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  1. Manifesting and Self Healing Advert
  2. Triggering Uraeus and Baggage
  3. Knowing Future Danger
  4. NEW for leg amputee
  5. A few questions
  6. The Quantom Plenum.
  7. Affirmations your son used in the Manifestation and Healing Program
  8. Instantanious jumping
  9. Clairvoyance Program
  10. Fraternitas Hermetica
  11. Mobile Body Awareness - troubel shifting awareness
  12. Clairaudient development
  13. Effects of Dark Retreat
  14. D*** coast to coast
  15. Psychic Readings. Higher Self - Spirit Guides?
  16. Affirmations for others impeding free will
  17. Apollo 20 Mission
  18. sign of neg presence?
  19. Burning sensation chakras - psychic vampirism
  20. What physical anatomical structure corresponds to the center channel?
  21. breathing awareness is causing me problems
  22. Cryonics.... People who freeze themselves after Death
  23. Maximising Affirmation Potential.
  24. Is energy shielding actually an effective way to counter negs?
  25. Aura "tagging" by negs
  26. Problem with Heart Center Healing practice
  27. Using Affirmations while listening to Isochronic tones.
  28. What Is the nature of Reality?
  29. Philosopher's Stone Found Recently?
  30. Bleach
  31. Energy work for lucid dream induction.
  32. How to make OBE longer?
  33. I did see you Robert Bruce in my mind´s eye
  34. What would happen if a mathematician masters metaphysical skills?
  35. Going to other planets in the solar system
  36. The effect of strong imagination on the energy body?
  37. Limitless Evolution Scenary
  38. How to stop this??
  39. Deity Questions
  40. What did you recently mean by advanced magick?
  41. Only want to tell...
  42. "dramatic events"
