View Full Version : OBE Forum
- Robert Bruce?s Treatise vs AD / MAP (0 replies)
- OBE to the center of our Galaxy (0 replies)
- I tried WILD, but projected instead (2 replies)
- OBE through channeling (part 2) (2 replies)
- Astral projected onto another physical realm! (A call to mission) (11 replies)
- An Entity kidnapped me from my dream (12 replies)
- A strange OBE - my first voluntary possession of another being (5 replies)
- How to ignore spontaneous OBE and just go to sleep like normal? (6 replies)
- Did someone tried a more natural approach to AP/OBE? (3 replies)
- New Phenomena (1 replies)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation Question (1 replies)
- Anyone got any Intel on the Body of Light method to Project? (7 replies)
- My experience the other night, with many more to presumably come soon. (4 replies)
- question about divination (3 replies)
- quick question about theta (1 replies)
- Medication & OBE (1 replies)
- OBEs and Medication (0 replies)
- How can I raise my consciousness vibration? (2 replies)
- How to tense muscles for deep physical relaxation? (5 replies)
- I think my spirit guide literally helped me (3 replies)
- strange meeting with somebody on astral.. (2 replies)
- AP experience from this morning, thoughts? (0 replies)
- Distance From Body When OOBE (3 replies)
- Warp drive when vibrating? (5 replies)
- Acheving obe / Ap with obe4u techniques? (4 replies)
- Question regarding wandering vs OBE (1 replies)
- Emotion Prior to Projection (6 replies)
- Darkness during OBE (3 replies)
- Magnetic Mattresses - Are they good or bad? (1 replies)
- Can skills / abilities be learned from reviewing past lives? (6 replies)
- Inducing trance? (3 replies)
- Tensing Neck Problem (1 replies)
- Meeting Someone on the Astral (3 replies)
- North-South orientation? (4 replies)
- Single eye? (9 replies)
- Was this Remote viewing or astral travel (3 replies)
- Need some help. My progress with astral projection. (3 replies)
- Meditation to prepare for astral projection work (38 replies)
- Projection Question (2 replies)
- EA Koetting MST (3 replies)
- theta gamma sync (0 replies)
- Energy failure please advice (1 replies)
- How does learning new things in the Astrals work? (5 replies)
- What would happen if someone pulled me out of my body? (3 replies)
- does anyone else feel like family gets in the way of trying to astral project? If so what do you do? (9 replies)
- I have a question about a specific YouTuber (8 replies)
- What was that (1 replies)
- Can someone please help me find answers (15 replies)
- Need your opinion/help on this (2 replies)
- Tips on how to physically relax body on side (5 replies)
- Warrior Transformation (Call to Action) (0 replies)
- What does astral projection feel like? (16 replies)
- Is Astral Projection really real ? (4 replies)
- in and out of my body allot during trance... (1 replies)
- Made some progress! (5 replies)
- Change the past (3 replies)
- Existence of other life in our dimension? (2 replies)
- I never feel vibrations! (8 replies)
- Lucid Dream or Astral Projection? (13 replies)
- How I made my first OBE (2 replies)
- Finding a Teacher On Your Journey (1 replies)
- Back at it again? (2 replies)
- How close am I to astral projecting? (2 replies)
- Lucid Explorations 5 - Mannengias (10 replies)
- Can you shrink yourself in Astral Projection? (7 replies)
- Excited to die? (5 replies)
- Unmotivated... (2 replies)
- Repeated Unintentional OBEs (1 replies)
- Did I meet my guides? Please leave feedback after listening to my experience (9 replies)
- Evolve and Transcend. (0 replies)
- I'm stuck and need help! (1 replies)
- Manifesting in the Astral Realm? (3 replies)
- Doing something wrong or doing something else? (7 replies)
- A helping Hand? (9 replies)
- What was I experiencing? (2 replies)
- How do you know that your Astral Projection isn't a dream? (10 replies)
- Binaural Beats? (4 replies)
- I think I had the beginnings of an obe last night (1 replies)
- Strange voice while meditating? (7 replies)
- astral projection? (1 replies)
