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  1. #1


    -the ability to see
    -getting things done
    -laying in the sunshine for a little bit today
    -going for a bike ride and going 1 block further today
    -soda pop
    -going to yoga class tonight
    -getting more things cleaned up and organized
    -positive mental affirmations
    -my beautiful new hair color
    -seeing neighbors cat climb tree today
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -evolving and growing as a person
    -having a great eye for talent/taste
    -feeling slimmer today
    -my tropical print yoga pants
    -my gold colored toe nails
    -my leopard print flip flops
    -my dolce&gabbana exaggerated cat-eye sunglasses
    -doing some reading today
    -a good life coaching session last night
    -dimmer lights
    -healthy digestion
    -my hypnosis swirl barettes
    -fascination with life
    -cuddle time with T kitten and L kitten
    -lip balm
    -my christian dior eye cream
    -when my p.r send me stuff
    -ice cubes
    -my intelligence
    -yoga mats
    -inspiring or interesting quotes that make you think
    Last edited by buttercup; 9th August 2017 at 07:13 AM.

  2. #2


    -feeling calmed down after an anxiety attack and attempt to almost committ suicide again last night
    -a thoughtful letter posted underneath my door when i woke up
    -doing some reading today
    -realizing i don't work saturday which is nice
    -ice cold water
    -seeing L kitten wrestle with E cat and trying to play with W cat earlier. I even picked up W cat and L kitten at the same time. She's been fitting in just like family with the colony. I really wish i knew her background. She just arrived in my backyard one day like she belonged. W and E are from mom cat's first litter and are best buddies
    -going for a bike ride and going one block further then last time
    -my check funds being available today
    -buying more candy from my favorite candy boutique
    -having all my upcoming trip money saved up now
    -laying out in the sun again for about 20 minutes shortly after i woke up
    -my kind heart
    -my dolce&gabbana sunglasses
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -getting more things cleaned and organized
    -getting more cat stuff cleaned
    -a nice nourishing journaling session
    -nourishing food
    -how great my hair color looks
    -my intelligence
    -starting to feel a little more acceptance of my physical self
    -hair clips
    -dental floss
    -my christian dior eye cream
    -doing a 25 minute rebounding session
    -my eyeglasses
    -forward movement
    -inspiring videos
    -my phone
    -having strong nails
    -having nice lips
    Last edited by buttercup; 10th August 2017 at 06:50 AM.

  3. #3


    -warm sunshine
    -wearing my buddha rose quartz mala bracelet i bought years ago and have been wanting to wear for awhile
    -having money
    -my dolce&gabbana sunglasses
    -my sense of style
    -having an epiphany today about consistency. realizing for so long i wanted so called "consistency" which really could just be attachment,and the key to what my heart is really looking for,the treasure is detachment,letting go,surrender,presence,gratitude,connection,and placing myself on a pedestal. I had consistency with a job for a year and liked a guy so much but couldn't talk,i'd get so tongue tied even though he flirted with me a few times and he ended up in a serious relationship with my boss. Meanwhile,you could meet someone once and years later,they could be the one you end up marrying. The key is spontaneity and openness and a mantra along the lines of "let's see what the day brings." I thought the more i was around him,the more maybe something would happen until i realized,if it hasn't happened by now,it's time to move on. It even played a small part in me quitting and realizing i outgrew that job. Meanwhile,i've had people i've met maybe once that would remember me years later,and say they felt a connection with me or i felt it to them,and end up having the most amazing conversations. It's all going along with the stop trying to mental plan things in your head but just let go. I need to learn to embrace the moments instead of feeling like i'm trying to chase them all in the ether and hold onto them all. They're not going anywhere. That's illusory.
    -my favorite hair barettes
    -my candy being free that i bought at starbucks today
    -ice cold water
    -doing some reading outside
    -uber ride pass
    -little positive things
    -seeing one of my boss's today and her being kind of nice actually
    -working with someone i worked with years ago. at first,he seemed almost as if to ignore me,then later on,by the time the boss left (who's his long term gf) it seemed as if he was vibing towards me a little bit. i had found him really hot before and still do. he's just very physically attractive,smart,unique,and kind. some people just make you feel things. it's weird. I tried to shut it off so i wouldn't start going in boy crazy mode though and stayed friendly and professional. I'm trying to work on putting myself on a pedestal.
    -my curves
    -my favorite perfume these days escentric molecules 02
    -having a little fun and connection these days,at least every now and then,it's nice
    -TV episodes online
    -growing as a person
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -my hair color
    -friendly people who remember me,say hi,etc,etc
    -my miu miu clutch
    Last edited by buttercup; 11th August 2017 at 03:06 AM.

