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  1. Robert Bruce?s Treatise vs AD / MAP (0 replies)
  2. OBE to the center of our Galaxy (0 replies)
  3. I tried WILD, but projected instead (2 replies)
  4. OBE through channeling (part 2) (2 replies)
  5. Astral projected onto another physical realm! (A call to mission) (11 replies)
  6. An Entity kidnapped me from my dream (12 replies)
  7. A strange OBE - my first voluntary possession of another being (5 replies)
  8. How to ignore spontaneous OBE and just go to sleep like normal? (6 replies)
  9. Did someone tried a more natural approach to AP/OBE? (3 replies)
  10. New Phenomena (1 replies)
  11. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Question (1 replies)
  12. Anyone got any Intel on the Body of Light method to Project? (7 replies)
  13. My experience the other night, with many more to presumably come soon. (4 replies)
  14. question about divination (3 replies)
  15. quick question about theta (1 replies)
  16. Medication & OBE (1 replies)
  17. OBEs and Medication (0 replies)
  18. How can I raise my consciousness vibration? (2 replies)
  19. How to tense muscles for deep physical relaxation? (5 replies)
  20. I think my spirit guide literally helped me (3 replies)
  21. strange meeting with somebody on astral.. (2 replies)
  22. AP experience from this morning, thoughts? (0 replies)
  23. Distance From Body When OOBE (3 replies)
  24. Warp drive when vibrating? (5 replies)
  25. Acheving obe / Ap with obe4u techniques? (4 replies)
  26. Question regarding wandering vs OBE (1 replies)
  27. Emotion Prior to Projection (6 replies)
  28. Darkness during OBE (3 replies)
  29. Magnetic Mattresses - Are they good or bad? (1 replies)
  30. Can skills / abilities be learned from reviewing past lives? (6 replies)
  31. Inducing trance? (3 replies)
  32. Tensing Neck Problem (1 replies)
  33. Meeting Someone on the Astral (3 replies)
  34. North-South orientation? (4 replies)
  35. Single eye? (9 replies)
  36. Was this Remote viewing or astral travel (3 replies)
  37. Need some help. My progress with astral projection. (3 replies)
  38. Meditation to prepare for astral projection work (38 replies)
  39. Projection Question (2 replies)
  40. EA Koetting MST (3 replies)
  41. theta gamma sync (0 replies)
  42. Energy failure please advice (1 replies)
  43. How does learning new things in the Astrals work? (5 replies)
  44. What would happen if someone pulled me out of my body? (3 replies)
  45. does anyone else feel like family gets in the way of trying to astral project? If so what do you do? (9 replies)
  46. I have a question about a specific YouTuber (8 replies)
  47. What was that (1 replies)
  48. Can someone please help me find answers (15 replies)
  49. Need your opinion/help on this (2 replies)
  50. Tips on how to physically relax body on side (5 replies)
  51. Warrior Transformation (Call to Action) (0 replies)
  52. What does astral projection feel like? (16 replies)
  53. Is Astral Projection really real ? (4 replies)
  54. in and out of my body allot during trance... (1 replies)
  55. Made some progress! (5 replies)
  56. Change the past (3 replies)
  57. Existence of other life in our dimension? (2 replies)
  58. I never feel vibrations! (8 replies)
  59. Lucid Dream or Astral Projection? (13 replies)
  60. How I made my first OBE (2 replies)
  61. Finding a Teacher On Your Journey (1 replies)
  62. Back at it again? (2 replies)
  63. How close am I to astral projecting? (2 replies)
  64. Lucid Explorations 5 - Mannengias (10 replies)
  65. Can you shrink yourself in Astral Projection? (7 replies)
  66. Excited to die? (5 replies)
  67. Unmotivated... (2 replies)
  68. Repeated Unintentional OBEs (1 replies)
  69. Did I meet my guides? Please leave feedback after listening to my experience (9 replies)
  70. Evolve and Transcend. (0 replies)
  71. I'm stuck and need help! (1 replies)
  72. Manifesting in the Astral Realm? (3 replies)
  73. Doing something wrong or doing something else? (7 replies)
  74. A helping Hand? (9 replies)
  75. What was I experiencing? (2 replies)
  76. How do you know that your Astral Projection isn't a dream? (10 replies)
  77. Binaural Beats? (4 replies)
  78. I think I had the beginnings of an obe last night (1 replies)
  79. Strange voice while meditating? (7 replies)
  80. astral projection? (1 replies)
  81. Not Really Getting Anywhere, Help? (12 replies)
