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  1. Benefits of OBE's & Meditation
  2. not sure if OBE? strange experience with physical partner laying by my side.
  3. Ever had a spiritually formative experience? [SURVEY]
  4. Date of your death
  5. What determines your surroundings have when you project?
  6. Not Really Getting Anywhere, Help?
  7. astral projection?
  8. Strange voice while meditating?
  9. I think I had the beginnings of an obe last night
  10. Binaural Beats?
  11. How do you know that your Astral Projection isn't a dream?
  12. What was I experiencing?
  13. A helping Hand?
  14. Doing something wrong or doing something else?
  15. Manifesting in the Astral Realm?
  16. I'm stuck and need help!
  17. Evolve and Transcend.
  18. Did I meet my guides? Please leave feedback after listening to my experience
  19. Repeated Unintentional OBEs
  20. Unmotivated...
  21. Excited to die?
  22. Can you shrink yourself in Astral Projection?
  23. Lucid Explorations 5 - Mannengias
  24. How close am I to astral projecting?
  25. Back at it again?
  26. Finding a Teacher On Your Journey
  27. How I made my first OBE
  28. Lucid Dream or Astral Projection?
  29. I never feel vibrations!
  30. Existence of other life in our dimension?
  31. Change the past
  32. Made some progress!
  33. in and out of my body allot during trance...
  34. Is Astral Projection really real ?
  35. What does astral projection feel like?
  36. Warrior Transformation (Call to Action)
  37. Tips on how to physically relax body on side
  38. Need your opinion/help on this
  39. Can someone please help me find answers
  40. What was that
  41. I have a question about a specific YouTuber
  42. does anyone else feel like family gets in the way of trying to astral project? If so what do you do?
  43. What would happen if someone pulled me out of my body?
  44. How does learning new things in the Astrals work?
  45. Energy failure please advice
  46. theta gamma sync
  47. EA Koetting MST
  48. Projection Question
  49. Meditation to prepare for astral projection work
  50. Need some help. My progress with astral projection.
  51. Was this Remote viewing or astral travel
  52. Single eye?
  53. North-South orientation?
  54. Meeting Someone on the Astral
  55. Tensing Neck Problem
  56. Inducing trance?
  57. Can skills / abilities be learned from reviewing past lives?
  58. Magnetic Mattresses - Are they good or bad?
  59. Darkness during OBE
  60. Emotion Prior to Projection
  61. Question regarding wandering vs OBE
  62. Acheving obe / Ap with obe4u techniques?
  63. Warp drive when vibrating?
  64. Distance From Body When OOBE
  65. AP experience from this morning, thoughts?
  66. strange meeting with somebody on astral..
  67. I think my spirit guide literally helped me
  68. How to tense muscles for deep physical relaxation?
  69. How can I raise my consciousness vibration?
  70. OBEs and Medication
  71. Medication & OBE
  72. quick question about theta
  73. question about divination
  74. My experience the other night, with many more to presumably come soon.
  75. Anyone got any Intel on the Body of Light method to Project?
  76. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Question
  77. New Phenomena
  78. Did someone tried a more natural approach to AP/OBE?
  79. How to ignore spontaneous OBE and just go to sleep like normal?
  80. A strange OBE - my first voluntary possession of another being
  81. An Entity kidnapped me from my dream
  82. Astral projected onto another physical realm! (A call to mission)
  83. OBE through channeling (part 2)
  84. I tried WILD, but projected instead
  85. OBE to the center of our Galaxy
  86. Robert Bruce?s Treatise vs AD / MAP