  4. #4


    -taking things in stride despite it being kinda a negative day. ended up flaking on someone because they showed up at my house even though i never confirmed and wasnt available,saw hair on food i ordered,plans i had that i was looking forward to tomorrow cancelled,someone stepped on my foot hard enough for me to screech ouch,etc
    -getting a lot done today
    -getting grocery shopping done
    -getting most of my stores done i had to to today
    -the internet
    -soda pop
    -vegan food
    -being in touch with what i really want
    -my cactus and the little flower it sprouted the other day
    -beautiful surprises
    -cuddle time with l kitten this morning
    -ice cold water
    -ice cubes
    -self compassion
    -doing some reading
    -immersing in gratitude
    -writing out some affirmations the other day for 20 minutes
    -listening to my most recent hypnosis audio this morning
    -things to dream about/my desires
    -my outdoor cats
    -having nice lips
    -feeling a little more acceptance for self
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -M's instructor in the cat with us,and i guess he was in a "weird" mood according to M and seeing that he seemed like someone i could actually kind of vibe with.
    -organization and decluttering
    -having money
    -seeing a sale on candy at whole foods i wanted and feeling like it was "for" me
    -being able to see
    -my phone
    -growing as a person
    -liquor samples
    -how soft my skin feels from the new moisturizer i've been using
    -deciding to start taking more vitamins
    -caringness from others
    -social media
    Last edited by buttercup; 13th August 2017 at 04:46 AM.

  5. #5


    -cuddling with my cats
    -being half way done with my recaps
    -flirtasious/intriguing words sent
    -vegan food
    -friendly people
    -going makeup free
    -listening to my hypnosis audio twice today
    -meeting my goals
    -uber ride pass
    -things to work with
    -my intelligence
    -having nice hair
    -starting to feel better about myself
    -my beauty
    -going for my bike ride today
    -coca cola
    -ice cold water
    -my dolce&gabbana sunglasses
    -yoga pants
    -dental floss
    -thinking about what i want
    -positive mental affirmations
    -doing some reading
    -my favorite perfume
    -organization and decluttering
    -writing out affirmations last night for 20 minutes
    -essential oils
    -homeopathic pet medicine
    Last edited by buttercup; 17th August 2017 at 06:41 AM.

  6. #6


    -feeling a little calmer,and more secure about summer being almost over
    -cuddle time with cats
    -nice chat with an acquaintance
    -meeting my bike ride goal today and how nice it feels working on that
    -feeling attractive
    -laying in the sun for 20 minutes today
    -self compassion and forgiveness
    -hot guys
    -getting my candy in the mail today
    -improved digestion
    -going to pilates class today
    -yoga pants
    -running into people from my past and how good that feels
    -my gucci slides
    -my determination
    -my beauty
    -having my upcoming trip all figured out,and jobs scheduled
    -listening to my hypnosis audios today
    -doing some reading
    -my intelligence
    -feeling like i have some direction for the next few weeks
    -my jobs this week
    -dimmer lights
    -my body being nice and tight and curvy
    -warm relaxing showers
    Last edited by buttercup; 17th August 2017 at 06:40 AM.

  7. #7


    -all my trip stuff pretty much complete
    -picking up my xanax today
    -happy things
    -staying strong
    -the sun coming out
    -watching less TV
    -soda pop
    -getting pizza and fries for dinner
    -my phone
    -my improved confidence and how much i've grown
    -getting things done today
    -cat cuddles
    -bug spray
    -going for the bike ride and going another block further
    -being complimented more and more lately
    -friendly people
    -warm showers
    -getting a check today
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -new experiences
    -the wind
    -self compassion
    -acquaintances to talk to
    -learning and evolving
    -dental floss
    -the internet
    -dimmer lights
    Last edited by buttercup; 18th August 2017 at 06:57 AM.

