ley Lines
- 3 pyramids
- Thinking about the Higher Self
- My Element
- A little mythology
- Initiation Into Hermetics
- Defining the High Self
- IIH Step four
- The next Level
- Angels??
- Is Rawn's TMO blasphemy and can a Christian practice Hermetics?
- On mageia and pharmakeia in the NT
- keris magic
- Yet another question--Does Rom 14 agree with or contradict "do what thou wilt"
- Anther thing
- Last request for advice and then I will leave everyone alone
- Creating a rapport with Marbas
- Single eye
- The Sekhmet Hypothesis- aka the Hare Hypothesis
- Potions
- 11:11 phenomenon
- What is 'Source'?
- Ceremonial Evocation Magick as Exorcism
- What does my friend do? Claims to be a mystic!
- a personal thing
- Few fundamental mistakes in Magick
- This is how a Christian can practice magic
- Ancient book on magic depics kundalini
- Time by PleaseJustListen
- Strange Curse Involving Reptiles
- Should I Trust "Masters?"
- how can a mystic function in this world?
- A Fortunate, but Inconvenient Discovery
- Question about Satan.
- Strange Farewell
- Not my mind, not my body, not my emotions
- The formula for progress
- Is time moving faster?
- On Jesus
- Meaning of "Things"
- Still looking for info on the white sphinx
- The Voice
- Question about faith and archangels and guardian angels
- Perception or plane ?
- Guide to Symbols
- Doubling money. - Controlling outside enivourment
- Tarot: The Celtic Cross spread
- About empathy and its use in the occult
- About suicide
- Evocation By Physical Ritual Vs Astral Projection
- Help me get the love of my life back
- Quareia (Online School of Magic)
- Is it possible to sustain yourself with magic?
- AMORC and other organizations
- Kabbalah for the Rest of Us
- using dark energy for good cause
- Is it possible to contact goetic beings in the astral?
- Kurt Leland on Theosophy
- Servitors for the purpose of aiding in out of body experiences...
- Trauma and mysticism
- Pendulum experiment
- Archangels
- Downfall of the psychology paradigm
- About objectivity, reality and dogma in Magick
- About the energy paradigm
- Recent black mirror experience
- Melchchizedeck priesthood
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