  82. What determines your surroundings have when you project? (1 replies)
  83. Date of your death (8 replies)
  84. Ever had a spiritually formative experience? [SURVEY] (4 replies)
  85. not sure if OBE? strange experience with physical partner laying by my side. (3 replies)
  86. Benefits of OBE's & Meditation (6 replies)
  87. Thinking about astral projection more likely to project? (3 replies)
  88. First OBE (1 replies)
  89. OBE encounters (7 replies)
  90. Can you get stuck, and other dangers. (2 replies)
  91. Few questions (7 replies)
  92. White Event (4 replies)
  93. Perfecting communication (0 replies)
  94. Astral projection from Astral Dynamics / Robert bruces online works (10 replies)
  95. soul travel (1 replies)
  96. What was that? (2 replies)
  97. obe and mental health (7 replies)
  98. Keep failing to astral project (9 replies)
  99. Maturation of Practice... (4 replies)
  100. Can't you go into the future with Astral Projection/Out of Body Experiences? (9 replies)
  101. Could I be experiencing OOBEs without knowing? (5 replies)
  102. Need hint on meditation! (8 replies)
  103. Dwellers (11 replies)
  104. Help me please, asap (7 replies)
  105. HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting? (4 replies)
  106. What do you look like? And a question on communication. (10 replies)
  107. Sudden energy rush and ear noises! (3 replies)
  108. Experiences from a book called "the phase" by Micheal Raduga (19 replies)
  109. Questions (1 replies)
  110. Questions for trance state and OBE exit (4 replies)
  111. 2 questions (2 replies)
  112. Strong vibrations , but no exit (2 replies)
  113. Strong vibrations , but no exit (3 replies)
  114. No exit sensations (3 replies)
  115. Exit Points. (5 replies)
  116. Link between Schizophrenia & OBE's (18 replies)
  117. The Love and Nurturing Song (4 replies)
  118. need to know seeing ghost doing obe??? (10 replies)
  119. So close! (3 replies)
  120. Issues with entities (5 replies)
  121. i really miss when i can easily leave out of my body (0 replies)
  122. Afterlife visit to a deceased friend (2 replies)
  123. interdimensional voices and higherself (3 replies)
  124. Had an OBE last night (2 replies)
  125. Problems with projection exit and level of trance (11 replies)
  126. Help please.. trapped in the trance state. (1 replies)
  127. How can you tell living astral beings from your own creations? (9 replies)
  128. vibrations during day to day activity? (3 replies)
  129. Vibration/Threshold (1 replies)
  130. Entities Interactions (2 replies)
  131. Astral dangers - Astral stalkers, negative entities etc. (5 replies)
  132. Advice on deep physical relaxation (4 replies)
  133. Past lives and numbers symbolism (0 replies)
  134. Visit to the Akashic records? Thunderbird encounter (3 replies)
  135. Did I Almost Have An OBE? (8 replies)
  136. eagle symbolism (4 replies)
  137. Projection during surgery (7 replies)
  138. Light Body Projection (rear projection) (29 replies)
  139. Weird debate to open a restaurant (0 replies)
  140. MAP CD Companion (2 replies)
  141. Moved: Frustrated OBE guy (7 replies)
  142. Lucid Dream or AP/OBE? (6 replies)
  143. Radio message while AP (16 replies)
  144. Contact Kurt Leland (8 replies)
  145. Waking up with vibrations *Help* (8 replies)
  146. Lucid dream turns into massive attack (3 replies)
  147. Need an interpretation of this kind of experience (5 replies)
  148. How to last longer in OBE (5 replies)
  149. Audio guided practice for energy work / OBE? (2 replies)
  150. Card experiment (0 replies)
  151. Advice wanted for a friend (2 replies)
  152. Astral projection attempt (1 replies)
  153. What do you usually do when you go out of body? (2 replies)
  154. Center of the earth (2 replies)
  155. Liam's Astral Journal (4 replies)
  156. OBE's and false awakenings (7 replies)
  157. My first conscious OOBE (1 replies)
  158. Is this a spirit thing? (9 replies)
  159. media enquiry (6 replies)
  160. Are some people more prone to OBEs? And what did I see? (1 replies)
  161. OBE and physical manipulation (6 replies)
  162. Hi everyone!! New projector (4 replies)
  163. Angle of Perception (5 replies)
  164. mildly bazaar (1 replies)
  165. Coincidences, or consciously/unconsciously hampering progress? (3 replies)
  166. Astral Time Travel Video (0 replies)
  167. Question: does your OBE look the same as mine at first? (4 replies)
