View Full Version : Mysticism

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  1. Born with magic or no way... why so many stories tell that to us?
  2. Long hair means higher intuition?
  3. Sphinx - mystery cracks after years of searching!
  4. Powerful Energy Symbols?
  5. Importance of dreams in Magick
  6. Sex and Magick
  7. A few observations
  8. Magick not working?
  9. So a freind of mine is trying to start a forum to do magic business
  10. Over-condensing the Light
  11. Omniscience
  12. Child abuse in IOT?
  13. IIH cheat-sheet
  14. Look on Hindu/Buddisth pantheon from view of christian God.
  15. The Annunaki
  16. Why does it hurt when I dream while awake?
  17. Religion and cosmology
  18. Angel communication: angels that you find easily accessible
  19. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali....
  20. Doors
  21. Recommended book on magick for beginner?
  22. analytical (food for the moon)
  23. Some solutions
  24. Pure magic: It's a fun way to survive.
  25. stigmata
  26. Beyond magic
  27. Magic against negative influences`
  28. Name - a mystic meaning
  29. Cosmic alchemy
  30. Cosmic alchemy and Inner alchemy combined
  31. Classical physics and modern or quantum physics
  32. Colors of mysticism (the tree of the universe)
  33. Wu-wei
  34. Mystic or Monster
  35. What is psychic?
  36. Creating a poltergeist tulpa?
  37. People in Glass Houses
  38. Life purpose and philosphical pressure
  39. Edda and Veda
  40. Kind Word Cost Nothing (The Science of Silence)
  41. Can you help to decipher a vision
  42. Lore