  43. Which way are we going?
  44. After 12 years my OBEs stopped
  45. Why does this happen??
  46. If you imagine a red ball do you literally see it?
  47. Plank Shield vs Egg Shield vs LBRP vs Violet fire in order of effectiveness?
  48. After a global catastrophe ¿what would you do?
  49. need help ,urgent if possible
  50. Stroking of energy in feet with hands
  51. The "angels" of Enoch
  52. People online that charge money to remove neg attachments - real or scam?
  53. Brujo Mayor's prophecies
  54. Cal's Question
  55. Moved Reincarnation, afterlife, and so forth
  56. Web Browsing when LDing/APing
  57. Sathya Sai Baba in the Afterlife?
  58. Enhanced recall development
  59. Birthmarks
  60. Details at Ancient Holy Person Pictures
  61. Adam and Eve's Fall
  62. Etheric matter nature
  63. Are there any dangers to avoid when doing AP
  64. Goetia Demons
  65. OBE and polysomnogram
  66. Magnetic wands with the strength of a MRI machine.....to fight Negs
  67. Healing myself with NEW?
  68. You smoke?
  69. Entities vs personal thought forms, how to tell the difference?
  70. Filtering Criteria
  71. Would you make an Encyclopedia of Nonphysical Entities
  72. Do angels have individual names?
  73. pain at the back of head
  74. Can you help me with entities?
  75. Are Negs really bound to the earth as you say?
  76. URGENT - Is it wise to wear your q link when you have a flutter attached?
  77. Argument Against LBRP
  78. Simultaneouly 3 thing´s happening....
  79. Ways to deal with family curse?
  80. Can I prepare for Astral Noise?
  81. Is Earthing grounding rod acceptable for deep grounding?
  82. Websites Question
  83. Shamanic journeys
  84. Objectification / Validation / Reality fluctuations
  85. Affirmations to accelerate Spiritual Evolution
  86. How do we know "this" is the base level of reality?
  87. Affirmations for weight loss
  88. Teeth problems during astral projection.
  89. Dream alternative timelines
  90. About "Peter's Tale"
  91. Question about the afterlife
  92. 90 Day Guide Question
  93. Does the occult police exists, in your experience?
  94. What is this??
  95. Your preferred meditation technique
  96. Real eye looking at me from the sphere...
  97. About Illuminati Order
  98. Tibetan yogi prestimulating legs, arms, hands etc.
  99. An updated IIH
  100. Does being a skeptic hurt my chances & continuing MAP after a long lay-off.
  101. Astral Projection to solve crimes
  102. About being ready for an OBE
  103. Rid Water of Pollutants
  104. Questions on: Secondary Centres, N.E.W. Training, Trance tips & Higher Self
  105. Heart Chakra "spiral galaxy" in mind's eye / trance ?
  106. 2012 events
  107. A.P Mastery Programme text print-outs?
  108. Affirmations and Feelings
  109. Commentary on the first III Steps of IIH would be extrememely helpful.
  110. Energy Body Transformation
  111. Spiritual Documentary Opportunity for Robert
  112. Strange weakness in left side of body when activating primary chakras
  113. Can't Project due to body pains from Spiritual Attack
  114. Hello Robert, do you have the ability to open my Third Eyes?
  115. Can you recommend Neurofeedback training?
  116. Format of "Kundalini and the Chakras"?
  117. Are humans bred like show dogs?
  118. Can an ET make someone immortal?
  119. Vibrations in Body (Not during projection or meditation)
  120. Third Eye Markings
  121. Question about affirmations for child with autism/adhd
  122. How often do you have high-level projections?
  123. the static rain phenomenon
  124. two questions
  125. Any legitimacy to holding breath (yoga technique)?
  126. running water
  127. pentagram method
  128. full LBRP
  129. Half Snake Beings
  130. Epilepsy and the astral body.
  131. neg countermeasure
  132. astral projection
  133. About Heavens Gate and the afterlife.
  134. Energy in Head
  135. Which colour is the highest form of energy?
  136. Re: Energy Moving
  137. Reality fluctuations in Real Time experiences
  138. Problem with my eyes, that is making me so tired that I've got to lay down much of the time.
  139. hose method for neg countermeasure
  140. heat in the coccyx
  141. What is happening to me?
  142. follow up question for healing storage circut
  143. is it OBE ?
  144. Personal Haunting
  145. series of coincidences mean what?
  146. Sudden energy bursts while meditating or sleeping?
  147. Third OBE I saw at least 80 entities forming a line. What is this?
  148. How real is OOB perceptics.
  149. water hose method
  150. Grimoires
  151. Q Link countermeasure
  152. Tactile imagery
  153. I need help to heal autoimmune disease
  154. Astral Travel and the past
  155. consultation
  156. Is dark retreat the ultimate shortcut?
  157. Going places instantly without knowing how to get there
  158. Taking the physical body into the astral dimension
  159. Is this normal for a first OBE?
  160. Self-Teleportation
  161. a brainless practice?
  162. Which famous deities have you met in the astral?
  163. How much does the energy body regress if you stop energy work?
  164. Shielding around chakras real or metaphorical?
  165. How come angels/masters/deities look human, as opposed to like grey aliens?
  166. Affirmations done when OBE'ing
  167. OBE and sleep paralysis.
  168. Drawing/sponging energy versus utilizing (navel) energystorage?
  169. Constant afterlife anomalies, yet people unaware they are dead?
  170. Would you speak more towards E.T.s?
  171. Deliberate Reincarnation
  172. The Dream mind and the deceased.
  173. State of being
  174. Affirmations and persistence
  175. Falling backwards in the afterlife
  176. A bit of a silly question about psychic development
  177. 5 years of Chronic headache after seeing a Shadow Person - Help
  178. Question about experience of yours
  179. Careers and Spirituality
  180. "Teleport It" & "Materialize It" commands
  181. Funneling sexual energy into subnavel?
  182. YOUR thought on reincarnation
  183. A rare and unnatural problem (In DESPERATE need of help)
  184. Arena OBE
  185. Astral Hitchhiker
  186. Robert, what are we made of? As far as the physical body
  187. ADD and Astral Projection
  188. is masturbaiting bad for astral projection?
  189. An unsettling experience.
  190. If you could go back
  191. Enlightment
  192. Spirutual hinderence
  193. Up coming sign for June 4th
  194. Red Orbs
  195. Etheric Projection related to Kundalini symptoms?
  196. Enquiry
  197. Matter vs. Non-Matter!
  198. Strange and painfull experience while trying to astral project could this be dangerous?
  199. series of questions about elementals energies
  200. Feeding off elements rather than food
  201. Confused and alone.. in need of guidance desperately.
  202. A few questios for you...
  203. Short question on Enlightenment/Initiation
  204. Crystal ball or other scrying medium to help develop clairvoyance?
  205. Incarnation Do we loose EVERYTHING?
  206. Astral Ego
  207. Events happening which are the exact opposite of the way I wanted or expected?
  208. Any easily accessible spirit, who is not a neg?
  209. Magnetic necklace of yours?
  210. Negative ions
  211. crazy
  212. A few questions.
  213. negative manifestations
  214. Franz Bardon's PME beings
  215. projecting to secret govt. bases
  216. What is your next book or project?
  217. papi vs ap mastery
  218. Small painful spots on the energy body, blockages or something more?
  219. Did I Meet Jesus?
  220. Bardon, PME & Astral Dynamics - Confusion & Clarification
  221. Taking Catch Basket Concept further
  222. Hypnagogic vs clairvoyance/remote viewing and methods
  223. Alcohol and clairvoyance
  224. Kundalini light body? Real or not?
  225. Time and Astral/Death
  226. Energy Work & Creative Visualization
  227. Telekinesis & Telepathy
  228. Blue ink smearing
  229. ¿Can be children with Down's Syndrome retrieved from his unability state?
  230. pumping!
  231. The Archangels
  232. Touching someone during real time projection?
  233. Is there some explanation....
  234. Lucid dreaming
  235. Old Hag Syndrome, Possible Hitchhiker and a Terrifying Dream
  236. Burning tongue tip touching roof during energy work
  237. About medicinal plants (in general)
  238. Mental Illness
  239. OBE/AP vs. soul travel
  240. Astral Bob
  241. Stopping astral projectors and remote viewers
  242. pre cognitive dreams
  243. What kind of minimum altered state required for vision stream?
  244. Higher Self and WILD
  245. Third eye night vision
  246. Mind-Split Effect... Is Your Astral Body Really "You"?
  248. Third eye color in mid air while doing MAP
  249. Question for Robert about Spiritual Entity's.
  250. TONS of anger and negativity projected at me on a daily basis, negative entites or negative karma?