  168. Stuck in an Astral vortex?!?... (15 replies)
  169. Any Astral Projection Circles? (1 replies)
  170. What hemi-sync is recommendable? (4 replies)
  171. have only 30seconds too 60 seconds to astral project (14 replies)
  172. German Translation "Deep Physical Relaxation" (2 replies)
  173. Need some advice and help about my OBE's/AP's, and lack there of... :( (25 replies)
  174. What type of experience was this? (4 replies)
  175. No perspective shift (0 replies)
  176. Running Commentary During Projection (3 replies)
  177. Something sat on me and touched me? OBE? (9 replies)
  178. OBE while asleep? (1 replies)
  179. OBE in non-lucid dream (3 replies)
  180. First OBE experience (s) ? Part 2 (8 replies)
  181. First OBE experience (s?) Part 1 (2 replies)
  182. Vortex (6 replies)
  183. 8 year old daughter is astral projecting (11 replies)
  184. Ready for a battle ! (7 replies)
  185. Visiting: how to? (Person or dog; Dead or alive) (16 replies)
  186. Astral Sight (5 replies)
  187. What's something you have learned about life from OBE? (4 replies)
  188. Have you had an Out-of-Body Experience? - University research participation until this Sunday 9th November (0 replies)
  189. Something Pulled My Astral Body Out (7 replies)
  190. I need some clarity on an OBE that I had (2 replies)
  191. Help requested, please read! (1 replies)
  192. How do YOU get to the "Astral Proper"? (4 replies)
  193. Have I exited or do I have more work to do? (8 replies)
  194. Question on the rope technique (4 replies)
  195. Is information we get during OBEs reliable? (scary experience) (5 replies)
  196. Heavy pressure during RTZ (2 replies)
  197. Wake asleep (0 replies)
  198. Preparation for an OBE. (3 replies)
  199. Do strong energetic connections (with someone in the physical) hinder astral projection? (4 replies)
  200. Frightening OBE (13 replies)
  201. Astral, lucid or a regular old dream? Astral Questions. (13 replies)
  202. Trouble Getting Into Space (1 replies)
  203. why cant i visit my friend? (1 replies)
  204. How to get to higher astral planes (6 replies)
  205. Playground reality sphere - Kind of experimenting (1 replies)
  206. Cloud 9 and Beyond (4 replies)
  207. How can I relinquish disbelief in Astral Projection, as well as fear? (8 replies)
  208. Warped vision and difficulty separating (3 replies)
  209. Exiting Immediately (4 replies)
  210. The Ankle Pulling Thing (11 replies)
  211. First OBE and difficulty separating (3 replies)
  212. Hello everyone! I have a little problem... (3 replies)
  213. anyone purchased Astral projection mastery course or manifestation and healing course (2 replies)
  214. A start? (3 replies)
  215. Expectations (4 replies)
  216. Had a short, but powerful OBE this weekend (2 replies)
  217. meditation, OBE's and being ill (2 replies)
  218. influence on the physical plane (6 replies)
  219. Your own Proof thats OBEs a real ? (14 replies)
  220. mind split effect astral projection change body (6 replies)
  221. Does this sound like I successfully lifted my astral leg while attempting an OBE? (4 replies)
  222. Gatekeepers (4 replies)
  223. Am I having an OBE? (3 replies)
  224. Have you had an ‘Out-of-Body Experience’? Request for research participation (4 replies)
  225. some help needed (3 replies)
  226. Problem projecting (4 replies)
  227. shifting feeling (1 replies)
  228. This may sound goofy... (4 replies)
  229. Exit techs and massive energy surges. (2 replies)
  230. A few questions about OBE, meditation, and the rope technique (2 replies)
  231. Zooms OBE's and traveling fun (1 replies)
  232. Still trying (2 replies)
  233. Cemetery (6 replies)
  234. My personal experience (1 replies)
  235. Variations in frequency? (5 replies)
  236. Gold Map (2 replies)
  237. Golden Lantern (1 replies)
  238. How to increase lucidity during an OBE (1 replies)
  239. OBE and medication (2 replies)
  240. Seen a odd entity (1 replies)
  241. 5 Months Experimenting (7 replies)
  242. What is this? (1 replies)
  243. First Projection - I think? (1 replies)
  244. Popped out last night! (3 replies)
  245. hello thought i'd share a weird experience i had last night (3 replies)
  246. Help (6 replies)
  247. Help getting to a real-time projection state (4 replies)
  248. Change Physical Body from astral plane (0 replies)
  249. Flying Uncontrollably (4 replies)
  250. Possible Tests. (2 replies)