  8. #8


    had to ask if i could leave work because i had an allergy attack that wouldn't go away evenwhen boss gave me benadryl. even strangers were offering me tissues.
    -feeling better now
    -going with the flow
    -falling into a deep sleep when i got home and bringing L kitten in bed with me. Woke up and forgot she was even in there.
    -going to whole foods with M
    -buying a new mattress
    -kindness of others
    -buying more of my skincream i use that i've been out of for months
    -having nice curves
    -S texting me today,right after he popped in my head and i decided it's time to let go/and detach from him thinking it wouldn't work out. this always happens with him. i took this as a sign maybe universe telling me it could work out.i randomly blurted out in the beginning of our conversation for him to move to my city.i questioned if i should then remembered i am impulsive and am just saying what's on my mind and it felt right to say and our conversation carried on like normal.
    -S yesterday texting me,one of them was so perfect and ambiguous he texted me in mid conversation that it's storming here,and to come outside with him.
    -working with cool people
    -feeling attractive
    -being easy on myself and compassionate
    -getting back the original digital of art vandalized by ex best friend from the artist himself.i randomly had an idea of possibly doing something artistic with it.i don't know what. and i do want to leave the past in the past,but i feel empowered in knowing i was the one who secured that job for us,and that i have the original digital now.
    -my cats
    -feeling all set for upcoming trip
    -doing more organizing
    -my creativity
    -writer i worked with wanting to take me and a few other girls out for dinner
    -hot guys
    -having some ashwagandha tonight
    -dimmer lights
    -great ideas
    Last edited by buttercup; 20th August 2017 at 06:38 AM.

  9. #9


    -having the day off and client being understanding of me not working and keeping me booked on other dates she has me for
    -watermelon slices candy
    -going to visit my mom today and seeing her cats
    -deciding to rent myself a movie to watch
    -deciding to go ahead and just buy myself a new mattress since i've been wanting to for awhile
    -my outdoor cats
    -that my naps are not lasting as long
    -M taking me to the pool with her
    -noticing that when i accept/surrender to something i don't like,it disappears. again,today she was going to go out with ex best friend which made me think he might come to the house but i mentally calmed myself down and said who cares/it doesn't matter and sure enough he cancelled on her.
    -M saying she will give me some extra money for my upcoming trip
    -having money
    -feeling ready for my upcoming trip
    -iced almond milk hazelnut lattes
    -my beauty
    -feeling at peace today
    -buying my mom a coffee and putting some gas in her car
    -dental floss
    -getting a black bean burger with cheese and sweet potato fries for dinner
    -my gucci slides
    -my dolce&gabbana sunglasses
    -giving my mom the cake dish that i have no use for
    -being a positive person
    -being playful
    -cuddling with cats
    -listening to my hypnosis audios this morning
    -my style
    -my accomplishments
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -drinking less soda today
    -being awake
    -my goals
    -improved digestion
    -gossiping/chatting with a work colleague in text today
    -growing as a person
    Last edited by buttercup; 21st August 2017 at 06:20 AM.

  10. #10


    -taking it easy
    -not letting criticisms get to me
    -my phone
    -iced almond milk hazelnut lattes
    -watching a movie last night
    -cuddling with cats
    -being smart
    -being able to think thoughts
    -feeling more caught up with time
    -doing some journaling today
    -doing my bike ride goal
    -the internet
    -warm showers
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -the money transfer from my other bank going through
    -going makeup free today
    -doing a half hour of rebounding today
    -clothes fitting looser today
    -feeling better in my skin
    -having healthy teeth
    -sending out emails for some jobs
    -avocado oil
    -getting an appointment made for something i've wanted to get done
    -doing some cleaning and organizing
    -my eyesight
    -my beauty products
    -hair ties
    -having nice lips
    -my beauty
    -manifestation of desires
    -the wind
    -the feeling of aliveness
    -writing out some affirmations before bed last night

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