- Not Really Getting Anywhere, Help? (12 replies)
- What determines your surroundings have when you project? (1 replies)
- Date of your death (8 replies)
- Ever had a spiritually formative experience? [SURVEY] (4 replies)
- not sure if OBE? strange experience with physical partner laying by my side. (3 replies)
- Benefits of OBE's & Meditation (6 replies)
- Thinking about astral projection more likely to project? (3 replies)
- First OBE (1 replies)
- OBE encounters (7 replies)
- Can you get stuck, and other dangers. (2 replies)
- Few questions (7 replies)
- White Event (4 replies)
- Perfecting communication (0 replies)
- Astral projection from Astral Dynamics / Robert bruces online works (10 replies)
- soul travel (1 replies)
- What was that? (2 replies)
- obe and mental health (7 replies)
- Keep failing to astral project (9 replies)
- Maturation of Practice... (4 replies)
- Can't you go into the future with Astral Projection/Out of Body Experiences? (9 replies)
- Could I be experiencing OOBEs without knowing? (5 replies)
- Need hint on meditation! (8 replies)
- Dwellers (11 replies)
- Help me please, asap (7 replies)
- HELP - Ive Been looking for an answer for a long time - am i astral projecting? (4 replies)
- What do you look like? And a question on communication. (10 replies)
- Sudden energy rush and ear noises! (3 replies)
- Experiences from a book called "the phase" by Micheal Raduga (19 replies)
- Questions (1 replies)
- Questions for trance state and OBE exit (4 replies)
- 2 questions (2 replies)
- Strong vibrations , but no exit (2 replies)
- Strong vibrations , but no exit (3 replies)
- No exit sensations (3 replies)
- Exit Points. (5 replies)
- Link between Schizophrenia & OBE's (18 replies)
- The Love and Nurturing Song (4 replies)
- need to know seeing ghost doing obe??? (10 replies)
- So close! (3 replies)
- Issues with entities (5 replies)
- i really miss when i can easily leave out of my body (0 replies)
- Afterlife visit to a deceased friend (2 replies)
- interdimensional voices and higherself (3 replies)
- Had an OBE last night (2 replies)
- Problems with projection exit and level of trance (11 replies)
- Help please.. trapped in the trance state. (1 replies)
- How can you tell living astral beings from your own creations? (9 replies)
- vibrations during day to day activity? (3 replies)
- Vibration/Threshold (1 replies)
- Entities Interactions (2 replies)
- Astral dangers - Astral stalkers, negative entities etc. (5 replies)
- Advice on deep physical relaxation (4 replies)
- Past lives and numbers symbolism (0 replies)
- Visit to the Akashic records? Thunderbird encounter (3 replies)
- Did I Almost Have An OBE? (8 replies)
- eagle symbolism (4 replies)
- Projection during surgery (7 replies)
- Light Body Projection (rear projection) (29 replies)
- Weird debate to open a restaurant (0 replies)
- MAP CD Companion (2 replies)
- Moved: Frustrated OBE guy (7 replies)
- Lucid Dream or AP/OBE? (6 replies)
- Radio message while AP (16 replies)
- Contact Kurt Leland (8 replies)
- Waking up with vibrations *Help* (8 replies)
- Lucid dream turns into massive attack (3 replies)
- Need an interpretation of this kind of experience (5 replies)
- How to last longer in OBE (5 replies)
- Audio guided practice for energy work / OBE? (2 replies)
- Card experiment (0 replies)
- Advice wanted for a friend (2 replies)
- Astral projection attempt (1 replies)
- What do you usually do when you go out of body? (2 replies)
- Center of the earth (2 replies)
- Liam's Astral Journal (4 replies)
- OBE's and false awakenings (7 replies)
- My first conscious OOBE (1 replies)
- Is this a spirit thing? (9 replies)
- media enquiry (6 replies)
- Are some people more prone to OBEs? And what did I see? (1 replies)
- OBE and physical manipulation (6 replies)
- Hi everyone!! New projector (4 replies)
- Angle of Perception (5 replies)
- mildly bazaar (1 replies)
- Coincidences, or consciously/unconsciously hampering progress? (3 replies)
- Astral Time Travel Video (0 replies)
- Question: does your OBE look the same as mine at first? (4 replies)
- Stuck in an Astral vortex?!?... (15 replies)
- Any Astral Projection Circles? (1 replies)
- What hemi-sync is recommendable? (4 replies)
- have only 30seconds too 60 seconds to astral project (14 replies)
- German Translation "Deep Physical Relaxation" (2 replies)
- Need some advice and help about my OBE's/AP's, and lack there of... :( (25 replies)
- What type of experience was this? (4 replies)
- No perspective shift (0 replies)
- Running Commentary During Projection (3 replies)
- Something sat on me and touched me? OBE? (9 replies)
- OBE while asleep? (1 replies)
- OBE in non-lucid dream (3 replies)
- First OBE experience (s) ? Part 2 (8 replies)
- First OBE experience (s?) Part 1 (2 replies)
- Vortex (6 replies)
- 8 year old daughter is astral projecting (11 replies)
- Ready for a battle ! (7 replies)
- Visiting: how to? (Person or dog; Dead or alive) (16 replies)
- Astral Sight (5 replies)
- What's something you have learned about life from OBE? (4 replies)
- Have you had an Out-of-Body Experience? - University research participation until this Sunday 9th November (0 replies)
- Something Pulled My Astral Body Out (7 replies)
- I need some clarity on an OBE that I had (2 replies)
- Help requested, please read! (1 replies)
- How do YOU get to the "Astral Proper"? (4 replies)
- Have I exited or do I have more work to do? (8 replies)
- Question on the rope technique (4 replies)
- Is information we get during OBEs reliable? (scary experience) (5 replies)
- Heavy pressure during RTZ (2 replies)
- Wake asleep (0 replies)
- Preparation for an OBE. (3 replies)
- Do strong energetic connections (with someone in the physical) hinder astral projection? (4 replies)
- Frightening OBE (13 replies)
- Astral, lucid or a regular old dream? Astral Questions. (13 replies)
- Trouble Getting Into Space (1 replies)
- why cant i visit my friend? (1 replies)
- How to get to higher astral planes (6 replies)
- Playground reality sphere - Kind of experimenting (1 replies)
- Cloud 9 and Beyond (4 replies)
- How can I relinquish disbelief in Astral Projection, as well as fear? (8 replies)
- Warped vision and difficulty separating (3 replies)
- Exiting Immediately (4 replies)
- The Ankle Pulling Thing (11 replies)
- First OBE and difficulty separating (3 replies)
- Hello everyone! I have a little problem... (3 replies)
- anyone purchased Astral projection mastery course or manifestation and healing course (2 replies)
- A start? (3 replies)
- Expectations (4 replies)
- Had a short, but powerful OBE this weekend (2 replies)
- meditation, OBE's and being ill (2 replies)
- influence on the physical plane (6 replies)
- Your own Proof thats OBEs a real ? (14 replies)
- mind split effect astral projection change body (6 replies)
- Does this sound like I successfully lifted my astral leg while attempting an OBE? (4 replies)
- Gatekeepers (4 replies)
- Am I having an OBE? (3 replies)
- Have you had an ‘Out-of-Body Experience’? Request for research participation (4 replies)
- some help needed (3 replies)
- Problem projecting (4 replies)
- shifting feeling (1 replies)
- This may sound goofy... (4 replies)
- Exit techs and massive energy surges. (2 replies)
- A few questions about OBE, meditation, and the rope technique (2 replies)
- Zooms OBE's and traveling fun (1 replies)
- Still trying (2 replies)
- Cemetery (6 replies)
- My personal experience (1 replies)
- Variations in frequency? (5 replies)
- Gold Map (2 replies)
- Golden Lantern (1 replies)
- How to increase lucidity during an OBE (1 replies)
- OBE and medication (2 replies)
- Seen a odd entity (1 replies)
- 5 Months Experimenting (7 replies)
- What is this? (1 replies)
- First Projection - I think? (1 replies)
- Popped out last night! (3 replies)
- hello thought i'd share a weird experience i had last night (3 replies)
- Help (6 replies)
- Help getting to a real-time projection state (4 replies)
- Change Physical Body from astral plane (0 replies)
- Flying Uncontrollably (4 replies)
- Possible Tests. (2 replies)
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